3 - Women and Liberal Peacebuilding in Post- Conflict Northern Uganda: community social work agenda revisited?
Corresponding Author(s) : Eric Awich Ochen
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2017): African Sociological Review
This paper examines women’s participation in post-conflict peacebuilding activities within
the neo-liberal peace theory and framework. Using qualitative approach, the study gathered
information from 40 women and several key informants working and living in post-conflict
northern Uganda. The paper utilizes this information in reflecting on how women live in and
engage with their communities in post-conflict settings, and also assess the actual actions and
initiatives that women develop in post-conflict situation, the space available to them and the
emergent context. The paper also analyses the extent to which these factors shape community
post-conflict adjustments. Key challenges affecting women’s participation in the peacebuilding
processes, mainly at grassroots and community levels are examined. The major conclusion of the
paper is that liberal peacebuilding approach does not fully espouse, embrace or explain issues of
critical consciousness, social and strategic agency nor does it prepare the women to effectively
engage their society. I argue that this limitation and omission do not adequately prepare
women to confront social issues and oppressive practices as well as challenge certain traditions
and power structures, issues that are hall marks of community based social work.
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- Abola, C., Omach, P., Ochen, E. A., Anena, C. & Barongo, A. (2009). Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation through Norwegian Non-governmental Organizations in Northern Uganda (2003-2008). Oslo: the Norwegian Agency for international Development, Evaluation report 3/2009
- Adrian-Paul, A (2012) Empowering women to promoste peace and security: from the global to the Local-securing and implementing UN security Copunmcil resolution 1325. In: Schnabel, A. & Tabyshalieva, A. (2012) Defying Victimnhood: women and Post Conflict peacebuilding . New York: United Nations University Office, pp.236-262 Andersen, Louise, R (2012) The liberal Dilemmas of a people-centred approach to state building.
- Conflict, Security and development. 12: 2, 103-121.
- Card, C (1996) Rape as a weapon of war. Hypatia, Vol. 11, No. 4, Women and Violence (Autumn, 1996), pp. 5-18
- Denov, M &Maclure, R. (2006) Engaging the Voices of Girls in the aftermath of Sierra Leone’s conflict: experiences and perspectives in a culture of violence. Anthropologica 48 (1) 73-85.
- Donovan Paula ( 2002) Rape and HIV/AIDS in Rwanda. THE LANCET Supplement, Vol 360,
- Elbe, S. (2002) HIV/AIDS and the Changing Landscape of War in Africa. International Security, Vol.27, No. 2 (Fall 2002), pp. 159–177
- El-Bushra, J. & Sahl, I.M.G. (2005) Cycle of Violence: Gender Issues in Armed Conflict. London: Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD).
- Fourie, P. & Schönteich, M. (2001); Africa’s New Security Threat, African Security Review,10:4,
- -42, DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2001.9627950
- Eriksen, Stein Sundst (2009) The liberal is neither: peacebuilding, state building and the reproduction of conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. International peace keeping, 16, 5: 652-666 Francis, D.J (2008) Peace and Conflict in Africa. London: Zed Books
- Haeri, M. &Puerchguirbal, N. (2010) From Helplessness to Agency: examining the plurality of women’s experiences in armed conflict. International Review of the Red Cross, 92,pp. 103-122
- Honwana, A. (2006) Child Soldiers in Africa: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press Honwana, A. (2012) The Time of Youth: Work, Social Change, and Politics in Africa. New York: Kumarian Press
- Howarth, Kirsten 2014 Connecting the dots: liberal peace and post-conflict violence ime. Progress in Development studies 14, 3, pp 261-273
- JRP (2013) Youth Advocacy: Transitional Justice Competitions. Justice and Reconciliation Project Issue report no 2., Gulu, Uganda JRP (2015) We are all the same: Experiences of children born into LRA captivity. JRP field note number 23, December 2015, Gulu, Uganda.
- Kaufman, J.P & Williams, K.P (2015)Women,DDR and post confdlict Tr4ansfromation: lessons form the cases of Bosnia and South Africa. Journal of Research in Gender Studies 5(2)11-53
- Niaolain, F and McWilliams, M (2013) There is goping to be a war you know, Addressing the compleixcity of Viuoance Agaisnts Women in Conflicts and Post-Conflicts societies. Transitional Justice Insititutions Research paper no 14.
- Kadenke-Kaiser,R.M (2012) Frontline peacebuilding: Women’s reconstruction initiatives in Burundi. In: Schnabel, A and Tabyshalieva, A. (2012) Defying Victimnhood: women and Post Conflict peacebuilding . New York: United Nations University Office, Pp. 118-142 Kurtenbach, Sabine (2014) European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 88 pp 95-110 Schnabel, A and Tabyshalieva, A. (2012) Defying Victimnhood: women and Post Conflict peacebuilding. New York: United Nations University Office
- McKay, S., Veale, A, Worthen, M, & Wessels, M. (2010) Community-based Reintegration of War Affected Young Mothers: Participatory Action Research in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Northern Uganda.
- Retrieved October 2, 2010 from the website: http://www.crin.org/docs/Par_report.pdf Middling, M., Bukuluki, P., Ochen, E. A (2014) Ex post performance evaluation of USAID assistance to Northern Uganda. A commissioned report submitted to the United States Mission in Kampala, Uganda. Available at: http://pdf.usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PA00K45N.pdf
- Ochen, Awich, E., Bukuluki, P & Mugumya, F.K. (2010) Gender Dynamics, Conflict and Food Insecurity: Lessons from Northern Uganda. In: Awortwi, N. & Okwany, A. eds. Issues in Social Development and Local Governance in Uganda. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing BV, pp. 259-286.
- Ochen, E. A. (2011) Gender Issues in Reintegration: A Feminist and Rights-Based Analysis of the Experiences of Formerly Abducted Child Mothers in Northern Uganda. In: Redeker-Hepner, T. And Omeje, K. eds. Political Conflicts and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America Inc.,. In print.
- Ochen, Eric Awich (2012) Protecting and Meeting Rights of Children during Conflict Reflections on the activities of three Indigenous Social Work Agencies in Northern Uganda, British Journal of Social Work Special Issue: Social Work and Political Context: Engagement and Negotiations, Volume 42, pp. 1192-1212, etablished in August 2012.
Abola, C., Omach, P., Ochen, E. A., Anena, C. & Barongo, A. (2009). Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation through Norwegian Non-governmental Organizations in Northern Uganda (2003-2008). Oslo: the Norwegian Agency for international Development, Evaluation report 3/2009
Adrian-Paul, A (2012) Empowering women to promoste peace and security: from the global to the Local-securing and implementing UN security Copunmcil resolution 1325. In: Schnabel, A. & Tabyshalieva, A. (2012) Defying Victimnhood: women and Post Conflict peacebuilding . New York: United Nations University Office, pp.236-262 Andersen, Louise, R (2012) The liberal Dilemmas of a people-centred approach to state building.
Conflict, Security and development. 12: 2, 103-121.
Card, C (1996) Rape as a weapon of war. Hypatia, Vol. 11, No. 4, Women and Violence (Autumn, 1996), pp. 5-18
Denov, M &Maclure, R. (2006) Engaging the Voices of Girls in the aftermath of Sierra Leone’s conflict: experiences and perspectives in a culture of violence. Anthropologica 48 (1) 73-85.
Donovan Paula ( 2002) Rape and HIV/AIDS in Rwanda. THE LANCET Supplement, Vol 360,
Elbe, S. (2002) HIV/AIDS and the Changing Landscape of War in Africa. International Security, Vol.27, No. 2 (Fall 2002), pp. 159–177
El-Bushra, J. & Sahl, I.M.G. (2005) Cycle of Violence: Gender Issues in Armed Conflict. London: Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD).
Fourie, P. & Schönteich, M. (2001); Africa’s New Security Threat, African Security Review,10:4,
-42, DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2001.9627950
Eriksen, Stein Sundst (2009) The liberal is neither: peacebuilding, state building and the reproduction of conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. International peace keeping, 16, 5: 652-666 Francis, D.J (2008) Peace and Conflict in Africa. London: Zed Books
Haeri, M. &Puerchguirbal, N. (2010) From Helplessness to Agency: examining the plurality of women’s experiences in armed conflict. International Review of the Red Cross, 92,pp. 103-122
Honwana, A. (2006) Child Soldiers in Africa: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press Honwana, A. (2012) The Time of Youth: Work, Social Change, and Politics in Africa. New York: Kumarian Press
Howarth, Kirsten 2014 Connecting the dots: liberal peace and post-conflict violence ime. Progress in Development studies 14, 3, pp 261-273
JRP (2013) Youth Advocacy: Transitional Justice Competitions. Justice and Reconciliation Project Issue report no 2., Gulu, Uganda JRP (2015) We are all the same: Experiences of children born into LRA captivity. JRP field note number 23, December 2015, Gulu, Uganda.
Kaufman, J.P & Williams, K.P (2015)Women,DDR and post confdlict Tr4ansfromation: lessons form the cases of Bosnia and South Africa. Journal of Research in Gender Studies 5(2)11-53
Niaolain, F and McWilliams, M (2013) There is goping to be a war you know, Addressing the compleixcity of Viuoance Agaisnts Women in Conflicts and Post-Conflicts societies. Transitional Justice Insititutions Research paper no 14.
Kadenke-Kaiser,R.M (2012) Frontline peacebuilding: Women’s reconstruction initiatives in Burundi. In: Schnabel, A and Tabyshalieva, A. (2012) Defying Victimnhood: women and Post Conflict peacebuilding . New York: United Nations University Office, Pp. 118-142 Kurtenbach, Sabine (2014) European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 88 pp 95-110 Schnabel, A and Tabyshalieva, A. (2012) Defying Victimnhood: women and Post Conflict peacebuilding. New York: United Nations University Office
McKay, S., Veale, A, Worthen, M, & Wessels, M. (2010) Community-based Reintegration of War Affected Young Mothers: Participatory Action Research in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Northern Uganda.
Retrieved October 2, 2010 from the website: http://www.crin.org/docs/Par_report.pdf Middling, M., Bukuluki, P., Ochen, E. A (2014) Ex post performance evaluation of USAID assistance to Northern Uganda. A commissioned report submitted to the United States Mission in Kampala, Uganda. Available at: http://pdf.usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PA00K45N.pdf
Ochen, Awich, E., Bukuluki, P & Mugumya, F.K. (2010) Gender Dynamics, Conflict and Food Insecurity: Lessons from Northern Uganda. In: Awortwi, N. & Okwany, A. eds. Issues in Social Development and Local Governance in Uganda. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing BV, pp. 259-286.
Ochen, E. A. (2011) Gender Issues in Reintegration: A Feminist and Rights-Based Analysis of the Experiences of Formerly Abducted Child Mothers in Northern Uganda. In: Redeker-Hepner, T. And Omeje, K. eds. Political Conflicts and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America Inc.,. In print.
Ochen, Eric Awich (2012) Protecting and Meeting Rights of Children during Conflict Reflections on the activities of three Indigenous Social Work Agencies in Northern Uganda, British Journal of Social Work Special Issue: Social Work and Political Context: Engagement and Negotiations, Volume 42, pp. 1192-1212, etablished in August 2012.