6 - Univers discursif et réforme des télécommunications : étude comparée du Sénégal et de l’Afrique du Sud
Corresponding Author(s) : Oumar Kane
Africa Media Review,
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2008): Africa Media Review, Volume 16, n° 2 , 2008
With the communication utopia (Breton 1997) claiming more ground, and through
transparency it theoretically guarantees, communication has now become invested
with the power to enhance societal life. We are not concerned, in this regard, with
inter-subjective communication, as exemplified in the Greek agora or the African
palaver tree models (Diagne 2006). Progressively, views sympathetic to the
liberalisation of the telecommunication sector have emerged, leading to a
widespread deregulation of this sector at global level. As early as 1984, the Maitland
Committee set up by the International Telecommunications Organisation carried
out an audit of the telecommunication infrastructures of Africa and as it turned
out, the situation was particularly desperate throughout the continent. As a result,
the development of the telecommunication sector has been perceived as the
missing link between the countries of the South and those of the North. This
paper seeks to highlight the circumstances that led to the emergence of both
logical thinking and the resulting series of changes that occurred in the
telecommunication sector. Special attention is paid to the external as well as
exclusively national factors that determined the conception and the implementation
of a structural reform of the telecommunication sector in African countries. This
study uses a comparative approach and is based on a case study and secondary
data obtained from the review of relevant literature. It focuses on two African
countries, Senegal and South Africa, which contrast markedly in terms of language,
cultural area, demography as well as colonial heritage. In spite of the surface
differences, the comparative analysis of the major steps in the reform of their
telecommunication sectors suggests, paradoxically, a parallel evolution of the
said process in the two countries.
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- communication, sous la dir. de Davis R. Cameron et Janice Gross Stein.
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- Sites web visités
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- DEA en Sciences de l’information et de la communication. (http://www.africanti.org/resultats/documents/externes/Guignard_DEA.pdf). 18
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Barbero, J. M., 1998, « Penser la société à partir de la communication », Loisir et
société, 21 (1).
Breton, P., 1997, L’utopie de la communication, Paris : La Découverte.
Diagne, M., 2006, Critique de la raison orale: Les pratiques discursives en Afrique
noire, Paris : Karthala.
Diop, C. A., 1959, L’unité culturelle de l’Afrique noire, Dakar: Présence africaine.
Flichy, P., 1991, Une histoire de la communication moderne. Espace public et vie
privée, Paris: La Découverte.
Garnham, N., 1979, ‘ Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication’ ,
Media, Culture and Society, 1 (2).
Jouët, J., 1994, Note de lecture, « Technologies de communication et d’information
au Sud : la mondialisation forcée », Réseaux, no 67.
Mattelart, A., 1992, La communication-monde. Histoire des idées et des stratégies,
Paris : La Découverte.
Mosco, V., 1996, The Political Economy of Communication. Rethinking and
Renewal, Londres: Sage Publications.
Ohmae, K., 1985, Triad Power, New York: The Free Press.
Raboy, M., 2003, « Communication et mondialisation: un défi pour les politiques
publiques », in Contestation et mondialisation. Repenser la culture et la
communication, sous la dir. de Davis R. Cameron et Janice Gross Stein.
Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Schiller, H., 1969, Mass Communication and American Empire, Boston: Beacon
Sinclair, S., 2002, GATS: How the World Trade Organization’s New ‘Services’
Negotiations Threaten Democracy, Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy
Smythe, D., 1957, The Structure and Policy of Electronic Communications, Urbana,
Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
Sola Pool, I. de , 1974, ‘ The Rise of Communications Policy Research ‘, Journal of
Communication, 24 (2).
Williams, R., 1977, Marxism and Literature. London: Oxford University Press.
Sites web visités
Guignard, T., 2002, Internet au Sénégal : une émergence paradoxal, Mémoire de
DEA en Sciences de l’information et de la communication. (http://www.africanti.org/resultats/documents/externes/Guignard_DEA.pdf). 18
février 2006.
PNUD, 2001, Indicateurs du développement humain, 2001. (http://www.undp.org/hdr2001/french/indicateurs.pdf). 20 mars 2007.
Nepad, Document de présentation, (http://www.nepadsn.org/french_version/index_french.html), 23 mars 2007.
UIT, 2003, Évaluation de la réforme des télécommunications en Afrique. (http:// www.itu.int/ITU-D/treg/Events/Seminars/2003/Ghana/documents/evaluation.pdf), 12 avril 2007