Africa Media Review, Volume 17, no 1 & 2, 2009: Special Issue on Peace and Communication in Post-conflict Africa
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Africa Media Review,
Vol. 17 No. 1-2 (2009): Africa Media Review, Volume 17, no 1 & 2, 2009
Introduction: Peace and Communication in Post-conflict Africa
Eddah Mutua-Kombo ....................................... 1
Introduction : Paix et communication dans les zones post-conflit en Afrique
Eddah Mutua-Kombo .................................. 5
Theorizing Post-conflict Peace Communication: Can Rwandan Women’s Narratives of Sexual Violence become the Point of Departure for Research?
Eddah Mutua-Kombo .................................................... 9
The Semantics of Peace and the Role of the Print Media in the 2007-2008 Post-election Violence in Kenya
Benson Oduor Ojwang ...................................... 23
Media Image and Social Integration of Liberian and Togolese Refugees in Ghana
Heidi G. Frontani, Kristine Silvestri & Amanda Brown ........................... 51
The Politicization of the Education System: Implications for Peace in Sudan
Hala Asmina Guta..................................... 77
Silent Religiosity in a Sniveling Nation: The Role of Religious Institutions in Promoting Post-conflict Reconciliation in Kenya
Susan M. Kilonzo ......................................... 95
Somali Language and Oral Tradition in Post-conflict Life in the U.S: What Does the Future Hold?
Sarah Drake & Eddah Mutua-Kombo ....................................... 109
Book Review
Confronting Ethnic Conflict: The Role of Third Parties in Managing Africa’s Civil Wars by Jennifer L. De Maio, Lexington Books, 2009
Sakile K. Camara & Darlene Drummond ................................. 123
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