4 - Skills Development in the Multinational Corporate Sector: Building Employee Capacity Beyond the Factory Gate
Corresponding Author(s) : Joseph O. Jiboku
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019): African Sociological Review
The dearth of skills for socio – economic transformation in Africa partly explains the drive by African countries to attract investments by multinational corporations (MNCs). The quest for skills has also been fuelled by the challenges posed by a fast globalising world economy. However, while the literature is replete with analyses of liberal policies and incentives offered to encourage investment by multinational corporations, little scholarly attention appears to have been paid to the need to incorporate MNC skills policies and programmes into the national skills agenda, and vice versa. Nigeria offers an example of how nearly a century of MNC operations has not resulted in any meaningful acquisition of strategic, as opposed to merely high level, skills by national employees. Skills disparities abound between local and expatriate employees within the same MNC operations. It is against this backdrop that this paper examines the discourse on multinational corporations and skills development and makes a case for the incorporation of multinational skills policies and strategies into the national skills development pathway, and vice versa, in line with the broader objectives of national human capital development. The paper’s central argument is that skills development must go beyond empowering employees to be ‘useful’ only within the context of a given company’s industrial operations. It is based on interviews conducted with managers and employees in selected multinational companies as well as with government agencies concerned with skills development in Nigeria.
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Guisinger, S. E., 1986, ‘Do performance requirements and investment incentives work?’, World economy, 9(1):79 – 96.
International Labour Office, 2008,‘Skills for improved productivity, employment growth and development’, International Labour Conference, 2008. Geneva: ILO.
Kapstein, E.B.,2002,‘Virtuous circles? Human capital formation, economic development and the multinational enterprises’, OECD Working Paper No. 191. Research Programme on Global Interdependence and Income Distribution, August 2002. CD/DOC (2002) 03. 1 – 21.
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Khilji, B.A., Kakar, Z.K. and Subhan, S., 2012, ‘Impact of vocational training and skill development on economic growth in Pakistan’, World Applied Sciences Journal 17(10), 2012. 1298 – 1302.
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Martinez – Fernandez, C. and Sharpe, S., 2010, Leveraging Training and Skills Development in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES): Preliminary Cross – country Analysis of the TSME Survey. Paris: OECD Publishing.
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Organisation for Economic Co – Operation and Development (OECD), 2010, Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators. Paris: OECD Development Centre. Organisation for Economic Co – Operation and Development (OECD), 2012, Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators. Paris: OECD Development Centre.
Ogunade, A.O., 2011, ‘Human capital investment in the developing world: An analysis of praxis’, Labour Research Seminar Series, 2011. Available: http/www.uri.edu/research/papers/Ogunade_Workforce_ Devt.pdf. (Accessed: 11 May 2012). 2 – 13.
Ogundele, O.J.K. and Abiola, J.O., 2012, ‘Entrepreneurship and national development : A proposal for evangelistic agenda’, European Scientific Journal, March edition, 8(6) 134 – 148 .
Pope C, and Mays, N., 2000, Qualitative Research in Health Care. London: BMJ Books. Prasad, S. B, Pisani, M.J., and Prasad, R.M., 2008, ‘New criticism of international management: Analytical review’, International Business Review. 17(6), 2008. 617 – 629.
Quintini, G., 2011, ‘Over – qualified or under – skilled: A review of existing literature’ OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 121. Paris: OECD.
Stiglitz, J. E., 2002, ‘Employment, social justice and societal well – being’, International Labour Review, 141(1/2), 2002. 9 – 29.
Stiglitz, J.E., 2007, ‘Regulating multinational corporations: Towards principles of cross – border legal frameworks in a globalised world – Balancing rights with responsibilities’, American University Law Review, 23(3).
Toner, P., 2011, Workforce Skills and Innovation: An Overview of Major Themes in the Literature. Paris: OECD Secretariat.
Umo, J.U., (ed)., 1996, Towards Full Employment Strategy in Nigeria. Lagos: National Manpower Board.