Afrika Zamani: n°18 & 19, 2010-2011 - Full Issue
Afrika Zamani,
No. 18-19 (2011): Afrika Zamani: An Annual Journal of African History
Métissage in Nineteenth Century Senegal: Hybrid Identity and French Colonialism in a West African Town
Hilary Jones ..................................................... 1
Musical Hybridity in Flux: Representing Race, Colonial Policy, and Modernity in French North Africa, 1860s-1930s .
Jann Pasler ........................ 21
Le cinéma, un véhicule culturel en contexte colonial
Odile Goerg ..........................69
A la recherche d’un primitivisme fédérateur: le peintre Atlan et le groupe Cobra ...................................................................... 95
Anissa Bouayed ...................................................................... 95
Colonial Encounters: A Danish Planter in German East Africa ......................................................................................... 107
Marianne Rostgaard ......................................................................................... 107
Education et identité des « Portugais » en Casamance XIXè- début XXè Histoire d’une « assimilation » manquée ?
Céline Labrune-Badiane ...................... 131
Camwood (PterocarpusTinctorius) in the Political Economy of the Cross and Manyu Rivers Basin of Cameroon and Some Hinterland Communities, 1916-1961
Henry Kam Kah ....................................... 149
Colonial Economic Disempowerment and the Responses of the Hlengwe Peasantry of the South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe: 1890-1965
Taderera Hebert Chisi .................................................................. 165
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