7 - Excavating Communal Mutual Support Praxis in Two Townships in South Africa: Preliminary Notes for Social Policy Learning
Corresponding Author(s) : Jimi Adesina
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 6 (2021): CODESRIA Bulletin, No 6, 2021
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- Adesina, J. O., 2011, ‘Beyond social protection paradigm: social poli- cy in Africa’s development’, Canadian Journal of Development Studies 32 (4): 454–70.
- Adesina, J. O., 2009, ‘Social policy in sub-Saharan Africa: a glance in the rearview mirror’, International Journal of Social Welfare 18: S37–S51.
- Aliber, M., 2001, ‘Rotating savings and credit associations and the pursuit of self-discipline: a case study in South Africa’, African Review of Money Finance and Banking 2001: 51–73.
- Benda, C., 2012, ‘Community rotating savings and credit associations as an agent of well-being: a case study from northern Rwanda’, Community Development Journal 48 (2): 232–47.
- Bisrat, A., Kostas, K. and Feng, L., 2012, ‘Are there financial ben- efits to join RoSCAs? Empirical evidence from Equb in Ethiopia’, Procedia Economics and Finance 1: 229–38.
- Bophela, M. J. K. and Khumalo, N., 2019, ‘The roles of stokvels in South Africa: a case of economic transformation of a municipality’, Problems and Perspectives in Management 17(4): 26–37.
- Bouman, F. J. A., 1995a, ‘ROSCA: on the origin of the species’, Savings and Development 19 (2): 117–49.
- Bouman, F. J. A., 1995b, ‘Rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations: a development perspective’, World Development 23 (3): 371–84.
- Bryman, A. and Teevan, J. J., 2005, Social Research Methods, Toronto: Oxford University Press.
- Burgess, R., 1984, In the Field: An Introduction to Field Research, London: Routledge.
- Chadderton, C. and Torrance, H., 2011, ‘Case Study’, in Somekh, B. and Lewin, K., eds, Theory and Methods in Social Research (2nd edition), Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
- Dickinson, J. and Russell, B., 1986, ‘Introduction: The Structure of Reproduction in Capitalist Society”’ in Dickinson, J. and Russell, B., eds, Family, Economy and State: The Social Reproduction Process Under Capitalism, London: Croom Helm.
- Etang, A., Fielding, D. and Knowles, S., 2011, ‘Trust and ROSCA membership in rural Cameroon’, Journal of International Development 23: 461–75.
- Glenn, B. J., 2001, ‘Understanding mutual benefit societies at the turn of the twentieth century’, Division II Faculty Publications, Paper 77.
- Heinrich, M., 2012, An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital, New York: Monthly Review Press.
- Kangas, O. and Palme, J., 2009, ‘Making social policy work for economic development: the Nordic experience’, International Journal of Social Welfare 18: S62–S72.
- Katz, A. H. and Bender, E. I., 1976, ‘Self-help groups in western society: history and prospects’, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 12 (3): 265–82.
- Kumar, R., 2005, Research Methodol- ogy: A Step-by-step Guide for Be- ginners, London: Sage.
- Low, A., 1995, A Bibliographical Sur- vey of Rotating Savings and Credit Association, Oxford: Oxfam.
- Mkandawire, T., 2007, ‘Transformative social policy and innovation in developing countries’, European Journal of Development Research 19 (1): 13–29.
- Mkandawire, T., 2004, ‘Social Policy in a Development Context: Introduction’, in Mkandawire, T., Social Policy in a Development Context, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Moodley, L, 1995, ‘Three stokvel clubs in the urban black township of KwaNdangezi, Natal’, Development Southern Africa 12 (3): 361–6.
- O’Hearn, D. and Grubačić, A., 2016, ‘Capitalism, mutual aid, and ma- terial life: understanding exilic spaces’ Capital and Class 40 (1):147–65.
- Pack, S. J, 2010, Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx: On Some Fundamental Issues in 21st Century Political Economy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Peires, J. B., 1981, The House of Phalo: A History of the Xhosa People in the Days of their Independence, Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
- Peterlechner, L., 2009, ‘ROSCAS in Uganda – beyond economic rationality?’, African Review of Money Finance and Banking 2009: 109–40.
- Picchio, A., 1992, Social Reproduc- tion: The Political Economy of the Labour Market, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Polanyi, K., 2001 [1944], The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origin of Our Time (2ⁿᵈ Paperback Edition), Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
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- UNRISD, 2006, ‘Tranformative social policy: Lesson from UNRISD research’, UNRISD Research and Policy Brief 5, Geneva.
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- Weinbren, D. and James, B., 2005, ‘Getting a grip: the role of friend- ly societies in Australia and Britain reappraised’, Labour History 88: 87–103.
- Yin, R. K., 2009, Case Study Re-search: Design and Methods (4th edition), Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Adesina, J. O., 2011, ‘Beyond social protection paradigm: social poli- cy in Africa’s development’, Canadian Journal of Development Studies 32 (4): 454–70.
Adesina, J. O., 2009, ‘Social policy in sub-Saharan Africa: a glance in the rearview mirror’, International Journal of Social Welfare 18: S37–S51.
Aliber, M., 2001, ‘Rotating savings and credit associations and the pursuit of self-discipline: a case study in South Africa’, African Review of Money Finance and Banking 2001: 51–73.
Benda, C., 2012, ‘Community rotating savings and credit associations as an agent of well-being: a case study from northern Rwanda’, Community Development Journal 48 (2): 232–47.
Bisrat, A., Kostas, K. and Feng, L., 2012, ‘Are there financial ben- efits to join RoSCAs? Empirical evidence from Equb in Ethiopia’, Procedia Economics and Finance 1: 229–38.
Bophela, M. J. K. and Khumalo, N., 2019, ‘The roles of stokvels in South Africa: a case of economic transformation of a municipality’, Problems and Perspectives in Management 17(4): 26–37.
Bouman, F. J. A., 1995a, ‘ROSCA: on the origin of the species’, Savings and Development 19 (2): 117–49.
Bouman, F. J. A., 1995b, ‘Rotating and accumulating savings and credit associations: a development perspective’, World Development 23 (3): 371–84.
Bryman, A. and Teevan, J. J., 2005, Social Research Methods, Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Burgess, R., 1984, In the Field: An Introduction to Field Research, London: Routledge.
Chadderton, C. and Torrance, H., 2011, ‘Case Study’, in Somekh, B. and Lewin, K., eds, Theory and Methods in Social Research (2nd edition), Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Dickinson, J. and Russell, B., 1986, ‘Introduction: The Structure of Reproduction in Capitalist Society”’ in Dickinson, J. and Russell, B., eds, Family, Economy and State: The Social Reproduction Process Under Capitalism, London: Croom Helm.
Etang, A., Fielding, D. and Knowles, S., 2011, ‘Trust and ROSCA membership in rural Cameroon’, Journal of International Development 23: 461–75.
Glenn, B. J., 2001, ‘Understanding mutual benefit societies at the turn of the twentieth century’, Division II Faculty Publications, Paper 77.
Heinrich, M., 2012, An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital, New York: Monthly Review Press.
Kangas, O. and Palme, J., 2009, ‘Making social policy work for economic development: the Nordic experience’, International Journal of Social Welfare 18: S62–S72.
Katz, A. H. and Bender, E. I., 1976, ‘Self-help groups in western society: history and prospects’, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 12 (3): 265–82.
Kumar, R., 2005, Research Methodol- ogy: A Step-by-step Guide for Be- ginners, London: Sage.
Low, A., 1995, A Bibliographical Sur- vey of Rotating Savings and Credit Association, Oxford: Oxfam.
Mkandawire, T., 2007, ‘Transformative social policy and innovation in developing countries’, European Journal of Development Research 19 (1): 13–29.
Mkandawire, T., 2004, ‘Social Policy in a Development Context: Introduction’, in Mkandawire, T., Social Policy in a Development Context, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moodley, L, 1995, ‘Three stokvel clubs in the urban black township of KwaNdangezi, Natal’, Development Southern Africa 12 (3): 361–6.
O’Hearn, D. and Grubačić, A., 2016, ‘Capitalism, mutual aid, and ma- terial life: understanding exilic spaces’ Capital and Class 40 (1):147–65.
Pack, S. J, 2010, Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx: On Some Fundamental Issues in 21st Century Political Economy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Peires, J. B., 1981, The House of Phalo: A History of the Xhosa People in the Days of their Independence, Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Peterlechner, L., 2009, ‘ROSCAS in Uganda – beyond economic rationality?’, African Review of Money Finance and Banking 2009: 109–40.
Picchio, A., 1992, Social Reproduc- tion: The Political Economy of the Labour Market, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Polanyi, K., 2001 [1944], The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origin of Our Time (2ⁿᵈ Paperback Edition), Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
Rutherford, S. 2000, The Poor and their Money, New Delhi and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sen, A., 2008. ‘Capability and well- being’, in Hausman, D. M., ed., The Philosophy of Economics: An Anthology (third edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sen, A., 2009, The Idea of Justice, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
UNRISD, 2006, ‘Tranformative social policy: Lesson from UNRISD research’, UNRISD Research and Policy Brief 5, Geneva.
Verhoef, G., 2001, ‘Informal financial institutions for survival: African women and stokvels in urban South Africa’, Enterprise and Society 2 (2): 259–96.
Weinbren, D. and James, B., 2005, ‘Getting a grip: the role of friend- ly societies in Australia and Britain reappraised’, Labour History 88: 87–103.
Yin, R. K., 2009, Case Study Re-search: Design and Methods (4th edition), Los Angeles, CA: Sage.