Africa Review of Books, Volume 2, n° 1, 2006
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Africa Review of Books,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2006): Africa Review of Books, Volume 2, n° 1, 2006
The Intellectual Itinerary of Jeffrey Sachs
Thandika Mkandawire ................................4
Mau Mau: Understanding Counter-Insurgency
Mahmood Mamdani ..................................7
Crusaders for Human Rights and Dignity
Fred Hendricks .........................................10
Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone
Ibrahim Abdullah .....................................12
Slow Death in the Niger Delta
Sanya Osha ...............................................14
Pentecostal Hubris as Parable for the Theatre
Bate Besong ............................................15
Qu’est-ce que la postcolonie?
Abou B. Bamba ......................................16
Pourquoi l’Afrique meurt
Philemon Muamba Mumbunda ................19
Une mnémohistoire de l’eurocentrisme
Michèle Sinapi ............................................21
Civilisations et relations internationales
Slim Laghmani ...........................................22