4 - Gender, Globalisation and Marginalisation in Africa
Africa Development,
Vol. 28 No. 3-4 (2003): Africa Development
Globalisation is discussed as an all-encompassing historical process of change that has been with humanity for generations. Yet, it is a system of domination and disempowerment which impacts social groups differently and some detri mentally. Globalisation is altering gender relations in societies as well as dis tancing people from the very cultural resources within their societies. In the latter sense, globalisation deepens dependency in all its facets. The paper's main objective is to demonstrate how globalisation is producing marginalisation be tween gender groups. In its recent ramification, globalisation is portrayed as liberalisation of the economy (structural adjustment programmes) and of poli tics (démocratisation). But men and women differ in their responses to globalisation and in the strategies that are being employed to smuggle gender specific agendas into the state arena. As its methodology, the paper employs content analysis, observation, and personal interview to enrich the analysis. The paper, in its conçlusion, cautions against an undiscriminatory consumption of the products (whether material or immaterial) of globalisation. It also describes the forms of resistance women have deployed in the face of globalisation.
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Aina, Tade, A., 1996, 'Globolization and Social Policy in Africa', CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 4.
Alavarez, S., 1990, Engendering Democracy in Brazil: Women s Movements in Transition Politics, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Amponsah, N., 2000, 'Ghana's mixed Structural Adjustment Results: Explaining the Poor Private Sector Response', Africa Today Vol. 47, No.2.
Brand, V., et al, I 995, 'Structural Adjustment, Women and Informal Sector Trade in Harare', in P. Gibbon, ed., Structural Adjustment and the Working Poor in Zimbabwe, Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.
Bratton, M., and Van de Walle, Nicholas, 1997, Democratic Experiments in African Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge, Cam bridge University Press.
Drucker, P.F., 1993, Post-Capitalist Society, New York, Harper Collins Publishers.
Eze, N., I992, 'Leadership and Development in Africa: A Socio-Psychological Analysis', in M. Labour ed., Perspectives in Development: Voices from the South, Joensuu, Joensuu University Press.
Faluyi, K., 2000, Alhaja Sidikatu Alagbo: Biography of an uncrowned lyaloja, Lagos, Rebonik Publications Ltd.
Faruqee, R., 1994, 'Nigeria: Ownership Abandoned', in Hussain Ishrat and Rashid Faruqee eds., Adjustment in Africa: Lessons from Count,y Case Studies, Washington, The World Bank.
Gibbon, P., and Olukoshi, Adebayo, 1996, Structural Adjustment and Socio-Eco nomic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, Uppsala, Nordiska Afrika Institute Research Report No. I 02.
Lipumba, N. H. T., I 999, 'Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization: Can Sub-Sahara Africa Avoid Marginalization?', Globalization with a Human face Background Papers, Vol. 11, Human Development Report, (New York, UNDP).
Mba, N., 1982, Nigerian Women Mobilised: Women s Political Activity in Southern Nigeria, Berkeley, Institute oflntemational Studies, University of California.
Mbilinyi, M., 1991, Big Slavery: Agric-business and the Crisis in Women s Employment Tanzania, Dares Salaam, University Press.
Ngware, S., 1996, 'The Agrarian Question in Tanzania: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Challenges', in Suleiman Ngware et al (eds.) Gender and Agrar ian Change in Tanzania with a Kenya Case Study, Dares Salaam, University Press.
Nyang'oro, J.E., and Timothy, M. Shaw, 1998, 'The African State in the Global Economic Context', in Villa lion, L. A. and P.A. Huxtable eds., African States at a Critical Juncture Between Disintegration and Reco11figuration, Colorado, Lynne Rienner Publications Inc.
Ogburn, W.F., and Nimkoff, M. f., I 958, Sociology, Boston, Howard Mifflin Company.
Okojo, K., 1976, 'The Dual-Sex Political System in Operation: lgbo Women and Community Politics in Mid-Western Nigeria', in Hafkin, N. J., and Bay, E.G, eds., Women in A,fi-ica: Studies in Social and Economic Change, Stanford University Press.
Olurode, Lai, 1995, 'Women in Rural-Urban Migration, Iwo, Nigeria', in Jonathan Baker and Tade Akin Aina, eds., The Dynamics of Non Metropolitan Migra tion and Linkage in Africa, Uppsala, The Scandinavian Afrika Institutet.
Olurode, Lai, I 998, 'The Legal Profession in Nigeria's Democratization Proc esses (1840- I 992)', Africa Development, Vol. XXIII , No. I.
Olurode, Lai, 1999, 'Images of Women in Traditional Yoruba Proverbs', Ihafa: a Journal of African Studies, Vol. III, No. I.
Oyekanmi, F. A. D., 1993, 'Socio-Dempgraphic Characteristics of Households and Respondents: Migrants and Non-Migrants', Nigeria Migration and Ur banization Survey, Ibadan, NISER.
Romdhane, M. B. and Moyo, Sam, eds., 2002, Peasant Organizations and the Democratization Process in Africa, Dakar, CODESRIA.
Suda, C., 1996, 'Gender Relations in Agricultural Production in Kenya: Insight from Laikipia District', in Suleiman Ngware et al, eds., Gender and African change in Tanzania with a Kenya case study, Dares Salaam, University Press. Tanzania Election Monitoring Committee (TEMCO), 2000, 'Women's Participation in the 2000 Elections and Electoral Processes', Diamond Jubilee Hall, Dares Salaam, Nov. 21-22.
Walker, E.A., 2000, "Happy Days are Here Again": Cocoa farmers, Middlemen Traders and the Structural Adjustment Program in South Western Nigeria, I 986- I 990s', Africa Today, Vol. 47, No 2.
Watkins, K., 1995, The Oxfam Poverty Report, Oxford, Oxfam Publications.
Waylen, G., 1996, Gender in Third World Politics, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc.