3- Malls in Zambia: Racialised retail expansion and South African foreign investors in Zambia
Corresponding Author(s) : Godfrey Hampawe
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2008): African Sociological Review
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- Adedeji, Adebayo, eds., 1996, South Africa & Africa. Within or Apart?, SADRI Books, Cape Town.
- Anonymous, 2007, pers. comm., Lusaka, 10 April 2007.
- Banage, C., 2007, pers. comm., Centre Manager, Manda Hill Centre, Lusaka, 10 April 2007.
- Central Statistics Office, 2003, Zambia: 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Government of Zambia, Lusaka.
- Chabal, P., 2002, ‘The Quest for Good Government and Development in Africa: Is NEPAD the Answer?’, International Affairs,78 (3), pp. 447-462.
- Cherry, G. E., 1989, ‘What did the Garden Cities Movement actually stand for?’, Prospect, 3, 17-10.
- Daniel, J., Naidoo, V. and Naidu, S., 2003, ‘The South Africans Have Arrived: Post-Apartheid Corporate Expansion into Africa’, in J. Daniel, A. Habib and R. Southhall, eds., State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004, HSRC Press, Cape Town.
- Davies, R., 1992, ‘Economic Growth in a Post-Apartheid South Africa: its Significance for Relations with other African Countries’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. II: no.1. pp. 50-71.
- Devas, N. and Rakodi, C., 1993, Managing Fast Growing Cities, Longman, Harlow. Economist, The, ‘Africa’s Hegemon’, 4 August 2006, 378, 8872, p. 6-7.
- Ellis, F., 1998, ‘Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification’, Journal of Development Studies, 35(1), pp. 1-38.
- Erkip, F., 2005, ‘The rise of the shopping mall in Turkey’, Cities, 20, 2, 89-108.
- Fahy Bryceson, D., 2002, ‘The Scramble in Africa: Reorienting Rural Livelihood’, World Development, 30 (5), pp. 725-739.
- Ferguson, J., 1999, Expectations of Modernity, University of California Press, Berkeley. Ferguson, J., 2006, Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order, Duke University Press, Durham.
- Ferrier, G., 2007, pers. comm., Centre Manager, Crossroads Centre, Lusaka, 11 April 2007. Funke, N. and Nsouli, S. M., 2003, The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD): Opportunities and Challenges, African Department, International Monetary Fund Working Paper. 3(69).
- Hall, T., 2001, Urban Geography, Routledge, London.
- Hamman, R. and Acutt, N., 2003, ‘How Should Civil Society (and the Government) Respond to ‘Corporate Social Responsibility?’ A Critique of Business Motivations and the Potentials for Partnerships’, Development Southern Africa, 20 (2), pp. 255–270.
- Hampwaye, G., Nel, E. and Rogerson, C., 2007, ‘Urban Agriculture As Local Initiative In Lusaka, Zambia’, Environment and Planning C, (in press).
- Harvey, D, 2000, Spaces of Hope, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
- Harvey, D., 2001, Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography, Routledge, New York. Harvey, D., 2006, Spaces of Global Capitalism, Verso, London.
- Henkel, R., ‘Spatial structure of the retail sector in Lusaka outside the CBD’, in Williams, G. J., ed., Lusaka and its environs: A geographical study of a planned capital city in Tropical Africa, Zambian Geographical Association Handbook series no. 9, Zambian Geographical Association, Lusaka, 228-243.
- Home, R. K., 1990, ‘Town planning and the garden cities in the British colonial empire, 1910- 1940’, Planning Perspectives, 5, 23-37.
- Itano, N., 2003, ‘South African companies fill a void’, New York Times, 11 April 2003.
- Jellicoe, G. A., 1950, A Plan for Lusaka: Capital of Northern Rhodesia, Lusaka Management Board, Lusaka.
- Kaplan, D. H., Wheeler, J. O., Holloway, R. and Hodler, T. W., 2004, Urban Geography, John Wiley, Hoboken.
- Kapungwe, A., 2004, ‘Poverty in Zambia: Levels, patterns and trends’, Development Southern Africa, 21, 3, 483-507.
- Kay, G., 1967, ASocial Geography of Zambia, University of London Press, London.
- King, A. D., 1977, ‘Exporting “Planning”: The Colonial and the Neo-Colonial Experience’,Urbanism Past and Present, 5, 12-22.
- Kolala, F., 2000, South African Retail Firms in Zambia, Mimeograph. Workshop on SADC Industrial Development, Development Policy Research Unit. Namibia. 29-30 September.
- Lodge, T., 2002, Politics in South Africa: From Mandela to Mbeki, David Philip, Cape Town. Lusaka City Council, 2002, Draft Integrated Development Plan, PV026282, Lusaka.
- Marks, R. and Bezzoli, M., 2001, ‘Places of desire: Century City, Cape Town and the ambiguities of development’, Urban Forum, 12, 1, 27-47.
- Miller, D. R., 2004, ‘South African Multinational Corporations, NEPAD and Competing Spatial Claims on Post-Apartheid Southern Africa’, African Sociological Review, 8 (1).
- Miller, D. R., 2005, ‘New Regional Imaginaries in Post-Apartheid Southern Africa: Retail Workers at a Shopping Mall in Zambia’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 31 (1), pp. 117-145.
- Miller, D. R., 2005/2006, ‘Regional Solidarity and a New Regional Movement in Post- Apartheid Southern Africa: Retail Workers in Mozambique and Zambia’, Labour, Capital and Society, Special Issue, International Labour Solidarity, 38 (1/2).
- Miller, D. R., 2007, ‘Changing African Cityscapes: Regional Claims of African Labour at South African-owned Shopping Malls’, in Garth A. Myers and J. Martin.
- Moore, G., 2004, ‘The Fair Trade Movement: Parameters, Issues and Future Research’, Journal of Business Ethics, 53 (1-2), pp. 73-86.
- Mubita, A., 2007, pers. comm., Centre Manager, Arcades Centre, Lusaka, 10 April 2007. Mulenga, C.
- L., 2006, Migration and urban governance in Southern Africa: The case of Lusaka,Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Zambia, Lusaka.
- Mulenga, L., 2007, pers.comm., Manager, Spar Supermarket, Crossroads Shopping Centre, Lusaka, 3 May 2007.
- Murray, C., ed., Cities in Contemporary Africa, Palgrave/Macmillan, New York.
- Myers, G., 2006, ‘The unauthorised city: Late colonial Lusaka and postcolonial geography’,Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 27, 3, 289-308.
- Pacione, M., 2001, Urban Geography: AGlobal Perspective, Routledge, London.
- Patents and Companies Registration Office, 1999, Company Report: Manda Hill Centre Limited, Lusaka.
- Potter, R. B. and Lloyd-Evans, S., 1998, The City in the Developing World, Longman, Harlow. Rakodi, C., 1986, ‘Colonial urban policy and planning in Northern Rhodesia and its legacy’,Third World Planning Review, 8, 3, 193-217.
- Rakodi, C., 1987, ‘Urban Plan Preparation in Lusaka’, Habitat International, 11, 4, 97-111.
- Reimers, V. and Clulow, V., 2004, ‘Retail concentration: a comparison of spatial convenience in shopping strips and shopping centres’, Journal or Retail and Consumer Services, 11, 4, 207- 221.
- Robinson, J., 2002, ‘Global and World Cities: a view from off the map’, IJURR, 26, 3, 531-554.
- Rogerson, C. M., 2004, ‘Adventure tourism in Africa: The case of Livingstone, Zambia’,Geography, 89, 2, 183-188.
- Schoeman, M., 2003, ‘South Africa as an Emerging Middle Power: 1994-2003’, in J. Daniel., A. Habib, and R. Southhall, eds., State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
- Schoenberger, E., 1997, The Cultural Crisis of the Firm, Blackwell: Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Scott, J. C., 1976, The Moral Economy of the Peasant: Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia, Yale University, Yale.
- Scott, J. C., 1985, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance, Yale University, Yale.
- Seidman, A. and Makgetla, N., 1980, Outposts of Monopoly Capitalism. Southern Africa in the Changing Global Economy, Zed Press, Connecticut.
- Shoprite, 2002, Divisional Reports, Supply Chain Management, Shoprite Annual Report, Cape Town.
- Soderbaum, F., 2002, The Political Economy of Regionalism in Southern Africa, Palgrave, New York.
- Soderbaum, F. and Taylor, I., 2003, Regionalism and Uneven Development in Southern Africa.
- The Case of the Maputo Development Corridor. Aldershot, Burlington. Solomon, H., ed., 1997, Fairy Godmother, Hegemon or Partner?In Search of a South African Foreign Policy, Institute for Strategic Studies. Johannesburg.
- Torres, L., 1998, Labour Markets in Southern Africa. Fafo-Report 257, Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science, Johannesburg.
- United Nations, 2006, The Millennium Development Goal Report 2006, Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York.
- Vale, P., Swatuk, L. and Oden, B., 2001, Theory, Change and Southern Africa’s Future, Palgrave, New York.
- Van den Berg, L. M., 1984, Anticipating urban growth in Africa: Land use and land values in the urban fringe of Lusaka, Zambia, Zambia Geographical Association, Occasional Studies No. 13, Lusaka.
- Vassilopoulus, T., 2007, pers. comm., Executive Director, Knight Frank, Lusaka, 12 April 2007.
- Williams, G. J., ed., 1986, ‘Lusaka and its environs: A geographical study of a planned capital city in Tropical Africa’, Zambian Geographical Association Handbook series no. 9, Zambian Geographical Association, Lusaka.
- Zulu, J., 2007, pers. comm., Deputy Director City Planning, Lusaka City Council, Lusaka, 10 April 2007.
Adedeji, Adebayo, eds., 1996, South Africa & Africa. Within or Apart?, SADRI Books, Cape Town.
Anonymous, 2007, pers. comm., Lusaka, 10 April 2007.
Banage, C., 2007, pers. comm., Centre Manager, Manda Hill Centre, Lusaka, 10 April 2007.
Central Statistics Office, 2003, Zambia: 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Government of Zambia, Lusaka.
Chabal, P., 2002, ‘The Quest for Good Government and Development in Africa: Is NEPAD the Answer?’, International Affairs,78 (3), pp. 447-462.
Cherry, G. E., 1989, ‘What did the Garden Cities Movement actually stand for?’, Prospect, 3, 17-10.
Daniel, J., Naidoo, V. and Naidu, S., 2003, ‘The South Africans Have Arrived: Post-Apartheid Corporate Expansion into Africa’, in J. Daniel, A. Habib and R. Southhall, eds., State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004, HSRC Press, Cape Town.
Davies, R., 1992, ‘Economic Growth in a Post-Apartheid South Africa: its Significance for Relations with other African Countries’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, Vol. II: no.1. pp. 50-71.
Devas, N. and Rakodi, C., 1993, Managing Fast Growing Cities, Longman, Harlow. Economist, The, ‘Africa’s Hegemon’, 4 August 2006, 378, 8872, p. 6-7.
Ellis, F., 1998, ‘Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification’, Journal of Development Studies, 35(1), pp. 1-38.
Erkip, F., 2005, ‘The rise of the shopping mall in Turkey’, Cities, 20, 2, 89-108.
Fahy Bryceson, D., 2002, ‘The Scramble in Africa: Reorienting Rural Livelihood’, World Development, 30 (5), pp. 725-739.
Ferguson, J., 1999, Expectations of Modernity, University of California Press, Berkeley. Ferguson, J., 2006, Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order, Duke University Press, Durham.
Ferrier, G., 2007, pers. comm., Centre Manager, Crossroads Centre, Lusaka, 11 April 2007. Funke, N. and Nsouli, S. M., 2003, The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD): Opportunities and Challenges, African Department, International Monetary Fund Working Paper. 3(69).
Hall, T., 2001, Urban Geography, Routledge, London.
Hamman, R. and Acutt, N., 2003, ‘How Should Civil Society (and the Government) Respond to ‘Corporate Social Responsibility?’ A Critique of Business Motivations and the Potentials for Partnerships’, Development Southern Africa, 20 (2), pp. 255–270.
Hampwaye, G., Nel, E. and Rogerson, C., 2007, ‘Urban Agriculture As Local Initiative In Lusaka, Zambia’, Environment and Planning C, (in press).
Harvey, D, 2000, Spaces of Hope, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Harvey, D., 2001, Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography, Routledge, New York. Harvey, D., 2006, Spaces of Global Capitalism, Verso, London.
Henkel, R., ‘Spatial structure of the retail sector in Lusaka outside the CBD’, in Williams, G. J., ed., Lusaka and its environs: A geographical study of a planned capital city in Tropical Africa, Zambian Geographical Association Handbook series no. 9, Zambian Geographical Association, Lusaka, 228-243.
Home, R. K., 1990, ‘Town planning and the garden cities in the British colonial empire, 1910- 1940’, Planning Perspectives, 5, 23-37.
Itano, N., 2003, ‘South African companies fill a void’, New York Times, 11 April 2003.
Jellicoe, G. A., 1950, A Plan for Lusaka: Capital of Northern Rhodesia, Lusaka Management Board, Lusaka.
Kaplan, D. H., Wheeler, J. O., Holloway, R. and Hodler, T. W., 2004, Urban Geography, John Wiley, Hoboken.
Kapungwe, A., 2004, ‘Poverty in Zambia: Levels, patterns and trends’, Development Southern Africa, 21, 3, 483-507.
Kay, G., 1967, ASocial Geography of Zambia, University of London Press, London.
King, A. D., 1977, ‘Exporting “Planning”: The Colonial and the Neo-Colonial Experience’,Urbanism Past and Present, 5, 12-22.
Kolala, F., 2000, South African Retail Firms in Zambia, Mimeograph. Workshop on SADC Industrial Development, Development Policy Research Unit. Namibia. 29-30 September.
Lodge, T., 2002, Politics in South Africa: From Mandela to Mbeki, David Philip, Cape Town. Lusaka City Council, 2002, Draft Integrated Development Plan, PV026282, Lusaka.
Marks, R. and Bezzoli, M., 2001, ‘Places of desire: Century City, Cape Town and the ambiguities of development’, Urban Forum, 12, 1, 27-47.
Miller, D. R., 2004, ‘South African Multinational Corporations, NEPAD and Competing Spatial Claims on Post-Apartheid Southern Africa’, African Sociological Review, 8 (1).
Miller, D. R., 2005, ‘New Regional Imaginaries in Post-Apartheid Southern Africa: Retail Workers at a Shopping Mall in Zambia’, Journal of Southern African Studies, 31 (1), pp. 117-145.
Miller, D. R., 2005/2006, ‘Regional Solidarity and a New Regional Movement in Post- Apartheid Southern Africa: Retail Workers in Mozambique and Zambia’, Labour, Capital and Society, Special Issue, International Labour Solidarity, 38 (1/2).
Miller, D. R., 2007, ‘Changing African Cityscapes: Regional Claims of African Labour at South African-owned Shopping Malls’, in Garth A. Myers and J. Martin.
Moore, G., 2004, ‘The Fair Trade Movement: Parameters, Issues and Future Research’, Journal of Business Ethics, 53 (1-2), pp. 73-86.
Mubita, A., 2007, pers. comm., Centre Manager, Arcades Centre, Lusaka, 10 April 2007. Mulenga, C.
L., 2006, Migration and urban governance in Southern Africa: The case of Lusaka,Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Zambia, Lusaka.
Mulenga, L., 2007, pers.comm., Manager, Spar Supermarket, Crossroads Shopping Centre, Lusaka, 3 May 2007.
Murray, C., ed., Cities in Contemporary Africa, Palgrave/Macmillan, New York.
Myers, G., 2006, ‘The unauthorised city: Late colonial Lusaka and postcolonial geography’,Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 27, 3, 289-308.
Pacione, M., 2001, Urban Geography: AGlobal Perspective, Routledge, London.
Patents and Companies Registration Office, 1999, Company Report: Manda Hill Centre Limited, Lusaka.
Potter, R. B. and Lloyd-Evans, S., 1998, The City in the Developing World, Longman, Harlow. Rakodi, C., 1986, ‘Colonial urban policy and planning in Northern Rhodesia and its legacy’,Third World Planning Review, 8, 3, 193-217.
Rakodi, C., 1987, ‘Urban Plan Preparation in Lusaka’, Habitat International, 11, 4, 97-111.
Reimers, V. and Clulow, V., 2004, ‘Retail concentration: a comparison of spatial convenience in shopping strips and shopping centres’, Journal or Retail and Consumer Services, 11, 4, 207- 221.
Robinson, J., 2002, ‘Global and World Cities: a view from off the map’, IJURR, 26, 3, 531-554.
Rogerson, C. M., 2004, ‘Adventure tourism in Africa: The case of Livingstone, Zambia’,Geography, 89, 2, 183-188.
Schoeman, M., 2003, ‘South Africa as an Emerging Middle Power: 1994-2003’, in J. Daniel., A. Habib, and R. Southhall, eds., State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Schoenberger, E., 1997, The Cultural Crisis of the Firm, Blackwell: Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Scott, J. C., 1976, The Moral Economy of the Peasant: Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia, Yale University, Yale.
Scott, J. C., 1985, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance, Yale University, Yale.
Seidman, A. and Makgetla, N., 1980, Outposts of Monopoly Capitalism. Southern Africa in the Changing Global Economy, Zed Press, Connecticut.
Shoprite, 2002, Divisional Reports, Supply Chain Management, Shoprite Annual Report, Cape Town.
Soderbaum, F., 2002, The Political Economy of Regionalism in Southern Africa, Palgrave, New York.
Soderbaum, F. and Taylor, I., 2003, Regionalism and Uneven Development in Southern Africa.
The Case of the Maputo Development Corridor. Aldershot, Burlington. Solomon, H., ed., 1997, Fairy Godmother, Hegemon or Partner?In Search of a South African Foreign Policy, Institute for Strategic Studies. Johannesburg.
Torres, L., 1998, Labour Markets in Southern Africa. Fafo-Report 257, Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science, Johannesburg.
United Nations, 2006, The Millennium Development Goal Report 2006, Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York.
Vale, P., Swatuk, L. and Oden, B., 2001, Theory, Change and Southern Africa’s Future, Palgrave, New York.
Van den Berg, L. M., 1984, Anticipating urban growth in Africa: Land use and land values in the urban fringe of Lusaka, Zambia, Zambia Geographical Association, Occasional Studies No. 13, Lusaka.
Vassilopoulus, T., 2007, pers. comm., Executive Director, Knight Frank, Lusaka, 12 April 2007.
Williams, G. J., ed., 1986, ‘Lusaka and its environs: A geographical study of a planned capital city in Tropical Africa’, Zambian Geographical Association Handbook series no. 9, Zambian Geographical Association, Lusaka.
Zulu, J., 2007, pers. comm., Deputy Director City Planning, Lusaka City Council, Lusaka, 10 April 2007.