6 - The Prophecy of Self-Emancipation: Walter Rodney and the Scholarship and Praxis of De ance in the African World
Corresponding Author(s) : Michael O. West
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 02-03 (2021): CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 2 & 3, 2021
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- Austin, D., ed., 2018, Moving Against the System: The 1968 Congress of Black Writers and the Making of Global Consciousness, London, UK: Pluto Press.
- Campbell, H., 1968, Personal Impressions, Seer, 1 November.
- Campbell, H., 1987, Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
- Harisch, I. R., 2020, Facets of Walter Rodney’s Intellectual Activism During his Dar es Salaam Years, 1966–1974, Stichproben: Vienna Journal of African Studies, Vol. 20, No. 38, pp. 101–129.
- Hirji, K. F., 2017, TheEnduring Relevance of Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Montreal: Daraja Press.
- Kwayana, E., 1986, Walter Rodney,Georgetown: Catholic Standard Ltd, p. 9.
- Johnson, D., 2021, Reclaiming the African: Past and Present with Walter Rodney, CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 4, pp. 1–4.
Austin, D., ed., 2018, Moving Against the System: The 1968 Congress of Black Writers and the Making of Global Consciousness, London, UK: Pluto Press.
Campbell, H., 1968, Personal Impressions, Seer, 1 November.
Campbell, H., 1987, Rasta and Resistance: From Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Harisch, I. R., 2020, Facets of Walter Rodney’s Intellectual Activism During his Dar es Salaam Years, 1966–1974, Stichproben: Vienna Journal of African Studies, Vol. 20, No. 38, pp. 101–129.
Hirji, K. F., 2017, TheEnduring Relevance of Walter Rodney’s How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Montreal: Daraja Press.
Kwayana, E., 1986, Walter Rodney,Georgetown: Catholic Standard Ltd, p. 9.
Johnson, D., 2021, Reclaiming the African: Past and Present with Walter Rodney, CODESRIA Bulletin Online, No. 4, pp. 1–4.