3 - An Overview of the Conditions of Workers and the Unions in South Africa and Nigeria 51
Corresponding Author(s) : Ifeanyi P. Onyeonoru
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020): African Sociological Review
This paper discusses the conditions of workers and the unions in South Africa and Nigeria pointing out obstacles and challenges similar in both countries. Whilst the contexts are different, trade unions in Nigeria and South Africa had to contend with the expression of colonialism and neo-colonial oppression in the workplaces. In post-independence, Nigerian unions had to mobilise against neoliberal policies, leading to confrontation with the government of the day. Similarly, in post-apartheid South Africa, unions had to contend with workplace restructuring imposed by employers and the state. Neoliberal attacks on workers and working conditions have also led to changes in the social composition of workers and the rise of precarious forms of work in both countries. Beyond that, union federations are also faced with fragmentation and division, weakening their position to challenge attacks on workers.
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- Abu P.A., 2007, An Appraisal Of The Trade Union Amendment Acts of 2005 In Relation To The Current Labour-Management Relations In Nigeria International Journal of African and African American Studies, Vol. V1. No 1, Jan
- Adewunmi F. & Adenugba A., 2010 The State of Worker’s Rights in Nigeria: An Examination of the Banking, Oil and Gas and Telecommunications Sector, Fredrich Ebert Stiftung, Abuja.
- Adeogun, A.A. 1980 Strikes—The Law and the Institutionalization of Labour Protest in Nigeria Indian Journal of Industrial Relations Vol. 16, No. 1 ( Jul., 1980), pp. 1-23
- Akeem A. A. (2014) ‘Precarious Working Conditions and Exploitation of Workers in the Nigerian Informal Economy’ Social Science Diliman ( January-June) 10:1;Akosa Kazeem, 2005 The lessons of the June 2003 general strike in Nigeria https://www.marxist.com/general-strike-nigeria2003.htm 30 August
- Anyim, Francis C., Ideh, Dumebi and Daniesi Rosemary A., 2017 The Legal Framework Of The Right To Strike In Nigeria Ilorin Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. (1)
- Adewusi, A. O. 2015, ‘Remuneration of Casual Workers in Selected foreign-owned Manufacturing Industries in Southwest, Nigeria’ European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7, No.22, 2015 Pp 184 - 192
- Barchiesi, F. 1997. Labor, Capital and Society / Labor, capital and society Flight. 30, No. 2, Confronting Neoliberalism / Défier le néo-libalisme (November / November 1997), pp. 170-225
- Barchiesi, F. (2011). Precarious liberation: Workers, the state, and contested social citizenship in postapartheid South Africa. Suny Press.
- Beckman, B., Buhlungu, S. and Sachikonye, L., (eds) 2010. Trade unions and party politics: Labour movements in Africa. HSRC Press.
- Beckman, B., 2009. Trade unions and popular representation: Nigeria and South Africa compared. In Rethinking popular representation (pp. 179-195). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
- Bell, T. W. (1984). Unemployment in South Africa. Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Durban-Westville.
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- Bezuidenhout, A. and Buhlungu, S., 2011. From compounded to fragmented labour: Mineworkers and the demise of compounds in South Africa. Antipode, 43(2), pp.237-263.
- Bezuidenhout, A., Bischoff, C. and Nthejane, N. 2017. ‘Is Cosatu still a working class movement?’ In Bezuidenhout, A. and Tshoaedi, M. (eds) Labour beyond Cosatu: Mapping the rupture in South Africa’s labour landscape. Johannesburg:
- iversity Press, pp37-46.
- Bezuidenhout, Andries, Malehoko Tshoaedi, (2017) eds. Labour Beyond Cosatu: Mapping the Rupture in South Africa’s Labour Landscape. NYU Press, New York.
- Bhorat, H., & Khan, S. (2018). Structural change and patterns of inequality in the South African labour market. Development Policy Research Unit (DRPU). DRPU working paper 201801, March 2018, https://www.africaportal.org/publications/structural-change-and-patterns-inequality-south-african-labour-market/Boulanger, M., 1974. Black workers and strikes in South Africa. Race, 15(3), pp.351-359. Bingel
- B.T. 1997 “Understanding Trade Unionism in Nigeria: Historical Evolution and Prospects for Future Development” in Adewunmi F., (1997), Trade Unionism in Nigeria: Challenges of the 21st Century Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Lagos.
- Buhlungu, S.(2010). A paradox of victory: COSATU and the democratic transformation in South Africa. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
- Bwala, Musa H. & Bashir, Mohammed U. 2014 ‘Labour And Labour Crisis In Nigeria: The Implication Of The Structural Adjustment Programme’ Research On Humanities And Social Science, www.iiste.org ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online) Vol.4, No.7,Cassim, A. and Casale, D. 2018. “How large is the wage penalty in the labour broker sector? Evidence for South Africa using administrative data”. May 2018. SA- TIED Working Paper 8/2018
- Chaskalson, J. 2017. “New union federation launched” Groundup22 April 2017 https://www.groundup.org.za/article/new-union-federation-launched/96.
- Corruption Watch. 2015. “More arrests as SAMWU hunts for its millions”. Corruption News, 26 October 2015, https://www.corruptionwatch.org.za/more-arrests-as- samwu-hunts-for-its-millions/Curtin, P., Feierman, S., Thompson, L. and Vansina, J., 1995. African history: From earliest times to independence. Longman, London.
- Crush, Jonathan, Godfrey Tawodzera, Abel Chikanda, Sujata Ramachandran, and Daniel S. Tevera.2018. Migrants in Countries in Crisis: South Africa Case Study: The Double Crisis Mass Migration from Zimbabwe And Xenophobic Violence in South Africa. Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development.
- Department of Labour. 2018a. Act No. 8 of 2018: Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2018. No. 1304 27 November 2018,
- Englert, T. 2017. Precarious Workers, Their Power and the Ways to Realise It. The Struggle of Heineken Labour Broker Workers. University of the Witwatersrand Global Labour University Research report.
- Fapohunda, T. M. (2012) ‘Employment Casualization and Degradation of Work in Nigeria’ International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 9;pp 257-267.
- Feketha, S. 2018. “South Africa world’s most unequal society – report”. African News Agency, 28 March 2018, https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/south-africa-worlds-most-unequal-society-report-14125145
- Friedman, S. (1987). Building tomorrow today: African workers in trade unions, 1970- 1984. Ravan Press: Johannesburg
- Hlatshwayo, M. S. (2003). The politics of production and forms of worker responses at the Iscor Vanderbijlpark works, 1965-1973. Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Masters Dissertation.
- Hlatshwayo, M. (2018). The new struggles of precarious workers in South Africa: nascent organisational responses of community health workers. Review of African Political Economy, 45(157), 378-392.
- Hopkins, A.G., 1966 ‘The Lagos Strike of 1897:An Exploration in Nigeria’s Labour History, Past and Present, Volume 35, Issue 1, Dec. Pp 133-155
- Houeland, C., (2015) Casualisation And Conflict In The Niger Delta: Nigerian Oil Workers’ Unions Between Companies And Communities https://www.cairn. info/revue-tiers-monde-2015-4-page-25.htm
- Ibrahim, Ahmadu. 2013 Globalization and the Trade Union Movement in Nigeria IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 18, Issue 1 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 15-22
- ILO 2012 ‘From Precarious Work To Decent Work Outcome Document to the Workers’ Symposium on Policies and Regulations to combat Precarious Employment’ ILO Geneva
- Innes, D. 1984. Anglo: Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa.Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
- Institute for Social Research. 2019. “When You Ill-treat the African People, I See You: A Brief History of South Africa’s Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union”, Dossier no 20, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, September 2019
- https://www.thetricontinental.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/190902_ Dossier-20_EN_Web_Final.pdf
- Irobi, E.G., 2005. Ethnic conflict management in Africa: A comparative case study of Nigeria and South Africa (pp. 1-24). Outskirts. https://www. beyondintractability.org/casestudy/irobi-ethnic
- Jaja S.O., 1983, ‘The Enugu Colliery Massacre In Retrospect: An Episode In British Administration of Nigeria’, Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, Vol. 11, No. 3/4 (Dec. 1982-June 1983), pp. 86-106 https://www.jstor.org/stable/41857119
- Kenny, B., 2018. Retail worker politics, race and consumption in South Africa: Shelved in the service economy. Springer. New York
- LACOM. 1989. Freedom! From Below: The Struggle for Trade Unions in South Africa. urg: Skotaville Publishers.
- Lakemfa Owei. (1997) ‘The Trade Union Movement: Travails and Struggles’ in Adewunmi F,.,Trade Unionism in Nigeria: Challenges for
- the 21st Century, Fredrich Ebert Stifung, Lagos
- Lee, C.J., 2009. Sovereignty, Neoliberalism, and the Postdiasporic Politics of Globalization: A Conversation about South Africa with Patrick Bond, Ashwin Desai, and Molefi Mafereka ka Ndlovu. Radical History Review, 103, pp.143-161.
- Lehulere. O. 2005. The new Social Movements, COSATU, and the ‘New UDF’. Khanya Journal: A journal for activists. No: 11 December 2005, page 18-40.
- Mabhena. R. 2014. Gender, earnings and employment in Post-Apartheid South Africa. submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Development Studies in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. August 2014
- Maree, J. 1985. The Emergence, Struggles and Achievements of Black Trade Unions in South Africa from 1973 to 1984. Labour, Capital and Society. 18(2): 278-303. Marrian, N. 2019. The end of unions? Business Live, 3 October 2019, https://www.businesslive.co.za/fm/features/cover-story/2019-10-03-the-end-of-unions/ Morris, M. (1981). Capital’s responses to African Trade Unions Post Wiehahn. South African Labour Bulletin, 7(1-2), 69-85.
- Mugadze, IT Web, 3 September 2019). Samuel Mungadze Sasbo wants moratorium on bank retrenchments 3 sept 2019, https://www.itweb.co.za/content/ dgp45MaGNmmvX9l8Nwokpoku, Edeh Joseph., Nwokwu, Paul Monday, Nwoba, M.O.E.and Amaka, Ezika Goodness 2018, Nigerian Labour Laws: Issues and Challenges, World Applied Sciences Journal 36 (1): 47-54,Obi-Chukwu, Ugo (2018). This is the Highest Lending Rate we Have Seen in Nigeria in 12 Years’https://nairametrics.com/2018/04/07/this-is-the-highest-lending-rate-we-have-seen-in-nigeria-in-12-years/
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- Okene O.V.C. 2007, ‘Current Issues And Developments In Workers’ Freedom Of Association In Nigeria’, Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education, 5:1, 49-68, DOI: 10.1080/14760400701743380
- Okoye,Lawrence Uchenna, Omankhanlen, Alexander Ehimare.,Okoh, Johnson I.,Ezeji, Felix N., Esther & Ibileke, Esther (2020) ‘Impact Of Corporate Restructuring On The Financial Performance of
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- Onah, Rose C., Ayogu, Gabriel Igwebuike & Paul Salisu Ojonemi 2016, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Strike Action in Labour Conflict Management in Nigeria (1999-2011) IIARD International Journal of Political and Administrative Studies ISSN 2504-8821 Vol. 2 No.2
- Onyeonoru, I. P., (2002), “Bureaucracy and Postmodern Organization: A Critique”, in Uche Isiugo-Abanihe et. al eds. Currents and Perspectives in Sociology, Malthouse, Lagos
- Onyeonoru I. P. (2003), “Globalization and Industrial Performance in Nigeria” Africa Development, Vol. XXVIII Nos. 3 and 4, 2003, a Journal of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar, Senegal. (pp. 36-66).
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Adeogun, A.A. 1980 Strikes—The Law and the Institutionalization of Labour Protest in Nigeria Indian Journal of Industrial Relations Vol. 16, No. 1 ( Jul., 1980), pp. 1-23
Akeem A. A. (2014) ‘Precarious Working Conditions and Exploitation of Workers in the Nigerian Informal Economy’ Social Science Diliman ( January-June) 10:1;Akosa Kazeem, 2005 The lessons of the June 2003 general strike in Nigeria https://www.marxist.com/general-strike-nigeria2003.htm 30 August
Anyim, Francis C., Ideh, Dumebi and Daniesi Rosemary A., 2017 The Legal Framework Of The Right To Strike In Nigeria Ilorin Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. (1)
Adewusi, A. O. 2015, ‘Remuneration of Casual Workers in Selected foreign-owned Manufacturing Industries in Southwest, Nigeria’ European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7, No.22, 2015 Pp 184 - 192
Barchiesi, F. 1997. Labor, Capital and Society / Labor, capital and society Flight. 30, No. 2, Confronting Neoliberalism / Défier le néo-libalisme (November / November 1997), pp. 170-225
Barchiesi, F. (2011). Precarious liberation: Workers, the state, and contested social citizenship in postapartheid South Africa. Suny Press.
Beckman, B., Buhlungu, S. and Sachikonye, L., (eds) 2010. Trade unions and party politics: Labour movements in Africa. HSRC Press.
Beckman, B., 2009. Trade unions and popular representation: Nigeria and South Africa compared. In Rethinking popular representation (pp. 179-195). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Bell, T. W. (1984). Unemployment in South Africa. Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Durban-Westville.
Bezuidenhout, A. and Buhlungu, S., 2011. From compounded to fragmented labour: Mineworkers and the demise of compounds in South Africa. Antipode, 43(2), pp.237-263.
Bezuidenhout, A., Bischoff, C. and Nthejane, N. 2017. ‘Is Cosatu still a working class movement?’ In Bezuidenhout, A. and Tshoaedi, M. (eds) Labour beyond Cosatu: Mapping the rupture in South Africa’s labour landscape. Johannesburg:
iversity Press, pp37-46.
Bezuidenhout, Andries, Malehoko Tshoaedi, (2017) eds. Labour Beyond Cosatu: Mapping the Rupture in South Africa’s Labour Landscape. NYU Press, New York.
Bhorat, H., & Khan, S. (2018). Structural change and patterns of inequality in the South African labour market. Development Policy Research Unit (DRPU). DRPU working paper 201801, March 2018, https://www.africaportal.org/publications/structural-change-and-patterns-inequality-south-african-labour-market/Boulanger, M., 1974. Black workers and strikes in South Africa. Race, 15(3), pp.351-359. Bingel
B.T. 1997 “Understanding Trade Unionism in Nigeria: Historical Evolution and Prospects for Future Development” in Adewunmi F., (1997), Trade Unionism in Nigeria: Challenges of the 21st Century Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Lagos.
Buhlungu, S.(2010). A paradox of victory: COSATU and the democratic transformation in South Africa. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
Bwala, Musa H. & Bashir, Mohammed U. 2014 ‘Labour And Labour Crisis In Nigeria: The Implication Of The Structural Adjustment Programme’ Research On Humanities And Social Science, www.iiste.org ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online) Vol.4, No.7,Cassim, A. and Casale, D. 2018. “How large is the wage penalty in the labour broker sector? Evidence for South Africa using administrative data”. May 2018. SA- TIED Working Paper 8/2018
Chaskalson, J. 2017. “New union federation launched” Groundup22 April 2017 https://www.groundup.org.za/article/new-union-federation-launched/96.
Corruption Watch. 2015. “More arrests as SAMWU hunts for its millions”. Corruption News, 26 October 2015, https://www.corruptionwatch.org.za/more-arrests-as- samwu-hunts-for-its-millions/Curtin, P., Feierman, S., Thompson, L. and Vansina, J., 1995. African history: From earliest times to independence. Longman, London.
Crush, Jonathan, Godfrey Tawodzera, Abel Chikanda, Sujata Ramachandran, and Daniel S. Tevera.2018. Migrants in Countries in Crisis: South Africa Case Study: The Double Crisis Mass Migration from Zimbabwe And Xenophobic Violence in South Africa. Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development.
Department of Labour. 2018a. Act No. 8 of 2018: Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2018. No. 1304 27 November 2018,
Englert, T. 2017. Precarious Workers, Their Power and the Ways to Realise It. The Struggle of Heineken Labour Broker Workers. University of the Witwatersrand Global Labour University Research report.
Fapohunda, T. M. (2012) ‘Employment Casualization and Degradation of Work in Nigeria’ International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 9;pp 257-267.
Feketha, S. 2018. “South Africa world’s most unequal society – report”. African News Agency, 28 March 2018, https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/south-africa-worlds-most-unequal-society-report-14125145
Friedman, S. (1987). Building tomorrow today: African workers in trade unions, 1970- 1984. Ravan Press: Johannesburg
Hlatshwayo, M. S. (2003). The politics of production and forms of worker responses at the Iscor Vanderbijlpark works, 1965-1973. Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Masters Dissertation.
Hlatshwayo, M. (2018). The new struggles of precarious workers in South Africa: nascent organisational responses of community health workers. Review of African Political Economy, 45(157), 378-392.
Hopkins, A.G., 1966 ‘The Lagos Strike of 1897:An Exploration in Nigeria’s Labour History, Past and Present, Volume 35, Issue 1, Dec. Pp 133-155
Houeland, C., (2015) Casualisation And Conflict In The Niger Delta: Nigerian Oil Workers’ Unions Between Companies And Communities https://www.cairn. info/revue-tiers-monde-2015-4-page-25.htm
Ibrahim, Ahmadu. 2013 Globalization and the Trade Union Movement in Nigeria IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 18, Issue 1 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP 15-22
ILO 2012 ‘From Precarious Work To Decent Work Outcome Document to the Workers’ Symposium on Policies and Regulations to combat Precarious Employment’ ILO Geneva
Innes, D. 1984. Anglo: Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa.Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Institute for Social Research. 2019. “When You Ill-treat the African People, I See You: A Brief History of South Africa’s Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union”, Dossier no 20, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, September 2019
https://www.thetricontinental.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/190902_ Dossier-20_EN_Web_Final.pdf
Irobi, E.G., 2005. Ethnic conflict management in Africa: A comparative case study of Nigeria and South Africa (pp. 1-24). Outskirts. https://www. beyondintractability.org/casestudy/irobi-ethnic
Jaja S.O., 1983, ‘The Enugu Colliery Massacre In Retrospect: An Episode In British Administration of Nigeria’, Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, Vol. 11, No. 3/4 (Dec. 1982-June 1983), pp. 86-106 https://www.jstor.org/stable/41857119
Kenny, B., 2018. Retail worker politics, race and consumption in South Africa: Shelved in the service economy. Springer. New York
LACOM. 1989. Freedom! From Below: The Struggle for Trade Unions in South Africa. urg: Skotaville Publishers.
Lakemfa Owei. (1997) ‘The Trade Union Movement: Travails and Struggles’ in Adewunmi F,.,Trade Unionism in Nigeria: Challenges for
the 21st Century, Fredrich Ebert Stifung, Lagos
Lee, C.J., 2009. Sovereignty, Neoliberalism, and the Postdiasporic Politics of Globalization: A Conversation about South Africa with Patrick Bond, Ashwin Desai, and Molefi Mafereka ka Ndlovu. Radical History Review, 103, pp.143-161.
Lehulere. O. 2005. The new Social Movements, COSATU, and the ‘New UDF’. Khanya Journal: A journal for activists. No: 11 December 2005, page 18-40.
Mabhena. R. 2014. Gender, earnings and employment in Post-Apartheid South Africa. submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Development Studies in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. August 2014
Maree, J. 1985. The Emergence, Struggles and Achievements of Black Trade Unions in South Africa from 1973 to 1984. Labour, Capital and Society. 18(2): 278-303. Marrian, N. 2019. The end of unions? Business Live, 3 October 2019, https://www.businesslive.co.za/fm/features/cover-story/2019-10-03-the-end-of-unions/ Morris, M. (1981). Capital’s responses to African Trade Unions Post Wiehahn. South African Labour Bulletin, 7(1-2), 69-85.
Mugadze, IT Web, 3 September 2019). Samuel Mungadze Sasbo wants moratorium on bank retrenchments 3 sept 2019, https://www.itweb.co.za/content/ dgp45MaGNmmvX9l8Nwokpoku, Edeh Joseph., Nwokwu, Paul Monday, Nwoba, M.O.E.and Amaka, Ezika Goodness 2018, Nigerian Labour Laws: Issues and Challenges, World Applied Sciences Journal 36 (1): 47-54,Obi-Chukwu, Ugo (2018). This is the Highest Lending Rate we Have Seen in Nigeria in 12 Years’https://nairametrics.com/2018/04/07/this-is-the-highest-lending-rate-we-have-seen-in-nigeria-in-12-years/
Okafor, Emeka Emmanuel (2007) Globalisation, Casualisation and Capitalist Business
Ethics:ACriticalOverviewofSituationintheOilandGasSectorinNigeria,Journal of Social Sciences, 15:2, 169-179, DOI:
Okafor, Obiora Chinedu (2010) ) ‘Between Elite Interests and Pro-Poor Resistance: The Nigerian Courts and Labour-Led Anti-Fuel Price Hike Struggles (1999–2007)’, Journal of African Law, 54, 95-118
Okene O.V.C. 2007, ‘Current Issues And Developments In Workers’ Freedom Of Association In Nigeria’, Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education, 5:1, 49-68, DOI: 10.1080/14760400701743380
Okoye,Lawrence Uchenna, Omankhanlen, Alexander Ehimare.,Okoh, Johnson I.,Ezeji, Felix N., Esther & Ibileke, Esther (2020) ‘Impact Of Corporate Restructuring On The Financial Performance of
Commercial Banks In Nigeria’, Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 15, Issue 1,
Onah, Rose C., Ayogu, Gabriel Igwebuike & Paul Salisu Ojonemi 2016, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Strike Action in Labour Conflict Management in Nigeria (1999-2011) IIARD International Journal of Political and Administrative Studies ISSN 2504-8821 Vol. 2 No.2
Onyeonoru, I. P., (2002), “Bureaucracy and Postmodern Organization: A Critique”, in Uche Isiugo-Abanihe et. al eds. Currents and Perspectives in Sociology, Malthouse, Lagos
Onyeonoru I. P. (2003), “Globalization and Industrial Performance in Nigeria” Africa Development, Vol. XXVIII Nos. 3 and 4, 2003, a Journal of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar, Senegal. (pp. 36-66).
Onyeonoru I. P. (2016) ‘Regulatory Instruments And Industrial Relations In Nigeria’ in Dafe Otobo (2016) ed. – Reforms And Nigerian Labour And Employment Relations: Perspectives, Issues And Challenges, Malthouse Press, Lagos.
Otuturu, Gogo George 2014, ‘Trade Union (Amendment) Act 2005 and the Right to Strike in Nigeria’ Labour Law Review, NJLIR VOL. 8 N0. 4,Otobo Dafe,. 1992a, ‘The Senior Staff Association of Nigeria’ in Otobo Dafe1992,Further Readings in Nigerian Industrial Relations, Malthouse Press, Lagos Otobo Dafe,. 1992b, ‘Organised Labour and Structural Adjustment Policies inNigeria’ in Otobo Dafe 1992, Further Readings in Nigerian Industrial Relations,Malthouse Press, Lagos
Opara, Leonard C. 2014, The Legal Frame Work of Trade Union Activism and the Role of National Industrial Court (NIC) in Handling Trade Disputes, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 3; February
Oyemakinde W. 1975, ‘The Nigerian General Strike of 1945’Journal of Historical Society of Nigeria, Vol. 7, No. 4. 639-710,
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