1 - An Exploration of the ‘Gendered’ Dimensions of Women’s Success in Ghana’s Media/Communication Industry
Corresponding Author(s) : Esi Eduwaa Thompson
Africa Media Review,
Vol. 21 No. 1-2 (2013): Africa Media Review, Volume 21, n° 1 & 2, 2013
Ghana’s return to democracy and a liberalised business environment in 1992 ushered the country into a period characterised by an ever-growing media/communication industry. From journalism, through public relations to advertising, there has been an upsurge in activity and, consequently, in competition. In the midst of this competitive environment, some women have made visible gains, having attained different levels of success evidenced by various awards they and the organisations they lead have won. This is in spite of the numerous challenges that women have been known to face in media-related industries (see for instance Okpara 2006; Steiner 2002). This paper reports findings from interviews with three such women that delved into their career journeys to explore whether there are gender implications for their success.
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Adomako Ampofo, A. and Boateng, J., 2007, ‘Multiple Meanings of Manhood among Boys in Ghana’, in Shefer, T., Ratele, K. and Strebe, A., eds., from Boys to Men: Social Constructions of Masculinity in Contemporary Society, UCT Press, pp. 38-52.
Aldoory, L. and Toth, E., 2004, ‘Leadership and Gender in Public Relations: Perceived Effectiveness of Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles’, Journal of Public Relations Research, 16 (2), pp. 157–183.
Alvesson, M., 1998, ‘Gender Relations and Identity at Work: A Case Study of Masculinities and Femininities in an Advertising Agency’, Human Relations, 51 (8), pp. 969-1005.
Appelbaum S., Audet, L.and Miller, C., 2003, ‘Gender and Leadership? Leadership and Gender? A journey Through the Landscape of Theories’, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 24 (1) pp. 43–51.
Baroudi, J. J. and Igbaria, M.,1993, ‘An Examination of Gender Effects on the Career Success of Information Systems Employees’, Information Systems Working Papers Series, Vol. 2451/14253.
Brass, D., 1985, ‘Men’s and Women’s Networks: A Study of Interaction Patterns and Influence in an Organization’, The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 28 (2), pp. 327-343.
Broyles, J. and Grow J., 2008, ‘Creative Women in Advertising Agencies: Why so Few “Babes in Boy Land”?’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 25 (1) pp. 4-6. Byerly, C.,2011, Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media, Washington: International Women’s Media Foundation.
Cohen-Scali, V., 2003, ‘The Influence of Family, Social, and Work Socialization on the Construction of the Professional Identity of Young Adults’, Journal of Career Development, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 237-249.
Cruz,M.G., Henningsen, D. D. and Smith, B. A., 1999, ‘The Impact of Directive Leadership on Group Information Sampling, Decisions, and Perceptions of the Leader4, Communication Research, 26pp.
Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., and Grunig, J. E., 1995, Manager’s Guide to Excellence in Public
Relations and Communication Management, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
Ehrhart, M. G. and Klein, K. J., 2001, ‘Predicting Followers’ Preferences for Charismatic Leadership: The Influence of Follower Values and Personality’, Leadership Quarterly, 12, pp. 153-180.
Falk, E. and Grizard, E., 2004, The Glass Ceiling Persists: The 3rd Annual Annenberg Public Policy Centre Report on Women Leaders in Communication Companies, Pennsylvania.
Ibarra, H.,1993, ‘Personal Networks of Women and Minorities in Management: A Conceptual Framework’, Academy of Management. Vol. 18 (1), pp. 56-87.
Kanter, R.M.,1977, ‘Some Effects of Proportions on Group Life: Skewed Sex Rations and Responses to Token Women’, American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 82 (5), pp. 965-990.
McWhinney, W.,1997, Paths of Change: Strategic Choices for Organizations and Society,Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Meyerson, D. E. and Fletcher, J. K., 1999, ‘A Modest Manifesto for Shattering the Glass Ceiling’, Harvard Business Review, 78, pp. 127-136.
National Communications Authority,2012, Industry Information, accessed 16 July 2012, http://www.nca.org.gh/51/116/Industry-Information.html Okpara, J.,2006, ‘Gender and the
Relationship Between Perceived Fairness in Pay, Promotion and Job Satisfaction in the Sub Saharan African Economy’, Women in Management Review, Vol. 21(3), pp. 224-240.
Ren, D., Zhou, H. and Fu, X., 2009, ‘A Deeper Look at Gender Differences in Multitasking: Gender-Specific Mechanism of Cognitive Control’, Paper presented at the 5th ICNC Conference.
Steady, F. C., 2001, ‘Women and Leadership in West Africa: Mothering the Nation and Humanising the state, London: Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Steiner, L.,2002, ‘Newsroom Accounts of Power at Work’, in Carter, C.; Branston, G. and Allan, S. eds., News, Gender and Power, London: Routledge, pp. 145-159.
Thompson, E.,2009, ‘Gender Difference in Public Relations Practice in Ghana: A Study of Practitioners in Ghana’, Unpublished MPhil thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, University of Ghana, Legon.
World Association for Christian Communication (WACC), 2010, Who Makes the News: Global Media Monitoring Project Report.
Zaidi, Z.,2010, ‘Gender Differences in Human Brain: A Review’, Open Anatomy Journal, pp.37-55,
accessed30 April 2012, http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toanatj/articles/V002/37TOANATj. pdf