4 - The Political Economy of Transformation in Zimbabwe: Radicalisation, Structural Change and Resistance
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CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 03-04 (2015): CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 3 & 4, 2015
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- Amin, S., 1972, ‘Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Origins and Contemporary Forms’, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 503"24. Amin, S., 2012, Contemporary Imperialism and the Agrarian Question’, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 1.
- Bond, P., 2009, ‘Mamdani on Zimbabwe Sets Back Civil Society’, ACAS Bulletin, Vol. 82 (March). (http://concernedafricascholars.org/bulletin/82/bond).
- Cross, E., 2011, ‘Nationalise Zimbabwe’s Diamond Mines’, Africa Legal Brief, 8 October. (http://www.africalegalbrief.com/index.php/component/content/article/367-nationalise imbabwes-diamond-mines-eddie-cross.html).
- Chambati, W., 2011, ‘Restructuring of Agrarian Labour Relations after Fast Track Land Reform in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 1047"68. Chambati, W., 2013, ‘Changing agrarian labour relations after land reform in Zimbabwe’, in S. Moyo and W. Chambati, eds., Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 157-194.
- Davies, R., 2005, ‘Memories of Underdevelopment: A Personal Interpretation of Zimbabwe’s Decline’, in B. Raftopoulos and T. Savage, eds., Zimbabwe: Injustice and Political Reconciliation, Cape Town and Harare: IJR and Weaver Press.
- Fanon, F., 1967, The Wretched of the Earth, trans. C. Farrington, London: Penguin Books. Hammar, A., Raftopoulos, B. and Jensen, S., eds, 2003, Zimbabwe’s Unfinished Business: Rethinking Land, State and Nation in the Context of Crisis, Harare: Weaver Press.
- Hanlon, J., Manjengwa, J. and Smart, T., ‘Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land’, Auckland Park: Kumarian Press.
- Mandaza, I., 1985, ‘The State and Politics in the Post-White Settler Colonial Situation’, in Mandaza, I., ed., Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transition, 1980"1986, Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Masuko, L., 2013, ‘Nyabira-Mazowe War Veterans Association: A Microcosm of the National Land Occupation Movement’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism. Dakar, CODESRIA, pp. 123-156.
- Matondi, P., 2012, Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform. London: Zed Books.
- Moyo, S., 1986, ‘The Land Question’, in Mandaza, I., ed., Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transition, 1980-1986, Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Moyo, S., 1995, The Land Question in Zimbabwe, Harare: SAPES Books.
- Moyo, S., 2000, Land Reform under Structural Adjustment in Zimbabwe: Land Use Change in Mashonaland Provinces, Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute.
- Moyo, S., 2001, ‘The Land Occupation Movement and Democratisation in Zimbabwe: Contradictions of Neo-liberalism’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 311-330.
- Moyo, S., 2008, African Land Questions, Agrarian Transitions and the State: Contradictions of Neoliberal Land Reforms, Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Moyo, S., 2010, ‘Rebuilding African Peasantries: Inalienability of Land Rights and Collective Food Sovereignty in Southern Africa’, Mimeo.
- Moyo, S., 2011a, ‘Three Decades of Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 493-531.
- Moyo, S., 2011b, ‘Land Concentration and Accumulation after Redis- tributive Reform in Post Settler Zimbabwe’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 38, No. 128, pp. 257-276. Moyo, S., 2011c, ‘Changing Agrarian Relations after Redistributive Land Reform in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 939-966.
- Moyo, S., 2013, ‘Land Reform and Redistribution in Zimbabwe since 1980’, in Moyo, S., and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar, CODESRIA, pp. 29-78.
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2005a, ‘The Resurgence of Rural Movements under Neoliberalism’, in Moyo S. and Yeros, P., eds, Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London and Cape Town: Zed Books and David Philip. Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2005b, ‘Land Occupations and Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Towards the National Democratic Revolution?’, in Moyo S. and Yeros, P. eds, Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London and Cape Town: Zed Books and David Philip.
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2007a, ‘The Radicalised State: Zimbabwe’s Interrupted Revolution’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 111: pp. 103-121.
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2007b, ‘The Zimbabwe Question and the Two Lefts’, Historical Materialism, Vol. 15, No. 3: pp. 171-204.
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2009, ‘Zimbabwe Ten Years On: Results and Prospects’, MRzine, 10 February. (http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2009/my100209.html).
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2011a, ‘The Fall and Rise of the National Question’, in Moyo S. and Yeros, P., eds, Reclaiming the Nation: The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London: Pluto Press.
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2011b, ‘After Zimbabwe: State, Nation and Region in Africa’, in Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., eds, Reclaiming the Nation: The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London: Pluto Press.
- Moyo, S. and Nyoni, N., 2013, ‘Changing Agrarian Relations after Redistributive Land Reform in Zimbabwe’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds., Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe:Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 195-250.
- Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2013, ‘The Zimbabwe Model: Radicalisation, Reform and Resistance’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe :Beyond White- Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 331-357.
- Moyo, S., Tsikata, D. and Diop, Y., 2013, ‘Africa’s Diverse and Changing Land Questions’, in Land in the Struggle for Citizenship in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA (forthcoming).
- Moyo, S., Yeros, P. and Jha, P., 2012, ‘Imperialism and Primitive Accumulation: Notes on the New Scramble for Africa’, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 181-203.
- Murisa, T., 2013, ‘Social Organisation in the Aftermath of "Fast Track": An Analysis of Emerging Forms of Local Authority, Platforms of Mobilisation and Local Cooperation’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 251-290.
- Patel, H. and Chan, S., 2006, ‘Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy: A Conversation’, The Round Table, Vol. 95, No. 384, pp. 175-190.
- Patnaik, P., 2012, ‘The Peasant Question and Contemporary Capitalism: Some Reflections with Reference to India’, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 1. Raftopoulos, B., 2009, ‘The Crisis in Zimbabwe, 1998-2008’, in Raftopoulos, B. and Mlambo, A.S., eds, Becoming Zimbabwe: A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008, Harare and Johannesburg: Weaver Press and Jacana Media.
- Raftopoulos, B., 2010, ‘The Global Political Agreement as a "Passive Revolution": Notes on Contemporary Politics in Zimbabwe’, The Round Table, Vol. 99, No. 411, pp, 705"718. Sadomba, W., 2013, ‘A Decade of Zimbabwe’s Land Revolution: The Politics of War Veterans Vanguard’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 79-122.
- Scoones, I., Marongwe, N. Mavedzenge, B. Mahenehene, J. Murimbarimba, F. and Sukume, C., 2010, Zimbabwe’s Land Reform: Myths and Realities, Suffolk, Harare and Johannesburg: James Currey, Weaver Press and Jacana Media.
- Shivji, I.G., 1976, Class Struggles in Tanzania, New York and London: Monthly Review Press.
- Skalnes, T., 1995, The Politics of Economic Reform in Zimbabwe: Continuity and Change in Development, New York: St. Martin’s Press.
- USAID, 2012, Zimbabwe USAID-BEST Annexes. BEST Project Bellmon Estimation Studies for Title II (BEST). Fintrac Inc. Worby, E., 2003, ‘The End of Modernity in Zimbabwe? Passages from Development to Sovereignty’, in Hammar, A., Raftopoulos, B. and Jensen, S., eds, Zimbabwe’s Unfinished Business: Rethinking Land, State and Nation in the Context of Crisis. Harare: Weaver Press. Yeros, P., 2002, The Political Economy of Civilisation: Peasant- Workers in Zimbabwe and the Neo- Colonial World, PhD Thesis, University of London.
Amin, S., 1972, ‘Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Origins and Contemporary Forms’, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 503"24. Amin, S., 2012, Contemporary Imperialism and the Agrarian Question’, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 1.
Bond, P., 2009, ‘Mamdani on Zimbabwe Sets Back Civil Society’, ACAS Bulletin, Vol. 82 (March). (http://concernedafricascholars.org/bulletin/82/bond).
Cross, E., 2011, ‘Nationalise Zimbabwe’s Diamond Mines’, Africa Legal Brief, 8 October. (http://www.africalegalbrief.com/index.php/component/content/article/367-nationalise imbabwes-diamond-mines-eddie-cross.html).
Chambati, W., 2011, ‘Restructuring of Agrarian Labour Relations after Fast Track Land Reform in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 1047"68. Chambati, W., 2013, ‘Changing agrarian labour relations after land reform in Zimbabwe’, in S. Moyo and W. Chambati, eds., Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 157-194.
Davies, R., 2005, ‘Memories of Underdevelopment: A Personal Interpretation of Zimbabwe’s Decline’, in B. Raftopoulos and T. Savage, eds., Zimbabwe: Injustice and Political Reconciliation, Cape Town and Harare: IJR and Weaver Press.
Fanon, F., 1967, The Wretched of the Earth, trans. C. Farrington, London: Penguin Books. Hammar, A., Raftopoulos, B. and Jensen, S., eds, 2003, Zimbabwe’s Unfinished Business: Rethinking Land, State and Nation in the Context of Crisis, Harare: Weaver Press.
Hanlon, J., Manjengwa, J. and Smart, T., ‘Zimbabwe Takes Back Its Land’, Auckland Park: Kumarian Press.
Mandaza, I., 1985, ‘The State and Politics in the Post-White Settler Colonial Situation’, in Mandaza, I., ed., Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transition, 1980"1986, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Masuko, L., 2013, ‘Nyabira-Mazowe War Veterans Association: A Microcosm of the National Land Occupation Movement’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism. Dakar, CODESRIA, pp. 123-156.
Matondi, P., 2012, Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform. London: Zed Books.
Moyo, S., 1986, ‘The Land Question’, in Mandaza, I., ed., Zimbabwe: The Political Economy of Transition, 1980-1986, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Moyo, S., 1995, The Land Question in Zimbabwe, Harare: SAPES Books.
Moyo, S., 2000, Land Reform under Structural Adjustment in Zimbabwe: Land Use Change in Mashonaland Provinces, Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute.
Moyo, S., 2001, ‘The Land Occupation Movement and Democratisation in Zimbabwe: Contradictions of Neo-liberalism’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 311-330.
Moyo, S., 2008, African Land Questions, Agrarian Transitions and the State: Contradictions of Neoliberal Land Reforms, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Moyo, S., 2010, ‘Rebuilding African Peasantries: Inalienability of Land Rights and Collective Food Sovereignty in Southern Africa’, Mimeo.
Moyo, S., 2011a, ‘Three Decades of Agrarian Reform in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 493-531.
Moyo, S., 2011b, ‘Land Concentration and Accumulation after Redis- tributive Reform in Post Settler Zimbabwe’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 38, No. 128, pp. 257-276. Moyo, S., 2011c, ‘Changing Agrarian Relations after Redistributive Land Reform in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 939-966.
Moyo, S., 2013, ‘Land Reform and Redistribution in Zimbabwe since 1980’, in Moyo, S., and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar, CODESRIA, pp. 29-78.
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2005a, ‘The Resurgence of Rural Movements under Neoliberalism’, in Moyo S. and Yeros, P., eds, Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London and Cape Town: Zed Books and David Philip. Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2005b, ‘Land Occupations and Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Towards the National Democratic Revolution?’, in Moyo S. and Yeros, P. eds, Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London and Cape Town: Zed Books and David Philip.
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2007a, ‘The Radicalised State: Zimbabwe’s Interrupted Revolution’, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 111: pp. 103-121.
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2007b, ‘The Zimbabwe Question and the Two Lefts’, Historical Materialism, Vol. 15, No. 3: pp. 171-204.
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2009, ‘Zimbabwe Ten Years On: Results and Prospects’, MRzine, 10 February. (http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2009/my100209.html).
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2011a, ‘The Fall and Rise of the National Question’, in Moyo S. and Yeros, P., eds, Reclaiming the Nation: The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London: Pluto Press.
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2011b, ‘After Zimbabwe: State, Nation and Region in Africa’, in Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., eds, Reclaiming the Nation: The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London: Pluto Press.
Moyo, S. and Nyoni, N., 2013, ‘Changing Agrarian Relations after Redistributive Land Reform in Zimbabwe’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds., Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe:Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 195-250.
Moyo, S. and Yeros, P., 2013, ‘The Zimbabwe Model: Radicalisation, Reform and Resistance’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe :Beyond White- Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 331-357.
Moyo, S., Tsikata, D. and Diop, Y., 2013, ‘Africa’s Diverse and Changing Land Questions’, in Land in the Struggle for Citizenship in Africa, Dakar: CODESRIA (forthcoming).
Moyo, S., Yeros, P. and Jha, P., 2012, ‘Imperialism and Primitive Accumulation: Notes on the New Scramble for Africa’, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 181-203.
Murisa, T., 2013, ‘Social Organisation in the Aftermath of "Fast Track": An Analysis of Emerging Forms of Local Authority, Platforms of Mobilisation and Local Cooperation’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 251-290.
Patel, H. and Chan, S., 2006, ‘Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy: A Conversation’, The Round Table, Vol. 95, No. 384, pp. 175-190.
Patnaik, P., 2012, ‘The Peasant Question and Contemporary Capitalism: Some Reflections with Reference to India’, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 1, No. 1. Raftopoulos, B., 2009, ‘The Crisis in Zimbabwe, 1998-2008’, in Raftopoulos, B. and Mlambo, A.S., eds, Becoming Zimbabwe: A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008, Harare and Johannesburg: Weaver Press and Jacana Media.
Raftopoulos, B., 2010, ‘The Global Political Agreement as a "Passive Revolution": Notes on Contemporary Politics in Zimbabwe’, The Round Table, Vol. 99, No. 411, pp, 705"718. Sadomba, W., 2013, ‘A Decade of Zimbabwe’s Land Revolution: The Politics of War Veterans Vanguard’, in Moyo, S. and Chambati, W., eds, Land and Agrarian Reform Zimbabwe: Beyond White-Settler Capitalism, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 79-122.
Scoones, I., Marongwe, N. Mavedzenge, B. Mahenehene, J. Murimbarimba, F. and Sukume, C., 2010, Zimbabwe’s Land Reform: Myths and Realities, Suffolk, Harare and Johannesburg: James Currey, Weaver Press and Jacana Media.
Shivji, I.G., 1976, Class Struggles in Tanzania, New York and London: Monthly Review Press.
Skalnes, T., 1995, The Politics of Economic Reform in Zimbabwe: Continuity and Change in Development, New York: St. Martin’s Press.
USAID, 2012, Zimbabwe USAID-BEST Annexes. BEST Project Bellmon Estimation Studies for Title II (BEST). Fintrac Inc. Worby, E., 2003, ‘The End of Modernity in Zimbabwe? Passages from Development to Sovereignty’, in Hammar, A., Raftopoulos, B. and Jensen, S., eds, Zimbabwe’s Unfinished Business: Rethinking Land, State and Nation in the Context of Crisis. Harare: Weaver Press. Yeros, P., 2002, The Political Economy of Civilisation: Peasant- Workers in Zimbabwe and the Neo- Colonial World, PhD Thesis, University of London.