4 - A Review of Youth Violence Theories: Developing Interventions to Promote Sustainable Peace in Ilorin, Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Saheed Olanrewaju Abdulrahman
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2016): African Sociological Review
Ilorin is located in North Central Nigeria with an estimated population above two million
people. For some time now, Ilorin has been regarded as the most “peaceful” State Capital
in the North Central geo-political zone; due to rare outburst of violence and criminality.
However, in the recent past, the peaceful atmosphere of the State Capital has been under serious
threat owing to frequent outburst of youth violence, particularly in socially disadvantaged
neighbourhoods (SDNs). Consequently, youth violence has attracted the attention of policy
makers and stakeholders in the State Capital, thereby occupying an important space in local
discourses. In this paper, we undertake a review of theories of violence to understand the etiology
of youth violence in Ilorin in particular and Nigeria as a whole, and assess the implications
of these theories for developing strategies and policy frameworks for promoting long-lasting,
sustainable peace.
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- Abdullahi, A. A. & Issah, M. 2016. Theorizing youth violence in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Nigeria. Perspective on Global Development and Technology, 15: 363-390.
- Aderamo, J. A. 1990. Road development and urban expansion: The case of Ilorin. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Ilorin.
- Adinoyi, S. 2009. 26 armed mercenaries arrested in Jos. Thisday Newspaper. Retrieved January 12, 2015 from www.google.com.
- Agere, I. A., Nasir, A.A., Yakub, S., Abdur-Rahman, O.L., Ofoegbu, C.K.P. & Solagberu, A. B. 2012. Violent injury in Ilorin. Inj Prev, 18:A141.
- Ahmed, Y. A. 2009. Settlements pattern and functional distribution in an emerging communities: A case of a local government area of Kwara State, Nigeria: The Social Sciences, 4(3): 256-263.
- Akpan, P. L. Onwuka, E. M. & Onyeizugbe, C. 2012. Terrorist activities and economic development in Nigeria: an early warning signal. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(4): 69-77.
- Alanamu, S. A. 2005. Youth and urban violence in Nigeria: a reflection on the contemporary Ilorin township. In S. A. Alanamu (ed.), Issues in Political Violence in Nigeria. Ilorin: Hamson Printing Communication.
- Atoyebi,G.O. & Ijaiya, G. T. 2005. Environmental degradation and incidence of poverty among urban women in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Balogun, M. 2009. The Jos palaver: time to know the cause, six weeks after, tussle over jurisdiction. News in Africa, 5(8), 20-21.
- Bandura, A. 1973. Aggression: A social learning analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ;. Prentice Hall Baugher, E. & Lamison-White, L. 1996. Poverty in the United States: 1995. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. Pp.60-194.
- Bratton, W., & Kelling, G. 2006. There are no cracks in the broken windows. National Review Online.
- Retrieved January 17, 2007, fromhttp://www.nationalreview.com/comment/bratton_kelling200602281015.asp
- Bursik, R. J. 1998. Social disorganization and theories of crime and delinquency: problems and prospects. Criminology, 26, 519-551.
- Bursik, R. J. & Grasmick, H.G. 1993. Neighborhoods and crime: the dimensions of effective community control . New York: Lexington Books.
- Chen, X. 2015. Status concern and relative deprivation in China: measures, empirical evidence, and economic and policy implications. Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 9519 November 2015. Accessed from http://ftp.iza.org/dp9519.pdf on the 16th of July, 2016.
- Crosby, F. 1976. A model of egoistic relative deprivation. Psychological Review, 83(2),85−113.
- Danmole, H. O. 2012. Religion, politics and the economy in nineteenth century Ilorin: some reflections. A paper presented at the 1st Lecture Series of the Centre for Ilorin Studies, University of Ilorin, Wednesday, 12th December.
- DCAF Horizon, 2015. Armed non-state actors: current trends and future challenges.
- Working Paper No. 5.
- Davis J. A. 1959. A formal interpretation of the theory of relative deprivation. Sociometry, 22 (4): 280-296.
- Doran, B.J. & Lees, B.G. 2005. Investigating the spatiotemporal links between disorder,crime, and the fear of crime. The Professional Geographer, 57(1): 1-12.
- Eamon, M. K. 2001. Poverty, parenting, peer, and neighbourhood influences on young adolescent antisocial behavior. Journal of Social Service Research, 28(1), 1−23.
- Ekpenyong, S.N. 2012. Drug abuse in Nigerian schools: a study of selected secondary institutions in Bayelsa State, South-South, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research in Education,5(3): 260-268.
- Ellis, L. 2005. Theory explaining the biological correlates of criminality. European Journal of Criminology, 2(3), 287−314.
- Englander, E. 2007. Understanding violence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.rd O.ed.) Ewetan O. & Urhie, E. 2014. Insecurity and socio-economic development in Nigeria.
- Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, 5(1):40-63.
- Eya, W. 2009. Jos killings: Much ado about probe panels. Daily Sun. Retrieved Feb 12, 2015 from http://www.sunnewsonline.com.
- Fagbemi, A. 2015. Police confirms two deaths after mayhem in Ilorin. http://guardian.
- ng/news/police-confirms-two-deaths-after-mayhem-in-ilorin/25 April 2015 11:37 pm
- Gault, M. & Silver, E. 2008. Spuriousness or mediation? broken windows according to Sampson and Raudenbush (1999). Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 240-243.
- Gurr, T. R. (1970).Why men rebel? Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Hong T. & Farley T. A. 2008. Urban residents’ priorities for neighborhood features: a survey of New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina. Am J Prev Med, 34: 353– 356.
- Honwana, A. & Filip D. (eds.). 2005. Makers and breakers: children and youth in postcolonial Africa. Oxford: James Currey; Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press; Dakar: Codesria Human Rights Watch. 2012. Criminal politics, violence, “godfathers”, and corruption in Nigeria.
- Human Rights Watch Report, 19 (16A).
- Ijaiya, G.T. & Raji, A. B. 2005. Demand for modern health care services and the incidence of poverty in Nigeria: A case study of Ilorin metropolis. French Institute for Research in Africa(IFRA)Special Research Issue. Vol.1:Pp.113-129.
- Ikuomola, A. D., Okunola, R.A. & Heap, S. 2009. Historical analysis of touts as a deviant subgroup in Lagos State -Nigeria. African Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(2): 49-62.
- Jimoh, L.A.K. 1994. Ilorin: the journey so far. Ilorin: Atoto Press LTD.
- Kelling, G. L. & Coles, C. 1996. Fixing broken windows: restoring order and reducing crime in American cities. New York, NY: Free Press Kornhauser, R. 1978. Social sources of delinquency: an appraisal of analytic models. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Kubrin, C. E., & Weitzer, R. 2003. New directions in social disorganization theory.
- .Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 374-402.
- Land, K. C., McCall, P. L. & Cohen, L. E. 1990. Structural covariates of homicide rates: are there any invariance across time and social space? American Journal of Sociology, 95(4): 922-963.
- Lea, J. & Young, J. 1984. What is to be done about law and order? Harmondsworth: Penguin. London Evening Standard.
- Lombroso, C. 1876. The Criminal man. Turin: Bocca. Roots Review • 21 Volume 5: Literature Reviews.
- Lowenkamp, C. T., Cullen, F. T. & Pratt, T. C. 2003. Replicating Sampson and Groves’s test of social disorganization theory: revisiting a criminological classic. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 351-373.
- Merton, R.K. 1956. Social theory and social structure. New York: Free Press Moser, C.O.N. & Mcilwaine, C. 2006. Latin American urban violence as a development concern: towards a framework for violence reduction. World Development, 34(1): 89-112.
- Muhammad, A.Y. 2005. Youth and urban violence in Nigeria: a reflection on the contemporary Ilorin township. In: S.A. Alanamu (ed.), Issues in Political Violence in Nigeria. Ilorin: Hamson Printing Communication.
- National Bureau of Statistics. 2012. Labour Force Statistics. Retrieved from www.nigerianstat.gov.ng
- Odumosu, O. 1999. Social costs of poverty: The case of crime in Nigeria. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 14(2): 71-85.
- Park, R.E. & Burgess, E.W. 1924. The City. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Paulsen, D., & Robinson, M. 2004. Spatial aspects of crime: theory and practice. Boston: Pearson.
- Raheem, A. 2003. The kingmaker at 70. National Pilot, 1(35), May 19th -23rd Rubington, E., & Weinberg, M. S. 2010. The study of social problems: seven perspectives.
- New York: Oxford University Press. 7th ed. Runciman, W. G. 1966. Relative deprivation and social justice: a study of attitudes to social inequality in twentieth-century England. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Saka, L. 2010. Agent of destruction or development: youth and the politics of violence in Kwara State, Nigeria. In Wakili, H. Mohammed, H. Aluaigba, M. T. & Ahmed, M. (eds.). The Nigerian youth: political participation and national development. Kano: Aminu Kano Centre for Democratic Research and Training. Pp. 361-378.
- Sambanis, N., 2004. What is a civil war? Conceptual and empirical complexities. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 48(4): 814 – 858
- Shaw, C. R. & McKay, H.D. 1942. Juvenile delinquency and urban Area: a study of rates of delinquents in relation to differential characteristics of local communities in American cities.
- Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Sherman, L. W. & Eck, J. E. 2002. Policing for crime prevention. In Sherman, L. W. Farrington, D.P. Welsh, B. C. & Mackenzie, D. L. (eds.), Evidence-based crime prevention (Revised Ed.). New York:Routledge. pp. 295–329.
- Siegel, L. J. 2005. Criminology: The core. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 2nd ed. Siegel, L.J. & McCormick, C. 2006. Criminology in Canada: theories, patterns, and typologies.
- Toronto: Thompson. 3rd ed.Skocpol, T. 1994. Social revolutions in the modern world. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press Skogan, W.G. 2005. Citizen satisfaction with police encounters. Police Quarterly, 8(3),298−321.
- W. G. 19 Skogan, 90. Disorder and decline: crime and the spiral of decay in American neighbourhoods. New York: Free Press.
- Smith, D. A. & Jarjoura, G. R. 1988. Social structure and criminal victimization. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 25(1):27–52.
- Stark, R. 1987. Deviant paces: a theory of the ecology of crime. Criminology, 25: 893-909. Tarrow, S. 1998. Power in movement: social movements and contentious politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2nd ed.
- Thomas, W.I., & Znaniecki, F. 1918. The Polish peasant in Europe and America: Disorganization and Reorganization in Poland. Volume IV. Boston: Gorham Press.
- Tijjani, H. (2013). Political violence and youth gangs in Bauchi State, Nigeria. JORIND 11(2) December. Accessed from www.transcampus.org/journals; www.ajol. info/journals/jorind Tilly, C. (1978). From mobilization to revolution. Reading: Addison-Wesley.
- Tunde E. 2015. Police arrest 8 for post-election violence in Ilorin. Available on http://www.premiumtimesng.com accessed on 23/5/2015
- UN-Habitat 2008. Crime and violence versus employment opportunities in cities and towns. 2nd African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development. Abuja, Nigeria. Retrieved from www.unhabitat.org
- US Commission on International Religious Freedom 2008. Annual Report 2008 http://www.uscirf.gov/images/AR2008/nigeria.pdf (Accessed 18 April 2015)
- USAID 2005. Conflict management and mitigation in Nigeria. Retrieved March 16, 2015 from http://www.devex.com/projects/conflict-management-and-mitigation.
- Wilson, J. Q. & Kelling, G. 1982. Broken windows, the police and neighborhood safety.
- The Atlantic Monthly, 249 (3): 29-38.
- Xu, Y., Fiedler, M. L., & Flaming, K. H. 2005. Discovering the impact of community policing: the broken windows thesis, collective efficacy and citizens’ judgment. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 42, 147-186.
- Zimbardo, P.G. 2004. A situationist perspective on the psychology of evil: understanding how good people are transformed into perpetrators. In Miller, A.G. (ed.), they of good and evil. New York. Guilford Press. pp. 21-50.
Abdullahi, A. A. & Issah, M. 2016. Theorizing youth violence in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Nigeria. Perspective on Global Development and Technology, 15: 363-390.
Aderamo, J. A. 1990. Road development and urban expansion: The case of Ilorin. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Ilorin.
Adinoyi, S. 2009. 26 armed mercenaries arrested in Jos. Thisday Newspaper. Retrieved January 12, 2015 from www.google.com.
Agere, I. A., Nasir, A.A., Yakub, S., Abdur-Rahman, O.L., Ofoegbu, C.K.P. & Solagberu, A. B. 2012. Violent injury in Ilorin. Inj Prev, 18:A141.
Ahmed, Y. A. 2009. Settlements pattern and functional distribution in an emerging communities: A case of a local government area of Kwara State, Nigeria: The Social Sciences, 4(3): 256-263.
Akpan, P. L. Onwuka, E. M. & Onyeizugbe, C. 2012. Terrorist activities and economic development in Nigeria: an early warning signal. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(4): 69-77.
Alanamu, S. A. 2005. Youth and urban violence in Nigeria: a reflection on the contemporary Ilorin township. In S. A. Alanamu (ed.), Issues in Political Violence in Nigeria. Ilorin: Hamson Printing Communication.
Atoyebi,G.O. & Ijaiya, G. T. 2005. Environmental degradation and incidence of poverty among urban women in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Balogun, M. 2009. The Jos palaver: time to know the cause, six weeks after, tussle over jurisdiction. News in Africa, 5(8), 20-21.
Bandura, A. 1973. Aggression: A social learning analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ;. Prentice Hall Baugher, E. & Lamison-White, L. 1996. Poverty in the United States: 1995. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. Pp.60-194.
Bratton, W., & Kelling, G. 2006. There are no cracks in the broken windows. National Review Online.
Retrieved January 17, 2007, fromhttp://www.nationalreview.com/comment/bratton_kelling200602281015.asp
Bursik, R. J. 1998. Social disorganization and theories of crime and delinquency: problems and prospects. Criminology, 26, 519-551.
Bursik, R. J. & Grasmick, H.G. 1993. Neighborhoods and crime: the dimensions of effective community control . New York: Lexington Books.
Chen, X. 2015. Status concern and relative deprivation in China: measures, empirical evidence, and economic and policy implications. Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) Discussion Paper No. 9519 November 2015. Accessed from http://ftp.iza.org/dp9519.pdf on the 16th of July, 2016.
Crosby, F. 1976. A model of egoistic relative deprivation. Psychological Review, 83(2),85−113.
Danmole, H. O. 2012. Religion, politics and the economy in nineteenth century Ilorin: some reflections. A paper presented at the 1st Lecture Series of the Centre for Ilorin Studies, University of Ilorin, Wednesday, 12th December.
DCAF Horizon, 2015. Armed non-state actors: current trends and future challenges.
Working Paper No. 5.
Davis J. A. 1959. A formal interpretation of the theory of relative deprivation. Sociometry, 22 (4): 280-296.
Doran, B.J. & Lees, B.G. 2005. Investigating the spatiotemporal links between disorder,crime, and the fear of crime. The Professional Geographer, 57(1): 1-12.
Eamon, M. K. 2001. Poverty, parenting, peer, and neighbourhood influences on young adolescent antisocial behavior. Journal of Social Service Research, 28(1), 1−23.
Ekpenyong, S.N. 2012. Drug abuse in Nigerian schools: a study of selected secondary institutions in Bayelsa State, South-South, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research in Education,5(3): 260-268.
Ellis, L. 2005. Theory explaining the biological correlates of criminality. European Journal of Criminology, 2(3), 287−314.
Englander, E. 2007. Understanding violence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.rd O.ed.) Ewetan O. & Urhie, E. 2014. Insecurity and socio-economic development in Nigeria.
Journal of Sustainable Development Studies, 5(1):40-63.
Eya, W. 2009. Jos killings: Much ado about probe panels. Daily Sun. Retrieved Feb 12, 2015 from http://www.sunnewsonline.com.
Fagbemi, A. 2015. Police confirms two deaths after mayhem in Ilorin. http://guardian.
ng/news/police-confirms-two-deaths-after-mayhem-in-ilorin/25 April 2015 11:37 pm
Gault, M. & Silver, E. 2008. Spuriousness or mediation? broken windows according to Sampson and Raudenbush (1999). Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 240-243.
Gurr, T. R. (1970).Why men rebel? Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Hong T. & Farley T. A. 2008. Urban residents’ priorities for neighborhood features: a survey of New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina. Am J Prev Med, 34: 353– 356.
Honwana, A. & Filip D. (eds.). 2005. Makers and breakers: children and youth in postcolonial Africa. Oxford: James Currey; Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press; Dakar: Codesria Human Rights Watch. 2012. Criminal politics, violence, “godfathers”, and corruption in Nigeria.
Human Rights Watch Report, 19 (16A).
Ijaiya, G.T. & Raji, A. B. 2005. Demand for modern health care services and the incidence of poverty in Nigeria: A case study of Ilorin metropolis. French Institute for Research in Africa(IFRA)Special Research Issue. Vol.1:Pp.113-129.
Ikuomola, A. D., Okunola, R.A. & Heap, S. 2009. Historical analysis of touts as a deviant subgroup in Lagos State -Nigeria. African Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2(2): 49-62.
Jimoh, L.A.K. 1994. Ilorin: the journey so far. Ilorin: Atoto Press LTD.
Kelling, G. L. & Coles, C. 1996. Fixing broken windows: restoring order and reducing crime in American cities. New York, NY: Free Press Kornhauser, R. 1978. Social sources of delinquency: an appraisal of analytic models. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Kubrin, C. E., & Weitzer, R. 2003. New directions in social disorganization theory.
.Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 374-402.
Land, K. C., McCall, P. L. & Cohen, L. E. 1990. Structural covariates of homicide rates: are there any invariance across time and social space? American Journal of Sociology, 95(4): 922-963.
Lea, J. & Young, J. 1984. What is to be done about law and order? Harmondsworth: Penguin. London Evening Standard.
Lombroso, C. 1876. The Criminal man. Turin: Bocca. Roots Review • 21 Volume 5: Literature Reviews.
Lowenkamp, C. T., Cullen, F. T. & Pratt, T. C. 2003. Replicating Sampson and Groves’s test of social disorganization theory: revisiting a criminological classic. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 351-373.
Merton, R.K. 1956. Social theory and social structure. New York: Free Press Moser, C.O.N. & Mcilwaine, C. 2006. Latin American urban violence as a development concern: towards a framework for violence reduction. World Development, 34(1): 89-112.
Muhammad, A.Y. 2005. Youth and urban violence in Nigeria: a reflection on the contemporary Ilorin township. In: S.A. Alanamu (ed.), Issues in Political Violence in Nigeria. Ilorin: Hamson Printing Communication.
National Bureau of Statistics. 2012. Labour Force Statistics. Retrieved from www.nigerianstat.gov.ng
Odumosu, O. 1999. Social costs of poverty: The case of crime in Nigeria. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 14(2): 71-85.
Park, R.E. & Burgess, E.W. 1924. The City. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Paulsen, D., & Robinson, M. 2004. Spatial aspects of crime: theory and practice. Boston: Pearson.
Raheem, A. 2003. The kingmaker at 70. National Pilot, 1(35), May 19th -23rd Rubington, E., & Weinberg, M. S. 2010. The study of social problems: seven perspectives.
New York: Oxford University Press. 7th ed. Runciman, W. G. 1966. Relative deprivation and social justice: a study of attitudes to social inequality in twentieth-century England. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Saka, L. 2010. Agent of destruction or development: youth and the politics of violence in Kwara State, Nigeria. In Wakili, H. Mohammed, H. Aluaigba, M. T. & Ahmed, M. (eds.). The Nigerian youth: political participation and national development. Kano: Aminu Kano Centre for Democratic Research and Training. Pp. 361-378.
Sambanis, N., 2004. What is a civil war? Conceptual and empirical complexities. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 48(4): 814 – 858
Shaw, C. R. & McKay, H.D. 1942. Juvenile delinquency and urban Area: a study of rates of delinquents in relation to differential characteristics of local communities in American cities.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sherman, L. W. & Eck, J. E. 2002. Policing for crime prevention. In Sherman, L. W. Farrington, D.P. Welsh, B. C. & Mackenzie, D. L. (eds.), Evidence-based crime prevention (Revised Ed.). New York:Routledge. pp. 295–329.
Siegel, L. J. 2005. Criminology: The core. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 2nd ed. Siegel, L.J. & McCormick, C. 2006. Criminology in Canada: theories, patterns, and typologies.
Toronto: Thompson. 3rd ed.Skocpol, T. 1994. Social revolutions in the modern world. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press Skogan, W.G. 2005. Citizen satisfaction with police encounters. Police Quarterly, 8(3),298−321.
W. G. 19 Skogan, 90. Disorder and decline: crime and the spiral of decay in American neighbourhoods. New York: Free Press.
Smith, D. A. & Jarjoura, G. R. 1988. Social structure and criminal victimization. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 25(1):27–52.
Stark, R. 1987. Deviant paces: a theory of the ecology of crime. Criminology, 25: 893-909. Tarrow, S. 1998. Power in movement: social movements and contentious politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2nd ed.
Thomas, W.I., & Znaniecki, F. 1918. The Polish peasant in Europe and America: Disorganization and Reorganization in Poland. Volume IV. Boston: Gorham Press.
Tijjani, H. (2013). Political violence and youth gangs in Bauchi State, Nigeria. JORIND 11(2) December. Accessed from www.transcampus.org/journals; www.ajol. info/journals/jorind Tilly, C. (1978). From mobilization to revolution. Reading: Addison-Wesley.
Tunde E. 2015. Police arrest 8 for post-election violence in Ilorin. Available on http://www.premiumtimesng.com accessed on 23/5/2015
UN-Habitat 2008. Crime and violence versus employment opportunities in cities and towns. 2nd African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development. Abuja, Nigeria. Retrieved from www.unhabitat.org
US Commission on International Religious Freedom 2008. Annual Report 2008 http://www.uscirf.gov/images/AR2008/nigeria.pdf (Accessed 18 April 2015)
USAID 2005. Conflict management and mitigation in Nigeria. Retrieved March 16, 2015 from http://www.devex.com/projects/conflict-management-and-mitigation.
Wilson, J. Q. & Kelling, G. 1982. Broken windows, the police and neighborhood safety.
The Atlantic Monthly, 249 (3): 29-38.
Xu, Y., Fiedler, M. L., & Flaming, K. H. 2005. Discovering the impact of community policing: the broken windows thesis, collective efficacy and citizens’ judgment. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 42, 147-186.
Zimbardo, P.G. 2004. A situationist perspective on the psychology of evil: understanding how good people are transformed into perpetrators. In Miller, A.G. (ed.), they of good and evil. New York. Guilford Press. pp. 21-50.