3 - The Nobel Prizes, Racism and the Economy of Prestige
Corresponding Author(s) : Wandia Njoya
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 04 (2020): CODESRIA Bulletin, No 4, 2020
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- Bonnefous, E., 1983, L’Institut de France: Passé, present et l’avenir. Revue de deux mondes, 20-26, April.
- Brunon, D., 2014, Académie fran- çaise: être Immortel, combien ça coûte ? Europe1. April 11. Retrieved from https://www.europe1.fr/economie/Academie- francaise-etre-Immortel-combi-en-ca-coute-856070
- Burtless, G., 2019, Experimental economists win the Nobel Prize, and they deserved to win.
- RealClear- Markets, October 23. Retrieved from https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2019/10/23/experimental_economists_win_the_nobel_prize_and_they_deserved_to_win_103953.html
- Chelwa, G., 2020, ‘Pop Develop- mentalism in Africa', CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 1, 2020, Dakar, CODESRIA.
- Chelwa, G., Hoffmann, N., & Muller, S. M., 2019, How randomised trials became big in development economics. The Conversation, December 9 Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/how-randomised-trials-became-big-in-development-economics-128398
- Duflo, E., 2011, Policies, politics: Can evidence play a role in the fight against poverty? The Sixth Annual Richard H. Sabot lecture. Washington DC: Center for Global Development.
- Duflo, E., & Kremer, M., 2008, Use of randomization in the evaluation of development effectiveness. In
- W. Bank, ed., Evaluating Development Effectiveness. Transaction Publishers.
- Feldman, B., 2000, The Nobel Prize: A history of genius, controversy and prestige. New York: Arcade.
- Ganetz, H., 2018, The body of the queen and the prize of science. Feminist Media Studies, 18(6), 1055-1069. doi:10.1080/14680777.2017.1391308
- Hoffmann, N., 2020, ‘Involuntary Social Experimentation: Revisiting the Case for a Moratorium’, CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 1, 2020, Dakar, CODESRIA.
- Hoffmann, N., 2018, When are experiments corrupt? Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 36(4), 532–52 . doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2019.1579893
- Mayer, A. J., 1981, The persistence of the old regime: Europe to the Great War. New York: Pantheon.
- Miguel, E., & Kremer, M., 2004, Worms: Identifying impacts on education and health in the presence of treatment externalities. Econometrica, 72(1), 159-217.
- Offer, A., & Soderberg, G., 2016, The Nobel factor: The Prize in economics, social democracy, and the market turn. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Rothstein, B., 2015, Proposal for an investigation by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences if its continued involvement in the awarding of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics. Gothenberg: University of Gothenberg.
- SudOuest, 2015, Indemnités, avantages, logements: le fastueux train de vie de l’Académie française, May 5. Retrieved from https://www.sudouest.fr/2015/05/05/indemnites-avantages-logements-le-fastueux-train-de-vie-de-l-academie-francaise-1912034-4692.php
- The Local, 2005, Nobel descendant slams economics prize. September 2. Retrieved from https://www.thelocal.se/20050928/2173
- van Krieken, R., 2012, On the celibrification of the academy. Global Dialogue, 2(4), 6-7.
- Webber, S., & Prouse, C., 2018, The new gold standard: The rise of randomized control trials and experimental development. Eco- nomic Geography, 94(2), 166-187. doi:10.1080/00130095.2017.1392235
- Whyte, W., 2005, The intellectual aristocracy revisited. Journal of Victorian Culture, 10(1), 15-45. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jvc.2005.10.1.15
Bonnefous, E., 1983, L’Institut de France: Passé, present et l’avenir. Revue de deux mondes, 20-26, April.
Brunon, D., 2014, Académie fran- çaise: être Immortel, combien ça coûte ? Europe1. April 11. Retrieved from https://www.europe1.fr/economie/Academie- francaise-etre-Immortel-combi-en-ca-coute-856070
Burtless, G., 2019, Experimental economists win the Nobel Prize, and they deserved to win.
RealClear- Markets, October 23. Retrieved from https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2019/10/23/experimental_economists_win_the_nobel_prize_and_they_deserved_to_win_103953.html
Chelwa, G., 2020, ‘Pop Develop- mentalism in Africa', CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 1, 2020, Dakar, CODESRIA.
Chelwa, G., Hoffmann, N., & Muller, S. M., 2019, How randomised trials became big in development economics. The Conversation, December 9 Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/how-randomised-trials-became-big-in-development-economics-128398
Duflo, E., 2011, Policies, politics: Can evidence play a role in the fight against poverty? The Sixth Annual Richard H. Sabot lecture. Washington DC: Center for Global Development.
Duflo, E., & Kremer, M., 2008, Use of randomization in the evaluation of development effectiveness. In
W. Bank, ed., Evaluating Development Effectiveness. Transaction Publishers.
Feldman, B., 2000, The Nobel Prize: A history of genius, controversy and prestige. New York: Arcade.
Ganetz, H., 2018, The body of the queen and the prize of science. Feminist Media Studies, 18(6), 1055-1069. doi:10.1080/14680777.2017.1391308
Hoffmann, N., 2020, ‘Involuntary Social Experimentation: Revisiting the Case for a Moratorium’, CODESRIA Bulletin, No. 1, 2020, Dakar, CODESRIA.
Hoffmann, N., 2018, When are experiments corrupt? Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 36(4), 532–52 . doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2019.1579893
Mayer, A. J., 1981, The persistence of the old regime: Europe to the Great War. New York: Pantheon.
Miguel, E., & Kremer, M., 2004, Worms: Identifying impacts on education and health in the presence of treatment externalities. Econometrica, 72(1), 159-217.
Offer, A., & Soderberg, G., 2016, The Nobel factor: The Prize in economics, social democracy, and the market turn. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Rothstein, B., 2015, Proposal for an investigation by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences if its continued involvement in the awarding of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics. Gothenberg: University of Gothenberg.
SudOuest, 2015, Indemnités, avantages, logements: le fastueux train de vie de l’Académie française, May 5. Retrieved from https://www.sudouest.fr/2015/05/05/indemnites-avantages-logements-le-fastueux-train-de-vie-de-l-academie-francaise-1912034-4692.php
The Local, 2005, Nobel descendant slams economics prize. September 2. Retrieved from https://www.thelocal.se/20050928/2173
van Krieken, R., 2012, On the celibrification of the academy. Global Dialogue, 2(4), 6-7.
Webber, S., & Prouse, C., 2018, The new gold standard: The rise of randomized control trials and experimental development. Eco- nomic Geography, 94(2), 166-187. doi:10.1080/00130095.2017.1392235
Whyte, W., 2005, The intellectual aristocracy revisited. Journal of Victorian Culture, 10(1), 15-45. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jvc.2005.10.1.15