6 - In the Shadows of the Natural Sciences The Humanities in Crisis or the Crisis of Humanity?
Corresponding Author(s) : Wanjala Sandrack Nasong’o
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 2 (2022): CODESRIA Bulletin, No 2, 2022
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- Chambers, E.A., ed., 2001, Contemporary Themes in Humanities Higher Education, Boston: Kluwer Publishers.
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- Cobb, R., 2010, ‘Publish and Anguish: Reconsidering the Neverending Crisis of the Humanities’, Imaginations: Journal of Cross Cultural Image Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 126–33.
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- Cooper, F. and Packard, R., 1997, International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Deneen, P.J., 2010, ‘Science and the Decline of the Liberal Arts’, The New Atlantis, Vol. 26, pp. 60–8.
- Donoghue, F., 2008, The Last Professors: The Corporate University and the Fate of the Humanities, New York: Fordham University Press.
- Engels, F., 1973 [1940]. Dialectics of Nature. New York: International Publishers.
- Fins, J.J., Pohl, B. and Doukas, D.J., 2013, ‘In Praise of the Humanities in Academic Medicine: Values, Metrics, and Ethics in Uncertain Times’, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 355–64.
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- Harpham, G.G., 2011, The Humanities and the Dream of America. Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press.
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- Hofstadter, R., 1963, Anti-intellectualism in American Life, London: Random House.
Banks, J.A. and McGee Banks, C.A, 2003, Multicultural Education Issues and Perspectives, London: John Wiley.
Bidney, D., 1946, ‘The Concept of Cultural Crisis’, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 534–52.
Bod, R. and Kursell, J., 2015, ‘Introduction: The Humanities and Sciences’, Isis, Vol. 106, No. 2, pp. 337–40.
Chambers, E.A., ed., 2001, Contemporary Themes in Humanities Higher Education, Boston: Kluwer Publishers.
Clark, J.B., 2008, ‘Saving Public Universities’, Nature, Vol. 455, pp. 467–8.
Cobb, R., 2010, ‘Publish and Anguish: Reconsidering the Neverending Crisis of the Humanities’, Imaginations: Journal of Cross Cultural Image Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 126–33.
Cohn, R.G., Conquest, R., Girard, R., Milosz, C., Quinones, R.J., Steiner, G., Wilbur, R. and Wilson, J.Q., 1994, ‘The Humanities, in Memoriam’, Academic Questions, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 60–6.
Cooper, F. and Packard, R., 1997, International Development and the Social Sciences: Essays on the History and Politics of Knowledge, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Deneen, P.J., 2010, ‘Science and the Decline of the Liberal Arts’, The New Atlantis, Vol. 26, pp. 60–8.
Donoghue, F., 2008, The Last Professors: The Corporate University and the Fate of the Humanities, New York: Fordham University Press.
Engels, F., 1973 [1940]. Dialectics of Nature. New York: International Publishers.
Fins, J.J., Pohl, B. and Doukas, D.J., 2013, ‘In Praise of the Humanities in Academic Medicine: Values, Metrics, and Ethics in Uncertain Times’, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 355–64.
Frodeman, R., Mitcham, C. and Pielke, Jr, R., 2003, ‘Humanities for Policy and a Policy for Humanities’, Perspectives: Issues in Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 29–32.
Gastile, R.D., 1977, Social Humanities, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Geldenhuys, D., 1984, The Diplomacy of Isolation: South African Foreign Policy Making, Johannesburg: Macmillan.
Harker, A. and Dreifus, C., 2010, Higher Education? How Colleges are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and What we can Do about it, New York: Times Books.
Harpham, G.G., 2011, The Humanities and the Dream of America. Chicago IL: University of Chicago Press.
Hendry, J., 2004, Educating Managers for Post-bureaucracy: The Role of the Humanities, Brunei University Research in Enterprise, Innovation, Sustainability, and Ethics, Working Paper No. 7.
Hofstadter, R., 1963, Anti-intellectualism in American Life, London: Random House.