5 - Structural Change, Inequality and Inclusive Development: Case of Sub-Saharan Africa
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 04 (2020): CODESRIA Bulletin, No 4, 2020
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- Adedeji, A., 2002, “From the Lagos Plan of Action to the New Partnership for African Development and from the Final Act of Lagos to the Constitutive Act: Whither Africa?” In Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Asghedech Ghirmazion and Davider Lamba (eds.) New Partnership for Africa’s Development: A New Path? Nairobi: Heinrich Böll Foundation.
- Adesina, J., 2006, “Development and the Challenge of Poverty: NE- PAD, post-Washington Consensus and Beyond.” In J Adesina,
- Y. Graham, and A. Olukoshi (eds) Africa & Development Challenges in the New Millennium. London: Zed Books. African Development Bank, 2015, Data Portal, http://dataportal.afdb.org/DataQuery.aspx (Accessed 20 November 2015).
- African Union, 2015, AGENDA 2063: Framework Document. (September 2015), Addis Ababa: AU.
- Ashraf, Q. & Galor, O., 2013, “The ‘Out of Africa’ Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development.” American Economic Review 103(1): 1-46.
- Arndt, C., McKay, A. and Tarp. F. (eds.) 2016, Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Charmes, J., 2012, “The Informal Economy Worldwide: Trends and Characteristics.” Margin—The Journal of Applied Economic Research 6(2): 103-132.
- Cornia, G. A. and Martorano, B. 2015, ‘Building the IID-SSA inequality dataset and the seven sins of inequality measurement in SSA’. Draft. New York: Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP.
- Economist, The. 2000. “The hopeless continent.” 13 May 2000 edition. Available at: https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/2000-05-13. (Accessed 27 June 2020).
- Economist,The.2011.“Africarising.”3 December 2011 edition. Available at: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2011/12/03/africa-rising. (Accessed 27 June 2020).
- Gallup, J.L. and Sachs, J.D. 2001. “The Economic Burden of Malaria.” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 64(1-2): 85-96.
- Gallup, J.L., Sachs, J.D. and Mellin- ger, A.D. 1999. “Geography and Economic Development.” International Regional Science Review 22(2): 179-232.
- Gelman, A. 2016. “Why is Africa so poor while Europe and North America are so wealthy?” The Washington Post 24 April 2016.
- Guedes, J.A., Bestor, T.C., Carrasco, D., Flad, R., Fosse, E., Herz- feld, M., Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C., Lewis, C.M., Liebman, M., Meadow, R., Patterson, N., Price, M., Reiches, M., Richardson, S.,
- Shattuck-Heidorn, H., Ur, J., Urton, G. and Warinner, C. 2013. “Is Poverty in Our Genes?” Current Anthropology 54(1): 71-79.
- ILO, 2012, Statistical update on employment in the informal economy. June 2012, Geneva: ILO Statistical Department.
- International Parliamentary Union. 2015, Women in Parliaments: World Classification, www.ipu.org/wmne/classif.htm (Accessed 21 December 2015).
- Milanovic, B., 2003, ‘Is inequality in Africa really different?’ Working Paper Series No. 3169. Washington, DC.: The World Bank.
- Mkandawire, T., 2005, “Maladjusted African Economies and Globa- lisation.” Africa Development 30(1-2): 1-33.
- Mkandawire, T., 2010, “How the New Poverty Agenda Neglected Social and Employment Policies in Africa.” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 11(1): 37-55.
- Mkandawire, T., 2011, “Running While Others Walk: Knowledge and the Challenge of Africa’s Development.” Africa Development 36(2): 1-36.
- Mkandawire, T., 2015, “Neopatrimo- nialism and the Political Economy of Economic Performance in Africa: Critical Reflections.” World Politics 67(3): 563-612.
- OECD, 2015, Social Institutions & Gender Index Database, http://www.genderindex.org/ (Accessed 02 December 2015).
- Organisation of African Unity, 1980, Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa (1980-2000), Addis Ababa: OAU.
- Ravallion, M & Chen, S 2012, Monitoring Inequality, http://blog.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/monitoring-inequality (Accessed viewed 02 October 2015).
- Tang, S. 2016. “Eurasia Advantage, not Genetic Diversity: Against Ashraf and Galor’s ‘Genetic Diversity’ Hypothesis.” Historical Social Research 41(1): 287-327.
- UNECA, 2013, Making the Most of Africa’s Commodities: Indus- trializing for Growth, Jobs and Economic Transformation, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
- UNECA, 2014, Dynamic Industrial Policy in Africa, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
- UNECA, 2015, Industrializing through trade, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
- UNECA, 2016, Greening Africa’s Industrialization, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
- UNESCO, 2015, World Inequality Database on Education, http://www.education-inequalities.org (Accessed viewed 25 November 2015).
- UNHABITAT, 2010, The State of African Cities 2010: Governance, Inequality and Urban Land Market, Nairobi: UNHABITAT.
- UNHABITAT, 2014, The State of African Cities 2014: Re-imagining sustainable urban transitions, Nairobi: UNHABITAT.
- WHO, 2014, The health of the people: What works, The African Regional Health Report 2014, Brazzaville: WHO Regional Office for Africa.
- World Bank, 2014, State of Safety Net 2014, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Bank, 2015, Global Economic Prospects: Sub-Saharan Africa (January 2015). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Adedeji, A., 2002, “From the Lagos Plan of Action to the New Partnership for African Development and from the Final Act of Lagos to the Constitutive Act: Whither Africa?” In Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Asghedech Ghirmazion and Davider Lamba (eds.) New Partnership for Africa’s Development: A New Path? Nairobi: Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Adesina, J., 2006, “Development and the Challenge of Poverty: NE- PAD, post-Washington Consensus and Beyond.” In J Adesina,
Y. Graham, and A. Olukoshi (eds) Africa & Development Challenges in the New Millennium. London: Zed Books. African Development Bank, 2015, Data Portal, http://dataportal.afdb.org/DataQuery.aspx (Accessed 20 November 2015).
African Union, 2015, AGENDA 2063: Framework Document. (September 2015), Addis Ababa: AU.
Ashraf, Q. & Galor, O., 2013, “The ‘Out of Africa’ Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development.” American Economic Review 103(1): 1-46.
Arndt, C., McKay, A. and Tarp. F. (eds.) 2016, Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Charmes, J., 2012, “The Informal Economy Worldwide: Trends and Characteristics.” Margin—The Journal of Applied Economic Research 6(2): 103-132.
Cornia, G. A. and Martorano, B. 2015, ‘Building the IID-SSA inequality dataset and the seven sins of inequality measurement in SSA’. Draft. New York: Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP.
Economist, The. 2000. “The hopeless continent.” 13 May 2000 edition. Available at: https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/2000-05-13. (Accessed 27 June 2020).
Economist,The.2011.“Africarising.”3 December 2011 edition. Available at: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2011/12/03/africa-rising. (Accessed 27 June 2020).
Gallup, J.L. and Sachs, J.D. 2001. “The Economic Burden of Malaria.” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 64(1-2): 85-96.
Gallup, J.L., Sachs, J.D. and Mellin- ger, A.D. 1999. “Geography and Economic Development.” International Regional Science Review 22(2): 179-232.
Gelman, A. 2016. “Why is Africa so poor while Europe and North America are so wealthy?” The Washington Post 24 April 2016.
Guedes, J.A., Bestor, T.C., Carrasco, D., Flad, R., Fosse, E., Herz- feld, M., Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C., Lewis, C.M., Liebman, M., Meadow, R., Patterson, N., Price, M., Reiches, M., Richardson, S.,
Shattuck-Heidorn, H., Ur, J., Urton, G. and Warinner, C. 2013. “Is Poverty in Our Genes?” Current Anthropology 54(1): 71-79.
ILO, 2012, Statistical update on employment in the informal economy. June 2012, Geneva: ILO Statistical Department.
International Parliamentary Union. 2015, Women in Parliaments: World Classification, www.ipu.org/wmne/classif.htm (Accessed 21 December 2015).
Milanovic, B., 2003, ‘Is inequality in Africa really different?’ Working Paper Series No. 3169. Washington, DC.: The World Bank.
Mkandawire, T., 2005, “Maladjusted African Economies and Globa- lisation.” Africa Development 30(1-2): 1-33.
Mkandawire, T., 2010, “How the New Poverty Agenda Neglected Social and Employment Policies in Africa.” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 11(1): 37-55.
Mkandawire, T., 2011, “Running While Others Walk: Knowledge and the Challenge of Africa’s Development.” Africa Development 36(2): 1-36.
Mkandawire, T., 2015, “Neopatrimo- nialism and the Political Economy of Economic Performance in Africa: Critical Reflections.” World Politics 67(3): 563-612.
OECD, 2015, Social Institutions & Gender Index Database, http://www.genderindex.org/ (Accessed 02 December 2015).
Organisation of African Unity, 1980, Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa (1980-2000), Addis Ababa: OAU.
Ravallion, M & Chen, S 2012, Monitoring Inequality, http://blog.worldbank.org/developmenttalk/monitoring-inequality (Accessed viewed 02 October 2015).
Tang, S. 2016. “Eurasia Advantage, not Genetic Diversity: Against Ashraf and Galor’s ‘Genetic Diversity’ Hypothesis.” Historical Social Research 41(1): 287-327.
UNECA, 2013, Making the Most of Africa’s Commodities: Indus- trializing for Growth, Jobs and Economic Transformation, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
UNECA, 2014, Dynamic Industrial Policy in Africa, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
UNECA, 2015, Industrializing through trade, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
UNECA, 2016, Greening Africa’s Industrialization, Addis Ababa: UNECA.
UNESCO, 2015, World Inequality Database on Education, http://www.education-inequalities.org (Accessed viewed 25 November 2015).
UNHABITAT, 2010, The State of African Cities 2010: Governance, Inequality and Urban Land Market, Nairobi: UNHABITAT.
UNHABITAT, 2014, The State of African Cities 2014: Re-imagining sustainable urban transitions, Nairobi: UNHABITAT.
WHO, 2014, The health of the people: What works, The African Regional Health Report 2014, Brazzaville: WHO Regional Office for Africa.
World Bank, 2014, State of Safety Net 2014, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank, 2015, Global Economic Prospects: Sub-Saharan Africa (January 2015). Washington, DC: World Bank.