2- Social sciences internationally: The problem of marginalisation and its consequences for the discipline of sociology
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2008): African Sociological Review
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- Adebowale, Sulaiman A., 2001, ‘The scholarly journal in the production and dissemination of knowledge on Africa: exploring some issues for the future’, African Sociological Review, Vol. 5, No. 1: 1-16.
- Adésínà, Jìmí, 2002, ‘Sociology and Yoruba studies: epistemic intervention or doing sociology in the ‘vernacular’’?, African Sociological Review, Vol. 6, No. 1: 91-114.
- Akiwowo, Akinsola A., 1980, ‘Trend Report: Sociology in Africa Today’, Current Sociology,Vol. 28, No. 2: 1-165.
- Akiwowo, Akinsola A., 1986, ‘Contributions to the sociology of knowledge from an African oral poetry’, pp. 103-117 in Martin Albrow/ Elizabeth King, eds., Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
- Akiwowo, Akinsola A., 1999, ‘Indigenous sociologies – extending the scope of the argument’,International Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 2: 115-138.
- Alatas, Syed Farid, 2001, ‘The study of the social sciences in developing countries: towards an adequate conceptualisation of relevance’, Current Sociology, Vol. 49, No. 2, March: 1-27.
- Alatas, Syed Farid, 2003, ‘Academic dependency and the global division of labour in the social sciences’, Current Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 6: 599-613.
- Alatas, Syed Hussein, 1974, ‘The captive mind and creative development’, International Social Science Journal, Vol. XXVI, No. 4: 691-700.
- Alatas, Syed Hussein, 2006a, ‘The idea of autonomous sociology – reflections on the state of the discipline’, Current Sociology, Vol. 54, No. 1: 5-6.
- Alatas, Syed Hussein, 2006b, ‘The autonomous, the universal and the future of sociology’,Current Sociology, Vol. 54, No. 1: 7-23
- Albrow, Martin and Elizabeth King, eds., 1990, Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
- Altbach, Philip G., ed., 1991, Publishing and development in the Third World, London. Amin, Samir, 1988, L’eurocentrisme, Paris.
- Andrade Carreño, Alfredo, 1998, La sociología en México: temas, campos científicos y tradición disciplinaria, (Sociology in Mexico: themes, scientific fields and disciplinary tradition), México.
- Archer, Margaret S., 1990, ‘Foreword’, pp.1-2 in Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, eds.,Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
- Archer, Margaret S., 1991, ‘Sociology for one world: unity and diversity’, International Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 2: 131-147.
- Arunachalam, Subbiah, 1996, ‘Science on the periphery enriches mainstream science, but at what cost? The case of ethnobotany’, pp. 29-50 in Waast, Roland, ed., Les sciences au sud – état des lieux, (The sciences in the South – recent trends), Vol. 6 of Les sciences hors
- d'Occident au XXe siècle (The sciences out of Occident in the 20th century), Paris.
- Arvanitis, Rigas and Gaillard, Jacques, eds., 1992, ‘Science indicators in developing countries’,Proceedings of the international conference on science indicators in developing countries, ORSTOM/CNRS, Paris, UNESCO, 15.-19. October 1990, Paris.
- Baber, Zaheer, 2003, ‘Provincial universalism. The landscape of knowledge production in an era of globalization’, Current Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 6: 615-623.
- Barré, Rémi; Papon, Pierre, 1993, Economie et politique de la science et de la technologie (Economy and politics of science and technology), Paris.
- Bates, Robert H., Mudimbe, V.Y., and O’Barr, Jean, eds., 1993, Africa and the disciplines – the contributions of research in Africa to the social sciences and humanities, Chicago, London.
- Berthelot, Jean-Michel, 1998, ‘Les nouveaux défis épistémologiques de la sociologie’, (New epistemological challenges to sociology), Sociologie et Sociétés, Vol. XXX, No. 1: 1-16.
- Cabral, Amilcar, 1973, Revolution in Guinea: an African struggle, selected texts, London. Cabral, Amilcar, 1983, Die Theorie als Waffe: Schriften zur Befreiung in Afrika, edited by Amilcar-Cabral-Gesellschaft e.V., Bremen.
- Cardoso, Fernando Henrique and Faletto, Enzo, 1969, Dependencia y Desarollo en America latina, (Dependency and development in Latin America) Paris.
- Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 2000, Provincialising Europe – postcolonial thought and historical difference, Princeton.
- Chekki, Dan A., 1987, ‘Synthesis and Indigenization in Indian sociology beyond tradition’, pp.1665-1698 in Hallen, G. C., ed., Sociology in India – perspectives and trends, Volume IV, Meerut, 1990-91.
- Collier, Paul, 1993, ‘Africa and the study of economics’, pp. 58-82 in Bates, Robert H., Mudimbe, V.Y., O’Barr, Jean, eds., Africa and the disciplines – the contributions of research in Africa to the social sciences and humanities, Chicago, London.
- Connell, R. W., 1997, ‘Why Is Classical Theory Classical?’, The American Journal of Sociology,Vol. 102, No. 6: 1511-1557.
- Hountondji, Paulin, 1994, ‘Démarginaliser’, (Demarginalise), in Hountondji, Paulin, ed., Les savoirs endogènes (Endogenous knowledge), CODESRIA: 1-37.
- Hountondji, Paulin, 2001/02, ‘Le savoir mondialisé: déséquilibres et enjeux actuels’, (Globalised knowledge: imbalances and actual challenges), Conference on ‘La mondialisation vue d’Afrique’ (Globalization from an African perspective) at the University of Nantes/Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Guépin, Academic Year 2001/02, www.msh- alpes.prd.fr/guepin/afrique/charpar/cfpaulin.pdf
- (download Oct. 2003).
- Ibn Khaldun, 1967-68, Discours sur l’Histoire universelle Al-Muqaddima, ed. by Vincent Monteil, Beyrouth.
- Keim, Wiebke, 2006, Vermessene Disziplin. Nordatlantische Dominanz und konterhegemoniale Strömungen in der Entwicklung afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien, (North-Atlantic domination and counter-hegemonic currents in the development African and Latin American sociologies, working title) PhD Thesis, University of Freiburg and Paris IV-Sorbonne, August.
- Keim, Wiebke, 2007, ‘Jenseits von Afrika – Auseinandersetzungen um den Hegemonialanspruch der‚ Internationalen Soziologie’, (Out of Africa – Discussions on hegemonic tendencies, International Sociology’), in Sabine Ammon et al., 2007, eds., Wissen in Bewegung – Vielfalt und Hegemonie in der Wissensgesellschaft (Knowledge in movement – diversity and hegemony in the
- knowledge society), Göttingen: 121-139.
- Keim, Wiebke, Forthcoming a, ‘Distorted universality – internationalization and its implications for the epistemological foundations of the discipline’, Canadian Journal of Sociology.
- Keim, Wiebke, Forthcoming b, ‘Vermessene Disziplin. Zum konterhegemonialen Potential afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien’, (Distorted discipline. On the counter- hegemonic potential of African and Latin American sociologies), transcript, Bielefeld.
- Koyano, Shogo, 1976, ‘Sociological studies in Japan – pre-war, post-war and contemporary stages’, Current Sociology, Vol. 24, No. 1.
- Krishna, V. V., 1992, ‘The colonial “model” and the emergence of national science in India, 1876-1920’, in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami and Anne Marie Moulin, Science and empires.
- Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht: 57-72.
- Lander, Edgardo, 1997, ‘Modernidad, colonialidad y postmodernidad’, (Modernity, coloniality and postmodernity) Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales (Venezuelan Journal of Economy and Social Sciences), No. 4: 1-14 (http://ladb.unm.edu/econ/ content/ecosoc/indice/, downloaded Nov. 2005).
- Lander, Edgardo, ed., 2003, La colonialidad del saber: eurocentrismo y ciencias sociales perspectivas latinoamericanas (Coloniality of knowledge: eurocentrism and the social sciences Latin American perspectives), Bueno Aires.
- Lander, Edgardo, 2004, ‘Universidad y producción de conocimiento: reflexiones sobre la colonialidad del saber en América Latina’, (University and the production of knowledge: reflections on the coloniality of knowledge in Latin America), pp. 167-179 in Sánchez Ramos, Irene; Raquel Sosa Elízaga, eds., América Latina: los desafíos del pensamiento crítico (Latin America: challenges for critical thinking), México.
- Lawuyi, O.B. and Olufei Taiwo, 1990, ‘Towards an African sociological tradition: a rejoinder to Akiwowo and Makinde’, pp. 135-151 in
- Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, eds., Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
- Lie, John, 1996, ‘Sociology of contemporary Japan’, Current Sociology, Vol. 44, No. 1: 1-66.
- MacLeod, R., 1982, ‘On visiting the moving metropolis: reflections on the architecture of imperial science’, Historical Records of Australian Science, Vol. 5, No. 3: 1-16.
- Mafeje, Archie, n.d., ‘Anthropology in post-independence Africa: end of an era and the problem of self-definition’, Multiversity of the MultiWorld Network, Malaysia. http://www.multiworld.org/m_versity/articles/ article.htm, (download Sept. 2005).
- Magubane, Bernard Makhosezwe, 1983, ‘Towards a sociology of national liberation from colonialism. Cabral’s legacy’, in Magubane, Bernard Makhosezwe, African sociology – towards a critical perspective, Trenton, New York, Asmara, 2000: 377-403.
- Makinde, A. Akin, 1988, ‘Asuwada principle: an analysis of Akiwowo’s contributions to the sociology of knowledge from an African perspective’, pp. 119-134 in Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, eds., Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
- Mamdani, Mahmood, 1997, ‘Africa and ‘African Studies’, pp. 149-154 in Cloete, Nico et al., eds., Knowledge, identity and curriculum transformation in Africa, Cape Town.
- McDaniel, Susan A., 2003, ‘Introduction: the currents of sociology internationally – preponderance, diversity and division of labour’, Current Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 6: 593- 597.
- Mignolo, Walter, 2004, ‘Colonialidad global, capitalismo y hegemonía epistémica’ (Global coloniality, capitalism and epistemic hegemony), pp. 113-137 in Sánchez Ramos, Irene and Raquel Sosa Elízaga, eds., América Latina: los desafíos del pensamiento crítico (Latin America: challenges for critical thinking), México.
- Mkandawire, Thandika, 1989, ‘Problems and prospects of the social sciences in Africa’, Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, Vol. V, No. 1: 1-12, http://www.ossrea.net/eassrr/ jan89/thandi.htm (download Aug. 2005).
- Oommen, T. K., 1991, ‘Internationalization of sociology: a view from developing countries’,Current Sociology, Vol. 39, No. 1: 67-84.
- Petitjean, Patrick; Jami, Catherine, Moulin, Anne Marie, 1992, Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht.
- Polanco, X., 1985, ‘Science in developing countries: an epistemological approach on the theory of science in context’, Quipu, Vol. 2 No. 2: 202-218.
- Polanco, Xavier, 1992, ‘World-Science: How is the history of world-science to be written?’, pp. 225-242 in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami, Anna Marie Moulin, eds., Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht.
- Pouris, Anastassios, 1995, ‘Mapping of social sciences and arts and humanities research in South Africa, 1981-1993’, Consultancy for the ARHS Programme, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria.
- Rashed, Roshdi, 1992, ‘Science classique et science moderne à l’époque de l’expansion de la science européenne’, in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami, Anne Marie Moulin, Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht: 19-30.
- Romani, Vincent, 2008, ‘Sciences sociales et coercition. Les social scientists des Territoires palestiniens entre lutte nationale et indépendance scientifique’, PhD thesis, Université Paul Cézanne – Aix-Marseille III.
- Sagasti, Francisco R., 1978-79, ‘Towards an endogenous scientific and technological development for the Third World’, Alternatives, IV: 301-316. Said, Edward W., 1978, Orientalism.
- Saldaña, Juan-José, 1992, ‘Science et pouvoir au XIXe siècle – la France et le Mexique en perspective’, in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami, Anne Marie Moulin, Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht: 153-164.
- Schubert, András; Braun, Tibor, 1996, ‘Scientopography – world maps and charts based on scientometric indicators. A bird’s eye view on the metropolis and beyond’, pp. 65-72 in Waast, Roland, ed., Les sciences au sud – état des lieux, (The sciences in the South – recent trends), Vol. 6 of Les sciences hors d’Occident au XXe siècle (The sciences out of Occident in the 20th century), Orstom, Paris.
- Shinn, Terry, 1988, ‘Hiérarchies des chercheurs et formes de recherches’, (Hierarchies between researchers and forms of research), Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Vol. 74: 2- 22.
- Shinn, Terry, 2000, ‘Axes thématiques et marchés de diffusion. La science en France, 1975- 1999’, (Thematic axes and diffusion markets: Science in France, 1975-1999) Sociologie et Société, Vol. XXXII, No. 1: 43-69.
- Tamari, Salim, 1994, ‘Problems of social science research in Palestine: an overview’, Current Sociology, Vol. 42, No. 2: 67-86.
- Teferra, Damtew, 2002, ‘Scientific communication in African universities – the role of external agencies’, pp. 134-154 in Mouton, Johann, Waast, Roland, Ritchie, F., eds., ‘Science in Africa – Proceedings of a symposium held on 17 & 18 Oct. 2001 in Somerset West, South Africa, University of Stellenbosch’.
- Todd, J., 1993, ‘Science in the periphery: an interpretation of Australian scientific and technological dependency and development prior to 1914’, Annals of Science, Vol. 50: 33- 36.
- UNESCO, 1999a, ‘The social sciences in sub-Saharan Africa’, pp 122-128 in UNESCO, World social science report, Paris.
- UNESCO, 1999b, Statistical Yearbook.
- Waast, Roland, ed., 1996, Les sciences au sud – état des lieux (The sciences in the South – recent trends), Vol. 6 of Les sciences hors d’Occident au XXe siècle (The sciences out of Occident in the 20th century), Orstom, Paris.
- Waast, Roland, 2001, ‘Afrique, vers un libre marché du travail scientifique?’, (Africa, towards a free market of scientific labour?), Economies et Sociétés, Série F, Vol. 39, Nos. 9-10: 1361- 1413.
Adebowale, Sulaiman A., 2001, ‘The scholarly journal in the production and dissemination of knowledge on Africa: exploring some issues for the future’, African Sociological Review, Vol. 5, No. 1: 1-16.
Adésínà, Jìmí, 2002, ‘Sociology and Yoruba studies: epistemic intervention or doing sociology in the ‘vernacular’’?, African Sociological Review, Vol. 6, No. 1: 91-114.
Akiwowo, Akinsola A., 1980, ‘Trend Report: Sociology in Africa Today’, Current Sociology,Vol. 28, No. 2: 1-165.
Akiwowo, Akinsola A., 1986, ‘Contributions to the sociology of knowledge from an African oral poetry’, pp. 103-117 in Martin Albrow/ Elizabeth King, eds., Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
Akiwowo, Akinsola A., 1999, ‘Indigenous sociologies – extending the scope of the argument’,International Sociology, Vol. 14, No. 2: 115-138.
Alatas, Syed Farid, 2001, ‘The study of the social sciences in developing countries: towards an adequate conceptualisation of relevance’, Current Sociology, Vol. 49, No. 2, March: 1-27.
Alatas, Syed Farid, 2003, ‘Academic dependency and the global division of labour in the social sciences’, Current Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 6: 599-613.
Alatas, Syed Hussein, 1974, ‘The captive mind and creative development’, International Social Science Journal, Vol. XXVI, No. 4: 691-700.
Alatas, Syed Hussein, 2006a, ‘The idea of autonomous sociology – reflections on the state of the discipline’, Current Sociology, Vol. 54, No. 1: 5-6.
Alatas, Syed Hussein, 2006b, ‘The autonomous, the universal and the future of sociology’,Current Sociology, Vol. 54, No. 1: 7-23
Albrow, Martin and Elizabeth King, eds., 1990, Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
Altbach, Philip G., ed., 1991, Publishing and development in the Third World, London. Amin, Samir, 1988, L’eurocentrisme, Paris.
Andrade Carreño, Alfredo, 1998, La sociología en México: temas, campos científicos y tradición disciplinaria, (Sociology in Mexico: themes, scientific fields and disciplinary tradition), México.
Archer, Margaret S., 1990, ‘Foreword’, pp.1-2 in Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, eds.,Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
Archer, Margaret S., 1991, ‘Sociology for one world: unity and diversity’, International Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 2: 131-147.
Arunachalam, Subbiah, 1996, ‘Science on the periphery enriches mainstream science, but at what cost? The case of ethnobotany’, pp. 29-50 in Waast, Roland, ed., Les sciences au sud – état des lieux, (The sciences in the South – recent trends), Vol. 6 of Les sciences hors
d'Occident au XXe siècle (The sciences out of Occident in the 20th century), Paris.
Arvanitis, Rigas and Gaillard, Jacques, eds., 1992, ‘Science indicators in developing countries’,Proceedings of the international conference on science indicators in developing countries, ORSTOM/CNRS, Paris, UNESCO, 15.-19. October 1990, Paris.
Baber, Zaheer, 2003, ‘Provincial universalism. The landscape of knowledge production in an era of globalization’, Current Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 6: 615-623.
Barré, Rémi; Papon, Pierre, 1993, Economie et politique de la science et de la technologie (Economy and politics of science and technology), Paris.
Bates, Robert H., Mudimbe, V.Y., and O’Barr, Jean, eds., 1993, Africa and the disciplines – the contributions of research in Africa to the social sciences and humanities, Chicago, London.
Berthelot, Jean-Michel, 1998, ‘Les nouveaux défis épistémologiques de la sociologie’, (New epistemological challenges to sociology), Sociologie et Sociétés, Vol. XXX, No. 1: 1-16.
Cabral, Amilcar, 1973, Revolution in Guinea: an African struggle, selected texts, London. Cabral, Amilcar, 1983, Die Theorie als Waffe: Schriften zur Befreiung in Afrika, edited by Amilcar-Cabral-Gesellschaft e.V., Bremen.
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique and Faletto, Enzo, 1969, Dependencia y Desarollo en America latina, (Dependency and development in Latin America) Paris.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 2000, Provincialising Europe – postcolonial thought and historical difference, Princeton.
Chekki, Dan A., 1987, ‘Synthesis and Indigenization in Indian sociology beyond tradition’, pp.1665-1698 in Hallen, G. C., ed., Sociology in India – perspectives and trends, Volume IV, Meerut, 1990-91.
Collier, Paul, 1993, ‘Africa and the study of economics’, pp. 58-82 in Bates, Robert H., Mudimbe, V.Y., O’Barr, Jean, eds., Africa and the disciplines – the contributions of research in Africa to the social sciences and humanities, Chicago, London.
Connell, R. W., 1997, ‘Why Is Classical Theory Classical?’, The American Journal of Sociology,Vol. 102, No. 6: 1511-1557.
Hountondji, Paulin, 1994, ‘Démarginaliser’, (Demarginalise), in Hountondji, Paulin, ed., Les savoirs endogènes (Endogenous knowledge), CODESRIA: 1-37.
Hountondji, Paulin, 2001/02, ‘Le savoir mondialisé: déséquilibres et enjeux actuels’, (Globalised knowledge: imbalances and actual challenges), Conference on ‘La mondialisation vue d’Afrique’ (Globalization from an African perspective) at the University of Nantes/Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Guépin, Academic Year 2001/02, www.msh- alpes.prd.fr/guepin/afrique/charpar/cfpaulin.pdf
(download Oct. 2003).
Ibn Khaldun, 1967-68, Discours sur l’Histoire universelle Al-Muqaddima, ed. by Vincent Monteil, Beyrouth.
Keim, Wiebke, 2006, Vermessene Disziplin. Nordatlantische Dominanz und konterhegemoniale Strömungen in der Entwicklung afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien, (North-Atlantic domination and counter-hegemonic currents in the development African and Latin American sociologies, working title) PhD Thesis, University of Freiburg and Paris IV-Sorbonne, August.
Keim, Wiebke, 2007, ‘Jenseits von Afrika – Auseinandersetzungen um den Hegemonialanspruch der‚ Internationalen Soziologie’, (Out of Africa – Discussions on hegemonic tendencies, International Sociology’), in Sabine Ammon et al., 2007, eds., Wissen in Bewegung – Vielfalt und Hegemonie in der Wissensgesellschaft (Knowledge in movement – diversity and hegemony in the
knowledge society), Göttingen: 121-139.
Keim, Wiebke, Forthcoming a, ‘Distorted universality – internationalization and its implications for the epistemological foundations of the discipline’, Canadian Journal of Sociology.
Keim, Wiebke, Forthcoming b, ‘Vermessene Disziplin. Zum konterhegemonialen Potential afrikanischer und lateinamerikanischer Soziologien’, (Distorted discipline. On the counter- hegemonic potential of African and Latin American sociologies), transcript, Bielefeld.
Koyano, Shogo, 1976, ‘Sociological studies in Japan – pre-war, post-war and contemporary stages’, Current Sociology, Vol. 24, No. 1.
Krishna, V. V., 1992, ‘The colonial “model” and the emergence of national science in India, 1876-1920’, in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami and Anne Marie Moulin, Science and empires.
Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht: 57-72.
Lander, Edgardo, 1997, ‘Modernidad, colonialidad y postmodernidad’, (Modernity, coloniality and postmodernity) Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales (Venezuelan Journal of Economy and Social Sciences), No. 4: 1-14 (http://ladb.unm.edu/econ/ content/ecosoc/indice/, downloaded Nov. 2005).
Lander, Edgardo, ed., 2003, La colonialidad del saber: eurocentrismo y ciencias sociales perspectivas latinoamericanas (Coloniality of knowledge: eurocentrism and the social sciences Latin American perspectives), Bueno Aires.
Lander, Edgardo, 2004, ‘Universidad y producción de conocimiento: reflexiones sobre la colonialidad del saber en América Latina’, (University and the production of knowledge: reflections on the coloniality of knowledge in Latin America), pp. 167-179 in Sánchez Ramos, Irene; Raquel Sosa Elízaga, eds., América Latina: los desafíos del pensamiento crítico (Latin America: challenges for critical thinking), México.
Lawuyi, O.B. and Olufei Taiwo, 1990, ‘Towards an African sociological tradition: a rejoinder to Akiwowo and Makinde’, pp. 135-151 in
Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, eds., Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
Lie, John, 1996, ‘Sociology of contemporary Japan’, Current Sociology, Vol. 44, No. 1: 1-66.
MacLeod, R., 1982, ‘On visiting the moving metropolis: reflections on the architecture of imperial science’, Historical Records of Australian Science, Vol. 5, No. 3: 1-16.
Mafeje, Archie, n.d., ‘Anthropology in post-independence Africa: end of an era and the problem of self-definition’, Multiversity of the MultiWorld Network, Malaysia. http://www.multiworld.org/m_versity/articles/ article.htm, (download Sept. 2005).
Magubane, Bernard Makhosezwe, 1983, ‘Towards a sociology of national liberation from colonialism. Cabral’s legacy’, in Magubane, Bernard Makhosezwe, African sociology – towards a critical perspective, Trenton, New York, Asmara, 2000: 377-403.
Makinde, A. Akin, 1988, ‘Asuwada principle: an analysis of Akiwowo’s contributions to the sociology of knowledge from an African perspective’, pp. 119-134 in Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, eds., Globalization, knowledge and society: readings from International Sociology, London.
Mamdani, Mahmood, 1997, ‘Africa and ‘African Studies’, pp. 149-154 in Cloete, Nico et al., eds., Knowledge, identity and curriculum transformation in Africa, Cape Town.
McDaniel, Susan A., 2003, ‘Introduction: the currents of sociology internationally – preponderance, diversity and division of labour’, Current Sociology, Vol. 51, No. 6: 593- 597.
Mignolo, Walter, 2004, ‘Colonialidad global, capitalismo y hegemonía epistémica’ (Global coloniality, capitalism and epistemic hegemony), pp. 113-137 in Sánchez Ramos, Irene and Raquel Sosa Elízaga, eds., América Latina: los desafíos del pensamiento crítico (Latin America: challenges for critical thinking), México.
Mkandawire, Thandika, 1989, ‘Problems and prospects of the social sciences in Africa’, Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review, Vol. V, No. 1: 1-12, http://www.ossrea.net/eassrr/ jan89/thandi.htm (download Aug. 2005).
Oommen, T. K., 1991, ‘Internationalization of sociology: a view from developing countries’,Current Sociology, Vol. 39, No. 1: 67-84.
Petitjean, Patrick; Jami, Catherine, Moulin, Anne Marie, 1992, Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht.
Polanco, X., 1985, ‘Science in developing countries: an epistemological approach on the theory of science in context’, Quipu, Vol. 2 No. 2: 202-218.
Polanco, Xavier, 1992, ‘World-Science: How is the history of world-science to be written?’, pp. 225-242 in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami, Anna Marie Moulin, eds., Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht.
Pouris, Anastassios, 1995, ‘Mapping of social sciences and arts and humanities research in South Africa, 1981-1993’, Consultancy for the ARHS Programme, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria.
Rashed, Roshdi, 1992, ‘Science classique et science moderne à l’époque de l’expansion de la science européenne’, in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami, Anne Marie Moulin, Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht: 19-30.
Romani, Vincent, 2008, ‘Sciences sociales et coercition. Les social scientists des Territoires palestiniens entre lutte nationale et indépendance scientifique’, PhD thesis, Université Paul Cézanne – Aix-Marseille III.
Sagasti, Francisco R., 1978-79, ‘Towards an endogenous scientific and technological development for the Third World’, Alternatives, IV: 301-316. Said, Edward W., 1978, Orientalism.
Saldaña, Juan-José, 1992, ‘Science et pouvoir au XIXe siècle – la France et le Mexique en perspective’, in Petitjean, Patrick; Catherine Jami, Anne Marie Moulin, Science and empires. Historical studies about scientific development and European expansion, Dordrecht: 153-164.
Schubert, András; Braun, Tibor, 1996, ‘Scientopography – world maps and charts based on scientometric indicators. A bird’s eye view on the metropolis and beyond’, pp. 65-72 in Waast, Roland, ed., Les sciences au sud – état des lieux, (The sciences in the South – recent trends), Vol. 6 of Les sciences hors d’Occident au XXe siècle (The sciences out of Occident in the 20th century), Orstom, Paris.
Shinn, Terry, 1988, ‘Hiérarchies des chercheurs et formes de recherches’, (Hierarchies between researchers and forms of research), Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Vol. 74: 2- 22.
Shinn, Terry, 2000, ‘Axes thématiques et marchés de diffusion. La science en France, 1975- 1999’, (Thematic axes and diffusion markets: Science in France, 1975-1999) Sociologie et Société, Vol. XXXII, No. 1: 43-69.
Tamari, Salim, 1994, ‘Problems of social science research in Palestine: an overview’, Current Sociology, Vol. 42, No. 2: 67-86.
Teferra, Damtew, 2002, ‘Scientific communication in African universities – the role of external agencies’, pp. 134-154 in Mouton, Johann, Waast, Roland, Ritchie, F., eds., ‘Science in Africa – Proceedings of a symposium held on 17 & 18 Oct. 2001 in Somerset West, South Africa, University of Stellenbosch’.
Todd, J., 1993, ‘Science in the periphery: an interpretation of Australian scientific and technological dependency and development prior to 1914’, Annals of Science, Vol. 50: 33- 36.
UNESCO, 1999a, ‘The social sciences in sub-Saharan Africa’, pp 122-128 in UNESCO, World social science report, Paris.
UNESCO, 1999b, Statistical Yearbook.
Waast, Roland, ed., 1996, Les sciences au sud – état des lieux (The sciences in the South – recent trends), Vol. 6 of Les sciences hors d’Occident au XXe siècle (The sciences out of Occident in the 20th century), Orstom, Paris.
Waast, Roland, 2001, ‘Afrique, vers un libre marché du travail scientifique?’, (Africa, towards a free market of scientific labour?), Economies et Sociétés, Série F, Vol. 39, Nos. 9-10: 1361- 1413.