9 - Glenn Adler (ed.). Engaging the State and Business: The Labour Movement and Co-determination in South Africa. Johannesburg Witwatersrand University Press. 2000
Corresponding Author(s) : Franco Barchiesi
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2002): African Sociological Review
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- Adler, G. and E.Webster. 1999. 'Towards a Class Compromise in South Africa's "Double Transition": Bargained Liberalization and the Consolidation ofDemoc racy', Politics and Society, 27, 3: 347-385.
- Alvesson, M. and H. Willmott (eds). 1992. Critical Management Studies. An Introduction (London: Sage).
- Barchiesi, F. 1998. 'Trade Unions and Organisational Restructuring in the South African Automobile Industry: A Critique of the Co-determination Thesis', African Sociological Review, 2, 2: 47-76.
- Barchiesi, F. 2001. 'The Changing Role ofLabor in the South African Democratiza tion. Employment, Flexibility, and the Challenge of Social Citizenship', forthcom ing in African Rural and Urban Studies.
- Bond, P. 2000. Elite Transition. From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa Lon don. Pluto Press.
- Hardt, M. and A. Negri. 2000. Empire. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. Klein, N. 2000. No-logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. (New York, NY. Picador USA.
- Marais, H. 2001. South Africa: Limits to Change. The Political Economy of Transfor mation. Second edition London. Zed Books; Cape Town. UCT Press.
- Mezzadra, S. 1999. La costituzione del sociale. Il pensiero giuridico di Hugo Preuss [The constitution of the social: the juridical thought of Hugo Preuss]. Bologna. Il Mulino.
- Roth, K.-H. 1974. Die 'andere' Arbeiterbewegung und die Entwicklung der kapitalistischen Repression von 1880 bis zur Gegenwart [The 'other' labour move ment and the development of capitalist repression ftom 1880 to the present]. Munich. Trikont Verlag. Standard Bank of South Africa. 1999. 'Dilemma Posed by Rapid Growth ofFinancial Sector', Services Sector Report, Economie Division, 2 August.
- Streeck, W. (ed.) 1998. Mitbestimmung und neue Unternehmenskulturen [Co-determination and new enterprise cultures]. Berlin. Gutersloh.
- Upchurch, M. 2000. 'The Crisis of Labour Relations in Germany', Capital and Class,70: 65-94.
- Waterman, P. 1999. Globalization, Social Movements and the New Intemationalisms London. Mansell.
Adler, G. and E.Webster. 1999. 'Towards a Class Compromise in South Africa's "Double Transition": Bargained Liberalization and the Consolidation ofDemoc racy', Politics and Society, 27, 3: 347-385.
Alvesson, M. and H. Willmott (eds). 1992. Critical Management Studies. An Introduction (London: Sage).
Barchiesi, F. 1998. 'Trade Unions and Organisational Restructuring in the South African Automobile Industry: A Critique of the Co-determination Thesis', African Sociological Review, 2, 2: 47-76.
Barchiesi, F. 2001. 'The Changing Role ofLabor in the South African Democratiza tion. Employment, Flexibility, and the Challenge of Social Citizenship', forthcom ing in African Rural and Urban Studies.
Bond, P. 2000. Elite Transition. From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa Lon don. Pluto Press.
Hardt, M. and A. Negri. 2000. Empire. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. Klein, N. 2000. No-logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. (New York, NY. Picador USA.
Marais, H. 2001. South Africa: Limits to Change. The Political Economy of Transfor mation. Second edition London. Zed Books; Cape Town. UCT Press.
Mezzadra, S. 1999. La costituzione del sociale. Il pensiero giuridico di Hugo Preuss [The constitution of the social: the juridical thought of Hugo Preuss]. Bologna. Il Mulino.
Roth, K.-H. 1974. Die 'andere' Arbeiterbewegung und die Entwicklung der kapitalistischen Repression von 1880 bis zur Gegenwart [The 'other' labour move ment and the development of capitalist repression ftom 1880 to the present]. Munich. Trikont Verlag. Standard Bank of South Africa. 1999. 'Dilemma Posed by Rapid Growth ofFinancial Sector', Services Sector Report, Economie Division, 2 August.
Streeck, W. (ed.) 1998. Mitbestimmung und neue Unternehmenskulturen [Co-determination and new enterprise cultures]. Berlin. Gutersloh.
Upchurch, M. 2000. 'The Crisis of Labour Relations in Germany', Capital and Class,70: 65-94.
Waterman, P. 1999. Globalization, Social Movements and the New Intemationalisms London. Mansell.