2 - Indexing Child-Friendliness
Revue africaine des livres,
Vol. 5 No 1 (2009): Revue africaine des Livres, volume 5, n° 1, 2009
The African Report on Child Well-being 2008: How Child-Friendly are African Governments? by The African Child Policy Forum
African Child Policy Forum, 2008, 192 pp. with annexes and statistical tables. ISBN: 978-1-9047
For well-known historical, political and developmental reasons, the State is central for the realization of child rights and child wellbeing, more so in Africa than anywhere else in the world. Our governments have an impressive record in their formal accession to the relevant international treaties on children. But the extent of their commitment varies widely, and the gap between promises and reality remains wide in many countries. Why? How well are African governments doing in meeting their repeated commitments to protect, promote and respect the rights and wellbeing of children? Which governments are doing well and which ones are not? How do African governments rank in relation to each other? What is it that relatively ‘poorly-performing’ countries can emulate from ‘well-performing’ ones? ...