8 - Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education in Africa: Initiatives and Challenges
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2003): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
African higher education institutions are at a stage where they are striving to im- prove their information and communication technologies (ICTs) infrastructure, con- tent, and skills; making resources available to meet the growing needs of students and faculty; and responding to the pressure for effectiveness. They are also con- fronted with a dilemma of turning ongoing ICTs initiatives into opportunities and understanding what ICTs mean to the transformation of higher education in general and to research, teaching, and learning in particular. This paper examines the in- creasing role of ICTs in African higher education, ongoing initiatives, progresses made, and the dilemmas and challenges.
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- Africa: Harmonizing reality and idealism. Retrieved from: http://www.globeonline.com/philip.uys/transformationofhighereducation.htm
ADEA. (2000). Working group on higher education. Association for the Development of Education in Africa. Retrieved from: http://www.adeanet.org/workgroups/ en_wghe.html
Altbach, P. & Davis, T. (1999). Global challenge and national response: Notes for an international dialogue on higher education. Available at: http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/News14/text1.html
Buettner, Y. et al. (2001). Information and communication technology in higher education. Retrieved from: http://www.vision.ime.usp.br/Dollar, D. & Collier, P. (2001). Globalization, Growth, and Poverty: Building an Inclusive World Economy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Expert Panel on Skills. (2000). Stepping up: Skills and opportunities in the knowledge economy. Report of the Expert Panel on Skills. The Canadian Prime Minister’s Advisory Council on Science and Technology. Retrieved from: http://acst-ccst.gc.ca/skills/finalrepdocs/acst.pdf
Grotevant, S. (1998). Business engineering and process redesign in higher education: Art or science? Available at: http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/html/cnc9857/cnc9857.html
IDRC. (1997). Communities and the information society: The role of information and communication technologies in education. Available at: http://www.idrc.ca/acacia/studies/ir-unes.htm International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunications Statistics. Retrieved
from: http://www.itu.int/statistics Jensen, M. (1998, September). The Regional Informatics Network for Africa
(RINAF): An external evaluation for UNESCO. Retrieved from: http://www.unesco.org/webworld/build_info/rinaf_ev.rtf Keats, D. (2002). Collaborative development of open content: A process model to unlock the potential of African universities, First Monday. Retrieved from: http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue8_2/keats/#note1
Musisi, N. & Mwanga, N. (2003). Makarere University in Transition 1990–2003: Opportunities and Challenge. Retrieved from: http://www.foundation– partnership.org/case_studies/makerere.php.
Nwuke, K. (2001, 19–21 November) “Reforms in higher education and the use of information technology,” Issues in Higher Education, Economic Growth, and Information Technology. Ad-Hoc Expert Group Meeting. Nairobi, Kenya.
Partnership for Higher Education in Africa. (2003, 29 July-1 August). ICT for teaching, learning and research. Proceeding of a Workshop for African Universities, Addis Ababa.
Sayed, Y. (2003). Missing the connection? Using ICTs in education. Insights Education #1. Retrieved from: http://www.id21.org/zinter/ id21zinter.exe?a=1&i=Insights Edu1Editorial&u=3f388ca5 Stockwell, J. (1999). Free software in education, a case study of CWP/SU. Seimisc http://edge-online.org/pdf/tle1607r1045.pdf
Till, G. (2003). Harnessing distance learning and ICT for higher education in SubSaharan Africa: An examination of experiences useful for the design of widespread and effective tertiary education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Report to the Rockefelller Foundation.
Uys, P. et al. (2003). Innovation and management strategies for higher education in
Africa: Harmonizing reality and idealism. Retrieved from: http://www.globeonline.com/philip.uys/transformationofhighereducation.htm