4 - Putting Oil First? Some Ethnographic Aspects of Petro leum-related Land Use Contro versies in NigeriaPutting Oil First? Some Ethnographic Aspects of Petro leum-related Land Use Contro versies in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Wilson Akpan
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2005): African Sociological Review
This arti cle exam ines, based on recent ethnographic data, one of the lesser known pro cesses through which petro leum oper ations sus tain social con flict in Nige ria. Focussing on what has come to be termed ‘em inent domain abuse’ by the inter na tional envi ron men tal jus tice com munity, the arti cle reveals the char ac ter of petro leum oper ations in a num ber
of com mu ni ties in Nige ria’s oil-producing region. The arti cle relates the practices of the trans national oil com panies, the dis position of the reg ulatory author ities, and the oppositional dis courses of ordi nary peo ple in the oil com mu ni ties to the laws gov erning land use and min eral own ership in the coun try.
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Africa Action, 2005, ‘Nigeria: Focus on dispute over offshore oil resources’, Africa Policy E-Journal, 9 July, http://www.africaaction.org/docs02/nig0207b.htm, (Accessed May 28, 2005).
Ajayi, P.A., Kpiasi, E.O., and Wilkie, D., 1998, ‘Maintaining a Mutually Beneficial Relationship with Host communities: Our Unique Way’, SPE (Society for Petroleum Engineers) Paper 46873, http://info.ogp.org.uk/shm/ CaseStudies/ChevronNigeria.pdf, (Accessed December 5, 2004).
Akpan, W., 2006, ‘Between Responsibility and Rhetoric: Some Consequences of CSR Practice in Nigeria’s Oil Provinces’, Development Southern Africa (forthcoming).
Akpan, W., 2004, ‘Oil Rich But Dirt Poor’, Ford Foundation Report, Winter. Alberta Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, 2004, ‘Pipelines in Alberta’, http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/
all/agdex1125?opendocument, (Accessed June 10, 2005).
Alberta Department of Energy, 2004, ‘Resource and Land Access – Frequently Asked Questions’, http://www.energy.gov.ab.ca/1533.asp, (Accessed June 10, 2005).
Apn-African Nation: Oil and the Spectacle of Culture in Nigeria, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Cato Institute, 2002, ‘Eminent Domain: Its Uses and Abuses’, May 14, http://www.cato.org/events/020514pf.html. (Accessed June 13, 2005).
Chachage, C. L. S., 2005, ‘Can Africa’s Poor Inherit the Earth and All Its Mineral Rights?’, Paper presented at the 11th CODESRIA General Assembly, Maputo, Mozam bique, 6-10 December.
Consti tution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999.
Ebeku, K. S. A., 2001, ‘Oil and the Niger Delta People: The Injustice of the Land Use Act’, CEPMLP Journal, 18 November, http://www.dundee.ac.uk/cepmlp/journal/ html/vol9/article9-14.html, (Accessed 18 October, 2004).
Frynas, J. G., 2000, Oil in Nigeria: Conflict and Litigation between Oil Companies and Village Commu nities, Hamburg: Lit Verlag Munster.
Gao, Z., 2003, ‘Envi ron mental Regulation of the Oil and Gas Indus tries’, CEPMLP Internet Journal, Vol. 2-11, http://www.dundee.ac.uk/cepmlp/journal/html/article2-11.html, (Accessed February 10, 2004).
Haastrup, D., 1996, ‘Under standing Community Relations in the Nigerian Oil Industry’, Presen tation by the Community Relations Manager of Chevron Nigeria, The First Advanced Seminar on Energy Reporting in Nigeria, National Associ ation
of Energy Corre spon dents, Gateway Hotel, Ota, Nigeria, 12 September.
Human Rights Watch (HRW), 2004, ‘Nige ria’s 2003 Elections: The Unacknowl edged Violence’, June, Washington, DC: HRW.
Human Rights Watch (HRW), 2002, ‘The Niger Delta: No Democratic Dividend’, Washington, DC: HRW.
Ikein, A., 1990, The Impact of Oil on a Developing Country: The Case of Nigeria, New York: Praeger.
Jacoby, J., 2004, ‘The Abusers of Eminent Domain’, http://www.townhall.com/columnists/jeffjacoby/jj20041004.shtml, (Accessed June 13, 2005).
Laws of the Feder ation of Nigeria, Several Volumes. Lloyd, P., 1962, Yoruba Land Law, London: Oxford University Press.
Mitee, L., 2002, ‘The Centrality of Self-Identity in Indig enous Peoples’ Struggles: The Struggle of the Ogoni People’, Paper Presented at the Indig enous Rights in the Commonwealth Project Africa Regional Expert Meeting, Cape Town, South
Africa, 16-18 October 16-18, http://www.cpsu.org.uk/downloads/Ledum%20Mitee.pdf, (Accessed May 22, 2005).
Mulder, M., ten Cate, A., Aouragh, A., and Gorter, J., 2004, ‘Gas explo ration and production at the Dutch Conti nental Shelf: An Assessment of the “Depre ci ation at Will”’, CPB Document No. 66, The Hague: CPB Nether lands Bureau for
Economic Policy Analysis.
NBR Services, 2004, ‘Nigeria Oil and Gas Conces sions Maps and Licenses’ http://www.nbrservices.com/oil_&_gas_nigeria_conces sions_map_licenses.htm, (Accessed October 13, 2004).
Niger Delta Devel opment Commission (NDDC), 2004, ‘Niger Delta Regional Devel - opment Master Plan: Summary of Draft Report’, September.
OPEC, 2004, Annual Statis tical Bulletin 2003, Vienna.
Oil Products Trade Section (OPTS), 1997, ‘Revised 1997 OPTS Rates’, Copy obtained from SPDC Lands Department in 2003.
Shell Petroleum Devel opment Company of Nigeria (SPDC), 2003, People and the Environment: Annual Report.
Shell Petroleum Devel opment Company of Nigeria (SPDC), 2001, People and the Environment: Annual Report.
Susu, A.A., 1998, ‘The Road to Peace in Oil Producing Commu nities’, The Guardian, Lagos, 13 April.
Taiwo L., 1992, ‘The Land Use Act, 1978 – A Timely Call for Reform’, in Okonkwo, C.O., (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Nigerian Law: Essays in Honour of Judge Bola Ajibola, Lagos: Toma Micro Publishers.
The Guardian, 1997, Lagos, Nigeria, 3 September.
Uchendu, V.C., 1979, ‘State, Land, and Society in Nigeria: A Critical Assessment of Land Use Decree (1978)’, Journal of African Studies, Summer, Vol. 6, No. 2, 62-74.
UK Trade and Investment, 2003, ‘Oil, Gas, Refining & Petro chemical (Plant Design & Construction) Market in Nigeria’, http://www.tradepartners.gov.uk/oilandgas/nigeria/profile/overview.shtml, (Accessed 29 November, 2004).
Vanguard, 2005, ‘Oil: Sagay Raises Alarm over Deriv ative Rights’, Lagos, 4 April, http://www.vanguardngr.com/articles/2002/cover/april05/04042005/f404042005.html, (Accessed May 28, 2005).
Washington Times, 2001, ‘Poverty drives Venezuelan Indians into cities’, 9 October, http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/venezuela/indians.htm, (Accessed August27, 2005).