5 - The Male Breadwinner Myth: The South African Case
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 6 (2021): CODESRIA Bulletin, No 6, 2021
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- Adesina, J. O., 2011, ‘Beyond the social protection paradigm: social policy in Africa’s development’, Canadian Journal of Development 32 (4): 454–70.
- Delius, P. and Glaser, C., 2002, ‘Sexual socialisation in South Africa: a historical perspective’, African Studies 61 (1): 27–54.
- Everitt-Penhale, B. and Ratele, K., 2015, ‘Rethinking “traditional masculinity” as constructed, multiple, and ≠ hegemonic masculinity’, South African Review of Sociology 46 (2): 4–22.
- Ferguson, J., 2015, Give a Man a Fish: Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
- Fioramonti, L., 2017, Wellbeing Economy: Success in a World without Growth, Johannesburg: Pan Macmillan.
- Graham, L. and De Lannoy, A., 2016, ‘Youth unemployment: what can we do in the short run?’, available at: https://www.polity.org.za/article/youth-unemployment-what-can-we-do-in-the-short-run-2016-12-13.
- Kangas, O., 2012, ‘Testing old theories in new surroundings: the timing of first social security laws in Africa’, International Social Security Review 65 (1): 73–97.
- Langa, M., 2020, Becoming Men: Black Masculinities in a South African Township, Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
- Meagher, K., 2013, Unlocking the Informal Economy: A Literature Review on Linkages between Formal and Informal Economies in Developing Countries, Manchester: Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing.
- MenCare, 2015, The State of Africa’s Fathers: A MenCare Advocacy Publication, available at https://bettercarenetwork.org/sites/default/files/State%20of%20Africa’s%20Fathers%202015.pdf.
- Mkandawire, T., 2007, ‘Transformative social policy and innovation in developing countries’, European Journal of Development Research 19 (1): 13–29.
- Morrell, R., Jewkes, R. and Lindegger, G., 2012, ‘Hegemonic masculinity/ masculinities in South Africa: culture, power and gender politics’, Men and Masculinities 15 (1): 11–30.
- Naidoo, M. and Hoque, M. E., 2017, ‘Reducing youth unemployment beyond the Youth Wage Subsidy: a study of Simtech apprentices’, SA Journal of Human Resource Management 1: 1–10.
- National Planning Commission, 2013, National Development Plan 2030, Pretoria: The Presidency, Republic of South Africa.
- Patel, L., 2014, ‘Gender and Care in the Non-profit Sector in South Africa: Implications for Welfare Policy’, in Reddy, V., Meyer, S., Shefer, T. and Meyiwa, T., eds, Care in Context: Transnational Gender Perspectives, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
- Rabe, M., 2017, ‘Family policy for all South African families’, International Social Work 60 (5): 1189–200.
- Razavi, S., 2014, ‘Revisiting the UNRISD Research on the Political and Social Economy of Care: Implications for Future Research and Policy’, in Reddy, V., Meyer, S., Shefer, T. and Meyiwa, T., eds, Care in Context: Transnational Gender Perspectives, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
- Seekings, J. and Moore, E., 2013, Kin, Market and State in the Provision of Care in South Africa, Working Paper for Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town.
- Slegh, H., Barker, G. and Levtov, R., 2014, ‘Gender relations, sexual and gender-based violence and the effects of conflict on women and men in North Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey’, Washington, DC: Promondo and Sonke Gender Justice.
- Sonke Gender Justice, 2016, Annual Report, Celebrating 10 Years of Advancing Gender Justice, available at: https://genderjustice.org.za/publication/sonke-annual-report-2015-2016/.
- Sonke Gender Justice, 2020, http://www.genderjustice.org.za/.
- StatsSA, 2013, Gender Report, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
- StatsSA, 2019, Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Quarter 4: 2019 P0211, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
- Van den Berg, W., Hendricks, L.,Hatcher, A., Peacock, D., Godana,
- P. and Dworkin, S., 2013, ‘“One Man Can”: shifts in fatherhood beliefs and parenting practices following a gender-transformative programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa’, Gender and Development 21 (1): 111–25.
- Van den Berg, W. and Makusha, T., 2018, State of South Africa’s Fathers 2018, Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice and Human Sciences Research Council.
- Wright, G., Noble, M. and Ntshongwana, P., 2014, ‘The impact of poverty and inequality on the dignity of lone mothers in South Africa’, Working Paper, DFID/ESRC, available at: https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/11978.
Adesina, J. O., 2011, ‘Beyond the social protection paradigm: social policy in Africa’s development’, Canadian Journal of Development 32 (4): 454–70.
Delius, P. and Glaser, C., 2002, ‘Sexual socialisation in South Africa: a historical perspective’, African Studies 61 (1): 27–54.
Everitt-Penhale, B. and Ratele, K., 2015, ‘Rethinking “traditional masculinity” as constructed, multiple, and ≠ hegemonic masculinity’, South African Review of Sociology 46 (2): 4–22.
Ferguson, J., 2015, Give a Man a Fish: Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Fioramonti, L., 2017, Wellbeing Economy: Success in a World without Growth, Johannesburg: Pan Macmillan.
Graham, L. and De Lannoy, A., 2016, ‘Youth unemployment: what can we do in the short run?’, available at: https://www.polity.org.za/article/youth-unemployment-what-can-we-do-in-the-short-run-2016-12-13.
Kangas, O., 2012, ‘Testing old theories in new surroundings: the timing of first social security laws in Africa’, International Social Security Review 65 (1): 73–97.
Langa, M., 2020, Becoming Men: Black Masculinities in a South African Township, Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
Meagher, K., 2013, Unlocking the Informal Economy: A Literature Review on Linkages between Formal and Informal Economies in Developing Countries, Manchester: Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing.
MenCare, 2015, The State of Africa’s Fathers: A MenCare Advocacy Publication, available at https://bettercarenetwork.org/sites/default/files/State%20of%20Africa’s%20Fathers%202015.pdf.
Mkandawire, T., 2007, ‘Transformative social policy and innovation in developing countries’, European Journal of Development Research 19 (1): 13–29.
Morrell, R., Jewkes, R. and Lindegger, G., 2012, ‘Hegemonic masculinity/ masculinities in South Africa: culture, power and gender politics’, Men and Masculinities 15 (1): 11–30.
Naidoo, M. and Hoque, M. E., 2017, ‘Reducing youth unemployment beyond the Youth Wage Subsidy: a study of Simtech apprentices’, SA Journal of Human Resource Management 1: 1–10.
National Planning Commission, 2013, National Development Plan 2030, Pretoria: The Presidency, Republic of South Africa.
Patel, L., 2014, ‘Gender and Care in the Non-profit Sector in South Africa: Implications for Welfare Policy’, in Reddy, V., Meyer, S., Shefer, T. and Meyiwa, T., eds, Care in Context: Transnational Gender Perspectives, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Rabe, M., 2017, ‘Family policy for all South African families’, International Social Work 60 (5): 1189–200.
Razavi, S., 2014, ‘Revisiting the UNRISD Research on the Political and Social Economy of Care: Implications for Future Research and Policy’, in Reddy, V., Meyer, S., Shefer, T. and Meyiwa, T., eds, Care in Context: Transnational Gender Perspectives, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Seekings, J. and Moore, E., 2013, Kin, Market and State in the Provision of Care in South Africa, Working Paper for Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town.
Slegh, H., Barker, G. and Levtov, R., 2014, ‘Gender relations, sexual and gender-based violence and the effects of conflict on women and men in North Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey’, Washington, DC: Promondo and Sonke Gender Justice.
Sonke Gender Justice, 2016, Annual Report, Celebrating 10 Years of Advancing Gender Justice, available at: https://genderjustice.org.za/publication/sonke-annual-report-2015-2016/.
Sonke Gender Justice, 2020, http://www.genderjustice.org.za/.
StatsSA, 2013, Gender Report, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
StatsSA, 2019, Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Quarter 4: 2019 P0211, Pretoria: Statistics South Africa.
Van den Berg, W., Hendricks, L.,Hatcher, A., Peacock, D., Godana,
P. and Dworkin, S., 2013, ‘“One Man Can”: shifts in fatherhood beliefs and parenting practices following a gender-transformative programme in Eastern Cape, South Africa’, Gender and Development 21 (1): 111–25.
Van den Berg, W. and Makusha, T., 2018, State of South Africa’s Fathers 2018, Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice and Human Sciences Research Council.
Wright, G., Noble, M. and Ntshongwana, P., 2014, ‘The impact of poverty and inequality on the dignity of lone mothers in South Africa’, Working Paper, DFID/ESRC, available at: https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/11978.