2 - Crise du journalisme et de l’espace public en Afrique : quelles alternatives pour un développement du futur africain
Corresponding Author(s) : Hien Ollo Pépin
Africa Media Review,
Vol. 13 No. 2 (2005): Africa Media Review, Volume 13, n° 2, 2005
There is little doubt that journalists have a power of transform, translate and oriente both behaviours and individual and collective attitudes towards ‘sociation’ or ‘dissociation’. The symbolic settings that strongly regulate the relationships between groups tend to depreciate the group to which one is confronted in a situation of political competition while reinforcing the cohesion of its circle of belonging through a minimal consensus. Social networks therefore update this already atomized, heterogonous, oppositional social space and demarcate belongings. The modalities of social competition express social exclusion and communitarian assertiveness. People from the media are now merely social agents subordinated to a structural logic. However, they also use various strategies for objectives that are already finalised. Here, we are interrogating the professionalisation of the job of journalist as something that is strongly linked to
the modalities of the making of ‘public opinion’. What is the current social function of this opinion? This paper thus reflects on the impact of the press on people and on what people do with the press. The development stalemate in which Africa is stuck imposes the need to clarify and rethink the role of journalism in today’s democratising Africa—in the perspective of an African future—that is immersed in an increasingly globalizing world.
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- Gouteux, Jean-Paul, 2001, Un génocide sans importance. La françafrique au Rwanda, Dijon-Quetigny : Éditions Tahin Party.
- Halbwachs, M, 1976, Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire, Paris: Mouton.
- Institut Panos, 1996, Médias et conflits en Afrique, sous la direction de Michel Ben Arrous Éditions Karthala, Paris, 2001.
- Kapferer, J.N., 1987, Rumeurs. Le plus vieux média du monde, Paris: Seuil. Kasoma, F.P, 1996, L’équation éthique, in Panos 1996.
- Ohlson,T. et Stedman, S., 1994, The New is Not Yet Born: Conflit Resolution in Southern Africa, Brookings Institute, Washington DC.
- Ou draogo, Jean-Bernard, 1997, Violence et communauté en Afrique noire, Paris : Éditions L’Harmattan.
- Pigeat, Henri, Huteau, Jean, 2000, Institutions, pratiques et nouvelles approches dans le monde, Paris : Éditions UNESCO.
- Rouquette, M .L., 1988, La psychologie politique, Paris, Presses universitaires de France.
- Seca, Jean-Marie, 2003, Les représentations sociales, Liège-Belgique : Armand Colin.
- Tu esq, André-Jean, 1999, Les médias en Afrique, Paris : Ellipses/Éditions marketing S.A.
Arrous, Michel Ben, 2001, Médias et conflits en Afrique, Paris : Éditions Karthala. Balle, Francis,
, Et si la presse n’existait pas..., Paris : Éditions Jean Claude Lattès.
Beneton, Philippe, 1991, Les classes sociales, Paris : PUF.
Gouteux, Jean-Paul, 2001, Un génocide sans importance. La françafrique au Rwanda, Dijon-Quetigny : Éditions Tahin Party.
Halbwachs, M, 1976, Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire, Paris: Mouton.
Institut Panos, 1996, Médias et conflits en Afrique, sous la direction de Michel Ben Arrous Éditions Karthala, Paris, 2001.
Kapferer, J.N., 1987, Rumeurs. Le plus vieux média du monde, Paris: Seuil. Kasoma, F.P, 1996, L’équation éthique, in Panos 1996.
Ohlson,T. et Stedman, S., 1994, The New is Not Yet Born: Conflit Resolution in Southern Africa, Brookings Institute, Washington DC.
Ou draogo, Jean-Bernard, 1997, Violence et communauté en Afrique noire, Paris : Éditions L’Harmattan.
Pigeat, Henri, Huteau, Jean, 2000, Institutions, pratiques et nouvelles approches dans le monde, Paris : Éditions UNESCO.
Rouquette, M .L., 1988, La psychologie politique, Paris, Presses universitaires de France.
Seca, Jean-Marie, 2003, Les représentations sociales, Liège-Belgique : Armand Colin.
Tu esq, André-Jean, 1999, Les médias en Afrique, Paris : Ellipses/Éditions marketing S.A.