CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 1 & 2, 2019
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 01-02 (2019): CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 1 & 2, 2019
In this issue
Executive Secretary’s Note, Godwin Murunga ------------------1
Debates and Think Pieces
1. Possibilities of Afrikology: A Response to Lansana Keita’s Review of Dani Nabudere’s Afrikology: A Quest for African Holism, Sanya Osha ------------5
2. Dani Nabudere’s Afrikology: An Interview with Sanya Osha, Itibari M. Zulu ---------------------12
3. An African Feminist Decolonial Disability Studies, Kharnita Mohamed ------------------------18
4. Narratives of the Liberation Struggle in Guinea-Bissau: Women’s Trajectories and Emancipatory Pathways, Patrícia Godinho Gomes --- 20
5. L’épidémie à virus Ebola : quels enseignements pour l’Afrique ? Dialo Diop-------------------------24
6. The Ebola Virus Epidemic – What Are the Lessons Africa Can Learn? Dialo Diop-------------------------30
7. Homage to Mwalimu Samir Amin: Africa’s Preeminent Radical Economist, Salimah Valiani-------------------37
8. CODESRIA Executive Committee Members, 2018–2021 ----------40
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