4 - Land Reform as Social Policy: Exploring the Redistribution and Social Protection Outcoms in Goromonzi District, Zimbabwe
Corresponding Author(s) : Clement Chipenda
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 6 (2021): CODESRIA Bulletin, No 6, 2021
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- Holzman, R. and Kozel, V., 2007, ‘The role of social risk management in development: a World Bank view’, IDS Bulletin 38 (2): 8–13.
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- Titmuss, R., 1974, What is Social Policy?, London: Allen and Unwin.
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- Yi, I. and Kim, T., 2015, ‘Post 2015 development goals (SDGs) and transformative social policy’, OUGHTOPIA: The Journal of Social Paradigm Studies 30 (1): 307–35.
Adesina, J. O., 2007, ‘Social Policy in Sub-Saharan African Context: In Search of Inclusive Development’ in Adesina, J. O., ed., In Search of Inclusive Development: Introduction, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Adesina, J. O., 2015, ‘Return to a wider vision of social policy: rereading theory and history’, South African Review of Sociology 46 (3): 99–119.
Chipenda, C. and Tom, T., 2021, Zimbabwe’s Social Policy Response to Covid-19: Temporary Food Relief and Cash Transfers. Covid-19 Social Policy Response, 23/2021, Bremen: CRC 1342, available at: https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/crc-publications/crc-1342-covid-19-social-policy-response-series/en?publ=10341.
Chung, H. J., 2004, ‘The Role of Social Policy in Economic Development: Some Theoretical Reflections and Lessons From East Asia’, in Mkandawire, T., ed., Social Policy in a Development Context, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Devereux, S. and Sabates-Wheeler, R., 2004, ‘Transformative social protection’, IDS Working Paper 232, Brighton: IDS.
Fine, B., 2009, ‘Social policy and the crisis of neo-liberalism’, paper presented to the Sanpad Conference, 13–15 March, available at: http:www.networkideas.org/ideasact/jan09/PDF/Fine,pdf.
Gumede, V., 2016, Vusi Gumede Academy Professional Network, available at: http://www.vusigumede.com/content/2016/JUN%202016/Latest%20Academic%20Paper.pdf.
Holzman, R. and Kozel, V., 2007, ‘The role of social risk management in development: a World Bank view’, IDS Bulletin 38 (2): 8–13.
Mkandawire, T., 2004, ‘Social Policy in a Development Context: Introduction’, in Mkandawire, T., ed., Social Policy in a Development Context, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Mkandawire,T.,2011,‘WelfareRegime and Economic Development: Bridging the Conceptual Gap’, in Fitzegerald, V., Heyer J. and Thorp, R., eds, Overcoming the Persistence of Poverty and Inequality, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyo, S., 2011, ‘Land concentration and accumulation after redistributive reform in post settler Zimbabwe’, Review of African Political Economy 38 (128): 25–76.
Moyo, S., 2013, ‘Land Reform and Redistribution in Zimbabwe since 1980’, in Moyo S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe: Beyond White-settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Noyoo, N., 2021, South Africa’s Social Policy Response to Covid-19: Relief Measures in an Unequal Society. Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series/21/2021, Bremen: CRC 1342, available at: https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/crc-publications/crc-1342-covid-19- social-policy-response-series/en?publ=10325.
Prasad, N., Hypher, N. and Gerecke, M., 2013, Seeing Big: Transformative Social Policies in Small States, Geneva: UNRISD.
Pruce, K., 2021, Zambia’s Social Policy Response to Covid-19: Protecting the Poorest or Political Survival? Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series/9/2021, Bremen: CRC 1342, available at: https://www.socialpolicydynamics.de/crc-publications/crc-1342-covid-19-social-policy-response-series?publ=10205.
Titmuss, R., 1974, What is Social Policy?, London: Allen and Unwin.
UNRISD, 2006, Transformative Social Policy: Lessons from UNRISD Research, Geneva: UNRISD.
Utete, C., 2003, Presidential Land Review Committee Under the Chairmanship of Dr C. M. B. Utete, Volume 1 Main Report and Volume 2 Special Studies, Harare: Government Printers.
Yi, I. and Kim, T., 2015, ‘Post 2015 development goals (SDGs) and transformative social policy’, OUGHTOPIA: The Journal of Social Paradigm Studies 30 (1): 307–35.