2 - Perceived Threat of Malaria and the Use of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Ali Arazeem Abdullahi
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 17 No. 1 (2013): African Sociological Review
Using multiple qualitative methods, this study investigated the perceived threat and perceived susceptibility of children under five years of age to malaria, and willingness of the caregivers to use the ITNs in the prevention of malaria in selected rural and urban areas of Nigeria. The health belief model (HBM) is the theoretical anchor of the study. Samples included mothers, fathers and grandparents whose child/ward had manifested malaria symptoms at one time or another and who had reported or failed to report such cases at the available health centres. Other respondents were community leaders, health workers and traditional pharmacists popularly known as elewe-omo. The study found that malaria was perceived as a serious health problem and a threat to the children by the majority of the respondents. However, high perceived threat of malaria did not guarantee widespread use of the ITNs owing to limited access and poor distribution networks. Some measures for equitable and sustainable distribution and use of the ITNs in local communities have been recommended.
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- Abdullahi, AA., (2011). Towards a Sociology of Health Care Service utilisation in the Case of Children with Malaria in Nigeria. A PhD Thesis Submitted to the Department of Sociology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Abdullahi, AA., Senekal, A. & Van Zyl-Schalekamp, C., (2012). ‘The Need to Incorporate Senior Caregivers in Health Education Relating to Malaria in Rural Areas’. Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology. 9(2): 71-83.
- Abdullahi, K., Abubakar, U., Adamu, T., Daneji, A. I., Aliyu, RU., Jiya, N., Ibraheem M. T. O., & Nata’ala, S. U., (2009). “Malaria in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria”. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(24): 7101-7105.
- Abu-Mourad, T., Alegakis, A., Shashaa, S., Koutis, A., Lionis, C. & Philalithis, A., (2008). ‘Individual Determinants of Primary Healthcare Utilisation in Gaza Strip, Palestine’. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62: 701-707.
- Adedotun, A. A., Morenikeji, O. A., & Odaibo, A. B., (2010). “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices about Malaria in an Urban Community in South-Western Nigeria”. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 47: 155–159.
- Afolabi, BM., Sofola, OT., Fatumbi, BS., Komakech, W., Okah, F., Saliu, O., Otesemebor, P., Oresanya, OB., Amajoh, CN., Fasiku, D., Jalingo, I., (2009). ‘Household’s Possession, Use and Non-Use of treated and Untreated Mosquito Nets in Two Ecologically Diverse Regions of Nigeria – Niger Delta and Sahel Savannah’. Malaria Journal, 19(8): 30.
- Alaii, JA., (2003). Insecticide-Treated Bednets (ITNs) for Malaria Control: Factors Relevant for Utilisation in a Western Kenyan Community. A Report. Unigraphic Maastricht.
- Alexandre, PK., Saint-Jean, G., Crandall, L. and Fevrin, E., (2005). ‘Prenatal Care utilisation in Rural Areas and Urban Areas of Haiti’. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 18(2): 84-92.
- Andersen R., (1995). ‘Revisiting the Behavioural Model and Access to Medical Care: Does it Matter?’ Journal of Health Social Behaviour, 36: 1–10.
- Andersen, R. and Newman, JF., (2005). ‘Societal and Individual Determinants of Medical Care utilisation in the United States’. The Milbank Quarterly, 83(4): 1–28.
- Amzat, J., (2011). ‘Assessing the Progress of Malaria Control in Nigeria’. World Health and Population, 12(3): 42-51.
- Blackburn, B. G., Eigege, A., Gotau, H., Gerlong, G., Miri, E., Hawley, W. A., Mathieu, E. & Richards, F., (2006). ‘Successful Integration of Insecticide- Treated Bed Net Distribution with Mass Drug Administration in Central Nigeria’. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 75(4): 650–655.
- Darlington, Y. and Scott, D., (2002). Qualitative Research in Practice: Stories from the Field. Crows Nest, Australia, Allen and Unwin.
- Family Health International. (2002). Behaviour Change: A Summary of Four Major Theories. A publication of the Family Health International (accessed from http://ww2.fhi.org/en/aids/aidscap/aidspubs/behres/bcr4theo.html on the 13th of February, 2010).
- Federal Ministry of Health [FMoH]. (2009). Strategic Plan 2009-2013: A Road Map for Malaria Control in Nigeria. The Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Nigeria.
- Federal Republic of Nigeria [FRN]. (2009). Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette. Abuja: The Federal Government Printer, 96(2): B34.
- Fegan, G. W., Noor, A. M., Akhwale, W. S., Cousens, S. & Snow, R. W., (2007). ‘Effect of Expanded Insecticide-Treated Bednet Coverage on Child Survival in Rural Kenya: A Longitudinal Study’.Lancet, 370: 1035–1039.
- Ferguson, MJ. & Bargh, JA., (2004). ‘How Social Perception can Automatically Influence Behaviour’. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 8(1): 33-39.
- Frey, C., Traore, C., De Allegri, M., Kouyate, B., & Muller, O., (2006). ‘Compliance of Young Children with ITN Protection in Rural Burkina Faso’. Malaria Journal, 5(70): 1-27.
- Goldsmith L., (2002). ‘A Critical History of Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Services Use: A Reflection of How We Study Access to Health Care’.
- Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy. Meeting. 19: 6. Hagewen, KJ., (2006). Health Care utilisation among Mexican-American Elderly:
- A Multi-Level Analysis. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (accessed from http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p104583_ index.html on the 23rd of May, 2009)
- Hausmann-Muela, S., Ribera, JM. and Nyamonga, I., (2003). Health Seeking Behaviour and the Health System Response. DCPP Working Paper, 14: 1-37.
- Hanson, JA. and Benedict, JA., (2002). ‘Use of the Health Belief Model to Examine Older Adults’ Food-Handling Behaviour’. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour, 34(1): 25-30.
- Hinton, RL., Auwun, A., Pongua, G., Olive, OA., Davis, TME., Karunajeewa, HA. and Reeder, JC., (2007). ‘Caregivers’ Acceptance of Using Artesunate Suppositories for Treating Childhood Malaria in Papua New Guinea’. American Journal Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 76(4): 634–640.
- Jegede, AS., (1998). African Culture and Health. Ibadan: Stirling Horden Publishers.
- Jegede, AS., (2002). ‘Problem and Prospects of Health Care Delivery in Nigeria: Issues in Political Economy and Social Inequality’. In Isiugo-Abanihe UC, Isamah, AN and Adesina, JO. (eds.) Currents and Perspectives in Sociology, Ibadan: Malthouse Press Limited. Pp. 212-226.
- Jegede, AS., Amzat, J., Salami, KK., Adejumo, PO. and Oyetunde, MO., (2006). Perceived Causes of Malaria among Market Women in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Sciences, 9(1): 14-25.
- Kwara State Ministry of Health. (2008). Monthly Surveillance Report on Malaria Cases and Deaths in Kwara State, January to December, 2008. An extract from the National Health Management Information System. Local Government Summary Form. Kwara State Ministry of Health.
- Muller, O., Allegri, M. D., Becher, H., Tiendrebogo, J., Beiersmann, C., Ye, M., Kouyate, B., Sie, A. & Jahn, A., (2008). ‘Distribution Systems of Insecticide- Treated Bed Nets for Malaria Control in Rural Burkina Faso: Cluster- Randomised Controlled Trial’. Malaria Control in Africa. 3(9): 1-9.
- Munro, S., Lewin, S., Swart, T. and Volmink, J., (2007). ‘A Review of Health Behaviour Theories: How Useful are these for Developing Interventions to Promote Long-term Medication Adherence for TB and HIV/AIDS?’ BMC Public Health, 7(104): 1-16.
- Nejad, LM., Wertheim, EL. and Greenwood, KM., (2005). ‘Comparison of the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour in the Prediction of Dieting and Fasting Behaviour’. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 1(1): 63-74.
- Okafor, EE. and Amzat, J., (2007). ‘Problems of Malaria Menace and Behavioural Intervention for its Management in Sub-Saharan Africa’. Journal of Human Ecology, 21(2): 155-162.
- Okanle Descendant Union [ODU]. (2009). A Brief History of Okanle in Ifelodun LGA, Kwara State. Ilorin: OLAD Nig. Publishers.
- Olasehinde, G. I., Ajayi, A. A., Taiwo, S. O., Adekeye, B. T. & Adeyeba, O. A. (2010). ‘Prevalence and Management of Falciparum Malaria among Infants and Children in Ota, Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria’. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology, 11(3): 159-163.
- Oshikoya, KA., (2007). ‘Antimalarial Prescriptions for Children Presenting with Uncomplicated Malaria to a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria after the Change of National Guidelines for Malaria Treatment’. World Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(1): 49-53.
- Osondo, N. B. & Jerome, O. O., (2009). ‘Effectiveness of Insecticide-Treated Bednets (ITNs) in Malaria Prevention among Children Aged Six Months to 5 years in a Rural Community in Imo State, Nigeria’. International Journal of Tropical Medicine, 4(1): 41-49.
- Oyedeji, O. A., Elemile, P. O., Adepoju, A. A., Oyedeji, G. A., (2009). ‘An Evaluation of the Use of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets among Children Presenting with Malaria at a Nigerian Health Facility’. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 1(11): 501-504.
- Rauyajin, O., (1991). ‘Factors Affecting Malaria Related Behaviour: A Literature Review of Behavioural Theories and Relevant Research’. In Sornmani, S. & Fungladda, W (eds.) Social and Economic Aspects of Malaria Control. Bangkok: MRC-TROPMED.
- Saraki, AB., (2009). ‘Flag off of Malaria Free Kwara’. Keynote Address by the Governor of Kwara State held at the Banquet Hall of Government House, Ilorin (accessed from www.kwarastate.gov.ng on 16 February, 2010).
- United States Department of Health and Human Resources. (2004). Health Care in America: Trends in Utilisation. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and National Centre for Health Statistics.WHO. 2011. World Malaria Report. Geneva: World Health Organisation
- Yusuf, OB., Adeoye, BW., Oladepo, OO., Peters, DH., and Bishai, D., (2010). ‘Poverty and Fever Vulnerability in Nigeria: A Multilevel Analysis’. Malaria Journal, 19(9): 235.
Abdullahi, AA., (2011). Towards a Sociology of Health Care Service utilisation in the Case of Children with Malaria in Nigeria. A PhD Thesis Submitted to the Department of Sociology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Abdullahi, AA., Senekal, A. & Van Zyl-Schalekamp, C., (2012). ‘The Need to Incorporate Senior Caregivers in Health Education Relating to Malaria in Rural Areas’. Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology. 9(2): 71-83.
Abdullahi, K., Abubakar, U., Adamu, T., Daneji, A. I., Aliyu, RU., Jiya, N., Ibraheem M. T. O., & Nata’ala, S. U., (2009). “Malaria in Sokoto, North Western Nigeria”. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(24): 7101-7105.
Abu-Mourad, T., Alegakis, A., Shashaa, S., Koutis, A., Lionis, C. & Philalithis, A., (2008). ‘Individual Determinants of Primary Healthcare Utilisation in Gaza Strip, Palestine’. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62: 701-707.
Adedotun, A. A., Morenikeji, O. A., & Odaibo, A. B., (2010). “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices about Malaria in an Urban Community in South-Western Nigeria”. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 47: 155–159.
Afolabi, BM., Sofola, OT., Fatumbi, BS., Komakech, W., Okah, F., Saliu, O., Otesemebor, P., Oresanya, OB., Amajoh, CN., Fasiku, D., Jalingo, I., (2009). ‘Household’s Possession, Use and Non-Use of treated and Untreated Mosquito Nets in Two Ecologically Diverse Regions of Nigeria – Niger Delta and Sahel Savannah’. Malaria Journal, 19(8): 30.
Alaii, JA., (2003). Insecticide-Treated Bednets (ITNs) for Malaria Control: Factors Relevant for Utilisation in a Western Kenyan Community. A Report. Unigraphic Maastricht.
Alexandre, PK., Saint-Jean, G., Crandall, L. and Fevrin, E., (2005). ‘Prenatal Care utilisation in Rural Areas and Urban Areas of Haiti’. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 18(2): 84-92.
Andersen R., (1995). ‘Revisiting the Behavioural Model and Access to Medical Care: Does it Matter?’ Journal of Health Social Behaviour, 36: 1–10.
Andersen, R. and Newman, JF., (2005). ‘Societal and Individual Determinants of Medical Care utilisation in the United States’. The Milbank Quarterly, 83(4): 1–28.
Amzat, J., (2011). ‘Assessing the Progress of Malaria Control in Nigeria’. World Health and Population, 12(3): 42-51.
Blackburn, B. G., Eigege, A., Gotau, H., Gerlong, G., Miri, E., Hawley, W. A., Mathieu, E. & Richards, F., (2006). ‘Successful Integration of Insecticide- Treated Bed Net Distribution with Mass Drug Administration in Central Nigeria’. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 75(4): 650–655.
Darlington, Y. and Scott, D., (2002). Qualitative Research in Practice: Stories from the Field. Crows Nest, Australia, Allen and Unwin.
Family Health International. (2002). Behaviour Change: A Summary of Four Major Theories. A publication of the Family Health International (accessed from http://ww2.fhi.org/en/aids/aidscap/aidspubs/behres/bcr4theo.html on the 13th of February, 2010).
Federal Ministry of Health [FMoH]. (2009). Strategic Plan 2009-2013: A Road Map for Malaria Control in Nigeria. The Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja, Nigeria.
Federal Republic of Nigeria [FRN]. (2009). Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette. Abuja: The Federal Government Printer, 96(2): B34.
Fegan, G. W., Noor, A. M., Akhwale, W. S., Cousens, S. & Snow, R. W., (2007). ‘Effect of Expanded Insecticide-Treated Bednet Coverage on Child Survival in Rural Kenya: A Longitudinal Study’.Lancet, 370: 1035–1039.
Ferguson, MJ. & Bargh, JA., (2004). ‘How Social Perception can Automatically Influence Behaviour’. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 8(1): 33-39.
Frey, C., Traore, C., De Allegri, M., Kouyate, B., & Muller, O., (2006). ‘Compliance of Young Children with ITN Protection in Rural Burkina Faso’. Malaria Journal, 5(70): 1-27.
Goldsmith L., (2002). ‘A Critical History of Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Services Use: A Reflection of How We Study Access to Health Care’.
Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy. Meeting. 19: 6. Hagewen, KJ., (2006). Health Care utilisation among Mexican-American Elderly:
A Multi-Level Analysis. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (accessed from http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p104583_ index.html on the 23rd of May, 2009)
Hausmann-Muela, S., Ribera, JM. and Nyamonga, I., (2003). Health Seeking Behaviour and the Health System Response. DCPP Working Paper, 14: 1-37.
Hanson, JA. and Benedict, JA., (2002). ‘Use of the Health Belief Model to Examine Older Adults’ Food-Handling Behaviour’. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour, 34(1): 25-30.
Hinton, RL., Auwun, A., Pongua, G., Olive, OA., Davis, TME., Karunajeewa, HA. and Reeder, JC., (2007). ‘Caregivers’ Acceptance of Using Artesunate Suppositories for Treating Childhood Malaria in Papua New Guinea’. American Journal Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 76(4): 634–640.
Jegede, AS., (1998). African Culture and Health. Ibadan: Stirling Horden Publishers.
Jegede, AS., (2002). ‘Problem and Prospects of Health Care Delivery in Nigeria: Issues in Political Economy and Social Inequality’. In Isiugo-Abanihe UC, Isamah, AN and Adesina, JO. (eds.) Currents and Perspectives in Sociology, Ibadan: Malthouse Press Limited. Pp. 212-226.
Jegede, AS., Amzat, J., Salami, KK., Adejumo, PO. and Oyetunde, MO., (2006). Perceived Causes of Malaria among Market Women in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Sciences, 9(1): 14-25.
Kwara State Ministry of Health. (2008). Monthly Surveillance Report on Malaria Cases and Deaths in Kwara State, January to December, 2008. An extract from the National Health Management Information System. Local Government Summary Form. Kwara State Ministry of Health.
Muller, O., Allegri, M. D., Becher, H., Tiendrebogo, J., Beiersmann, C., Ye, M., Kouyate, B., Sie, A. & Jahn, A., (2008). ‘Distribution Systems of Insecticide- Treated Bed Nets for Malaria Control in Rural Burkina Faso: Cluster- Randomised Controlled Trial’. Malaria Control in Africa. 3(9): 1-9.
Munro, S., Lewin, S., Swart, T. and Volmink, J., (2007). ‘A Review of Health Behaviour Theories: How Useful are these for Developing Interventions to Promote Long-term Medication Adherence for TB and HIV/AIDS?’ BMC Public Health, 7(104): 1-16.
Nejad, LM., Wertheim, EL. and Greenwood, KM., (2005). ‘Comparison of the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour in the Prediction of Dieting and Fasting Behaviour’. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 1(1): 63-74.
Okafor, EE. and Amzat, J., (2007). ‘Problems of Malaria Menace and Behavioural Intervention for its Management in Sub-Saharan Africa’. Journal of Human Ecology, 21(2): 155-162.
Okanle Descendant Union [ODU]. (2009). A Brief History of Okanle in Ifelodun LGA, Kwara State. Ilorin: OLAD Nig. Publishers.
Olasehinde, G. I., Ajayi, A. A., Taiwo, S. O., Adekeye, B. T. & Adeyeba, O. A. (2010). ‘Prevalence and Management of Falciparum Malaria among Infants and Children in Ota, Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria’. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology, 11(3): 159-163.
Oshikoya, KA., (2007). ‘Antimalarial Prescriptions for Children Presenting with Uncomplicated Malaria to a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria after the Change of National Guidelines for Malaria Treatment’. World Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(1): 49-53.
Osondo, N. B. & Jerome, O. O., (2009). ‘Effectiveness of Insecticide-Treated Bednets (ITNs) in Malaria Prevention among Children Aged Six Months to 5 years in a Rural Community in Imo State, Nigeria’. International Journal of Tropical Medicine, 4(1): 41-49.
Oyedeji, O. A., Elemile, P. O., Adepoju, A. A., Oyedeji, G. A., (2009). ‘An Evaluation of the Use of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets among Children Presenting with Malaria at a Nigerian Health Facility’. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 1(11): 501-504.
Rauyajin, O., (1991). ‘Factors Affecting Malaria Related Behaviour: A Literature Review of Behavioural Theories and Relevant Research’. In Sornmani, S. & Fungladda, W (eds.) Social and Economic Aspects of Malaria Control. Bangkok: MRC-TROPMED.
Saraki, AB., (2009). ‘Flag off of Malaria Free Kwara’. Keynote Address by the Governor of Kwara State held at the Banquet Hall of Government House, Ilorin (accessed from www.kwarastate.gov.ng on 16 February, 2010).
United States Department of Health and Human Resources. (2004). Health Care in America: Trends in Utilisation. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and National Centre for Health Statistics.WHO. 2011. World Malaria Report. Geneva: World Health Organisation
Yusuf, OB., Adeoye, BW., Oladepo, OO., Peters, DH., and Bishai, D., (2010). ‘Poverty and Fever Vulnerability in Nigeria: A Multilevel Analysis’. Malaria Journal, 19(9): 235.