17 - Anti-Aids Drugs in South Africa: An Argument for Global Community
Corresponding Author(s) : Caroline G. Redding
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 02-03-04 (2003): CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 2, 3 & 4, 2003
In recent years the issue of how to provide Aids drugs to developing countries has been brought to the forefront of international and domestic debate. This issue is of particular importance to sub-Saharan Africa as Aids rates spiral out of control, threatening to bust the budgets of the fragile and underdeveloped health care systems of some of the poorest countries in the world. The Aids drugs debate has drawn a great deal of attention from a variety of constituencies, including pharmaceutical multinational corporations, national governments, international organisations and non-governmental organisations. The most notable result of the debate has been the apparent creation of a new global community. Comprised of various advocacy groups and individuals this community has taken the Aids drugs debate beyond the traditional Westphalian model of nation state interaction and created a model for global participatory democracy.
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- Ayres, J., 2002, Contesting Globalisation: The Shifting Grounds for Transnational Civic Activity, University of Connecticut Political Science Colloquium Lecture Series.
- Brown, C., 2000, ‘The Idea of World Community’, in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
- Bull, C., 1999, ‘Still Angry After All These Years’, The Advocate, August 17, 1999, p. 18.
- Clark, E., ‘America’s Anthrax Patent Dilemma: Bayer Is Tripling Production to Cope with Demand’, BBC News Online, (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1613410.stm.) 23 October 2001.
- Elliot, L., 2001, ‘Evil Triumphs in a Sick So-ciety’, The Guardian, February 12, 2001.
- Halliday, F., 2000, ‘Global Governance: Pros-pects and Problems’, in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
- Hirst, P. and Thompson, G., 2000, ‘Globalization: A Necessary myth?,” in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
- IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Network), 2000, ‘South Africa — Aids: IRIN focus on drug pricing’, (www.reliefweb.info.int/IRIN/sa/countrystories/southafrica/20000113.htm).
- Maykuth, A., 2001, ‘A Legal Showdown in the War on Aids: Activists Portray Case as Profits vs. Lives,’ The Hartford Courant, 5 March.
- McGrew, A., 2000, “Democracy Beyond Bor-ders,” in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
- Myers, S. L., 1999, ‘South Africa and US End Dispute Over Drugs’, The New York Times, 18 September.
- The New York Times. “Lawmakers Agree on Aids Bill Details,” March 17, 2003.
- Rosenberg, Tina. “Look at Brazil,” The New York Times Magazine, January, 29, 2001.
- Swarns, Rachel L. “South Africa to Make Drugs available to People with Aids,” The New York Times, December 1, 2000.
- Swarns, Rachel L. “Aids Drug Battle deepens in Africa,” New York Times, March 8, 2001.
- Swarns, Rachel L. “South Africa May Cite Crisis to Lower Cost of Aids Drugs,” The New York Times, March 12, 2001.
- Washington Office on Africa. “Africa advocates challenge loan plan for Aids medications from Export-Important Bank,” August 21, 2000, http://www.woaafrica.org/Aids3.htm
Ayres, J., 2002, Contesting Globalisation: The Shifting Grounds for Transnational Civic Activity, University of Connecticut Political Science Colloquium Lecture Series.
Brown, C., 2000, ‘The Idea of World Community’, in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
Bull, C., 1999, ‘Still Angry After All These Years’, The Advocate, August 17, 1999, p. 18.
Clark, E., ‘America’s Anthrax Patent Dilemma: Bayer Is Tripling Production to Cope with Demand’, BBC News Online, (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/1613410.stm.) 23 October 2001.
Elliot, L., 2001, ‘Evil Triumphs in a Sick So-ciety’, The Guardian, February 12, 2001.
Halliday, F., 2000, ‘Global Governance: Pros-pects and Problems’, in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
Hirst, P. and Thompson, G., 2000, ‘Globalization: A Necessary myth?,” in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Network), 2000, ‘South Africa — Aids: IRIN focus on drug pricing’, (www.reliefweb.info.int/IRIN/sa/countrystories/southafrica/20000113.htm).
Maykuth, A., 2001, ‘A Legal Showdown in the War on Aids: Activists Portray Case as Profits vs. Lives,’ The Hartford Courant, 5 March.
McGrew, A., 2000, “Democracy Beyond Bor-ders,” in David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader, Abingdon: Polity Press.
Myers, S. L., 1999, ‘South Africa and US End Dispute Over Drugs’, The New York Times, 18 September.
The New York Times. “Lawmakers Agree on Aids Bill Details,” March 17, 2003.
Rosenberg, Tina. “Look at Brazil,” The New York Times Magazine, January, 29, 2001.
Swarns, Rachel L. “South Africa to Make Drugs available to People with Aids,” The New York Times, December 1, 2000.
Swarns, Rachel L. “Aids Drug Battle deepens in Africa,” New York Times, March 8, 2001.
Swarns, Rachel L. “South Africa May Cite Crisis to Lower Cost of Aids Drugs,” The New York Times, March 12, 2001.
Washington Office on Africa. “Africa advocates challenge loan plan for Aids medications from Export-Important Bank,” August 21, 2000, http://www.woaafrica.org/Aids3.htm