ASR, Volume 22, n° 1, 2018 - Full Issue
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African Sociological Review,
Vol. 22 No. 1 (2018): African Sociological Review
Editorial .....................................................1
General Issues
Thinking Otherwise: theorizing the colonial/gender system in Africa
Boris Bertolt .........................................2
Research Papers
The origins of the feminist movement in Senegal: A social history of the pioneering Yewwu-Yewwi
Hawa Kane & Oumar Kane .......................................................18
Vulnerability and Resilience of Female Farmers to Climate Change in Oku, Cameroon
Matilda Azon, Clare J. Kelso & Kammila Naidoo ...........................................31
Morphologie du quotidien, souffrance sociale et parcours individuels au Cameroun: la mort de Monique Koumatekel, un problème social ?
Jacquineau Azétsop, Christophe Tchawa, & Sylvestre Omgba Essomba .............................................54
The Impact of Gender and Residential Background on Racial Integration: Evidence from a South African University
Josephine Morolake Adeagbo ............................................81
Elèves-mères et rationalité de la sexualité et de la maternité à l’Ouest-Cameroun
Meli Meli Vivien, Gnintedem Tchoubou Richelle & Yong Lemoumoun Judeon Socrate ..............94
Participants’ evaluation of the land reform programme in Rwanda’s Southern Province
Jean de Dieu Dushimimana & Johan Zaaiman ...................................117
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