13 - Ethical and Methodological Issues in HIV/Aids Social Science Research
Corresponding Author(s) : Zachary Arochi Kwena
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 02-03-04 (2003): CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 2, 3 & 4, 2003
As a mainly sexually transmitted infection, HIV/Aids basically takes advantage of how we live our sexuality. Since
biomedical research has so far not been able to provide a cure or vaccine, the only option we are left with is to change
the behaviours that enable HIV/Aids to spread. To do so, however, we first need reliable data on the behavioural
aspects of the HIV/Aids pandemic. Unfortunately this has proved challenging in Africa due to the fact that sex, in
many African communities, is a hidden issue and is considered taboo to discuss openly. The question then is: how can
we successfully – and ethically – collect this data despite the reluctance of people to discuss sex-related issues
honestly and openly? This paper explores the ethical and methodological considerations of conducting research on the
sexual aspects of HIV/Aids in the African context.
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