Post-Cold War International Relations and Foreign Policies in Africa: New Issues and New Challenges


  • John K. Akokpari



Post-Cold, War International Relations and Foreign Policies in Africa, New Issues and New Challenges


This paper argues that international relations in Africa have changed
especially in content since the abatement of the Cold War. These changes
have been accelerated by the pressures unleashed by the international
environment, including the reality of Africa’s marginalisation and the forces
of globalisation. These, along with domestic factors, including debt, internal
conflicts, the impact of the ubiquitous structural adjustment programmes
(SAPs), HIV/AIDS and human insecurity in general have combined to
underscore foreign aid and economic assistance as key driving forces of
the continent’s foreign policies and diplomacy towards the North. Yet, the
new thrust of foreign policies, informed by the need for foreign aid, has not
occurred without a price. Among other things it has elevated technocrats in
central or reserve banks and finance ministries to positions of prominence
vis-à-vis officials from foreign ministries and in the process introduced extra-
African actors into the foreign policy making process of the continent. This
in turn has undermined Africa’s increasingly tenuous economic sovereignty.
But above all, it has led to the strengthening of ties with the North and
international creditors in particular at the cost of intra-African relations.
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the African
Union (AU) recently inaugurated, promise to open a new chapter in Africa’s
international relations. It is argued, however, that against a background of a
confluence of factors, these new continental projects will make only a minimal
impact in terms of mitigating the consequences of the aid-driven foreign
policies and thus altering the donor-oriented postures of African states

Author Biography

John K. Akokpari

Department of Political Studies, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, South
Africa 7701. E-mail:


