6- Family planning dialogue: Identifying the key determinants of young women’s use and selection of contraception in Namibia
Corresponding Author(s) : Nelago Indongo
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2008): African Sociological Review
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- Adetunji J., 2000, ‘Condom use in marital and nonmarital relationships in Zimbabwe’,International family planning perspectives, 26(4): 196-200.
- Agyei W. K. and Migadde, M., 1995, ‘Demographic and socio-cultural factors influencing contraceptive use in Uganda’, Journal of Biological sciences, 27(1): 47-60.
- Agadjanian, V., 2002, ‘Men’s talk about “women’s matters”: gender, communication, and contraception in urban Mozambique’, Gender and Society, 16 (2): 194-215.
- Al Azar R., 1999, ‘Adolescent fertility and its effect on school drop out in sub-Saharan Africa: The key issues’, African Human Development. New York: United Nations.
- Asterline J. B. C and Inding S. W. S., 2000, ‘Unmet need for family planning in developing countries and implications for population policy’, Population and Development Review: 26(4), 691-723.
- Bender, S. S. and Kosunen, E., 2005, ‘Teenage contraceptive use in Iceland: A gender perspective’, Public Health Nursing, 22 (1): 17-26.
- Benefo, K. D., 2004, ‘Are partner and relationship characteristics associated with condom use in Zambian nonmarital relationships?’, International family planning perspectives 30 (3): 118-127.
- Bertrand, J. T., Seiber, E. and Escudero, G., 2001, ‘Contraceptive dynamics in Guatemala: 1978- 1998’, International Family Planning Perspectives 27 (3):112-118.
- Briggs, L. A., 1998, ‘Parents’ viewpoint on reproductive health and contraceptive practice among sexually active adolescents in the Port Harcourt local government area of rivers state, Nigeria’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27: 261-266.
- Burgard, S., 2004, ‘Factors associated with contraceptive use in late and post-apartheid South Africa’, Studies in family planning 35 (2) 91-104.
- Buvinic, M., 1998, Women in Poverty: A new global underclass. Washington, DC, Central Bureau of Statistics, 2003, 2001, Population and Housing Census National report: Basic analysis with highlights. Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
- Chen, S. and Guilkey, D. K., 2003, ‘Determinants of contraceptive method choice in rural Tanzania between 1991 and 1999’, Studies in family planning 34(4): 263-276.
- Cochrane, S. 1979, Fertility and education: what do we really know. New York, World Bank.
- Creel, L. C. and Perry, R. J., 2003, Improving the quality of Reproductive Health Care for young people. Population Reference Bureau, Washington DC.
- Grunseit, A. and Kippax, S., 1993, Effects of sex education on young people’s sexual behaviour, Geneva: WHO.
- Indongo, N., 2007, Contraceptive use among young women in Namibia: determinants and policy implications (Unpublished PhD thesis). Pretoria: University of Pretoria, South Africa.
- Karim, A. M., Magnani, R. J, Morgan, T. G. and Bond, K.C., 2003, ‘Reproductive health risk and protective factors among unmarried youth in Ghana’, International family planning perspectives 29 (1): 14-24.
- Kaufman, C. E., 1998, ‘Contraceptive use in South Africa under apartheid’, Demography 35(4): 421-434.
- Magadi, M. A. and Curtis, S. L., 2003, ‘Trends and determinants of contraceptive method choice in Kenya’, Studies in family planning 34 (3): 149-159.
- Maharaj, P., 2006, ‘Reasons for condom use among young people in KwaZulu-Natal: Prevention of HIV, pregnancy or both’, International Family Planning Perspectives 32 (1):28-34.
- Meekers, D. and Ahmed, G., 1997, Adolescent sexuality in Southern Africa: Cultural Norms and Contemporary Behaviour, PSI Research division: Adolescent Reproductive Health Working Paper No.2: Washington, D.C. 28pp.
- Meekers, D. and Klein, M., 2002, ‘Determinants of condom use among young people in urban Cameroon’, Studies in family planning 33 (4): 335-346.
- Mfono, Z., 1998, ‘Teenage contraceptive needs in urban South Africa: A case study’,International family planning perspectives 24 (4):180-183.
- MOHSS (Ministry of Health and Social Services), 1995, Family planning policy. Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
- MOHSS (Ministry of Health and Social Services), 2003, Namibia demographic and health survey, 2000.
- Macro International Inc., Columbia, Maryland.
- Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation (MHETEC), 2003, ‘National Policy on HIV and AIDS for the education sector’, Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
- Muhwava, W. C., 1998, ‘Patterns of contraceptive use at the edge of fertility transition in Zimbabwe’, African population studies 18 (1): 19-34.
- Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation (MHETEC), 2003, ‘National Policy on HIV and AIDS for the education sector’, Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
- Muhwava, W. C., 1998, ‘Patterns of contraceptive use at the edge of fertility transition in Zimbabwe’, African population studies 18 (1): 19-34
- Naidoo, K., 2007, ‘Researching Reproduction: Reflections on Qualitative Methodology in a Transforming Society’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9 (1), Art. 12, http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/1-08/08-1-12-e.htm.
- Nare, C., Katz, K., and Tolley, E., 1997, ‘Adolescents’ access to reproductive health and family planning services in Dakar
- (Senegal)’,African Journal of Reproductive Health: 9 (2): 15-25.
- NPC (National Planning Commission), 2000, Second national development plan (NDP II). Macro economics sectoral and cross sectoral policies. Government of the Republic of Namibia, Volume 1.
- NPC (National Planning Commission), 2006, Income and expenditure survey report. Republic of Namibia.
- Oxaal, Z. and Cook, S., 1998, Health and Poverty Gender Analysis. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
- Population Report, 2003, New survey findings: The reproductive revolution continues. Volume XXXI number 2. John Hopkins University, Maryland, USA.
- Prata, N., Vahidnia, F. and Fraser, A., 2005, ‘Gender and relationship differences in condom use among 15-24 year olds in Angola’, International family planning perspectives 31 (4): 192-199.
- Rani, M. and Lule, E., 2004, ‘Exploring the socioeconomic dimension of adolescent reproductive health: a multicountry analysis’, International family planning perspectives 30(3): 110-117.
- Richardson, D., 1990, ‘AIDS education and women: sexual and reproductive issues’, in Individual, cultural and policy dimensions, edited by P. Aggleton, P. Davies, and G. Hart. London: Falmer Press.
- Ross, J., Hardee, K., Mumford, E. and Eid, S., 2001, ‘Contraceptive method choice in developing countries’, International family planning perspectives 28 (1): 32-40.
- Shapiro, D. and Oleko, T. B., 1997, ‘The impact of women’s employment and education on contraceptive use and abortion in Kinshasa, Zaire’, Studies in family planning 25 (2): 96- 110.
- UNFPA (United Nations Family Planning Association), 2004, State of World Population 2004. The Cairo consensus at Ten: Population, Reproductive Health and the Global effort to end poverty. New York: UNFPA.
- Whitaker, D. J., Miller, K. S., May, D. C. and Levin, M. L., 1999, ‘Teenage partners’ communication about sexual risk and condom use: The importance of parent-teenage discussions’, Family planning perspectives 31 (3):117-121.
- World Youth Report, 2003, Global situation of young people. New York: United Nations. World Population Data Sheet, 2006, Population Reference Bureau. New York: United Nations.
Adetunji J., 2000, ‘Condom use in marital and nonmarital relationships in Zimbabwe’,International family planning perspectives, 26(4): 196-200.
Agyei W. K. and Migadde, M., 1995, ‘Demographic and socio-cultural factors influencing contraceptive use in Uganda’, Journal of Biological sciences, 27(1): 47-60.
Agadjanian, V., 2002, ‘Men’s talk about “women’s matters”: gender, communication, and contraception in urban Mozambique’, Gender and Society, 16 (2): 194-215.
Al Azar R., 1999, ‘Adolescent fertility and its effect on school drop out in sub-Saharan Africa: The key issues’, African Human Development. New York: United Nations.
Asterline J. B. C and Inding S. W. S., 2000, ‘Unmet need for family planning in developing countries and implications for population policy’, Population and Development Review: 26(4), 691-723.
Bender, S. S. and Kosunen, E., 2005, ‘Teenage contraceptive use in Iceland: A gender perspective’, Public Health Nursing, 22 (1): 17-26.
Benefo, K. D., 2004, ‘Are partner and relationship characteristics associated with condom use in Zambian nonmarital relationships?’, International family planning perspectives 30 (3): 118-127.
Bertrand, J. T., Seiber, E. and Escudero, G., 2001, ‘Contraceptive dynamics in Guatemala: 1978- 1998’, International Family Planning Perspectives 27 (3):112-118.
Briggs, L. A., 1998, ‘Parents’ viewpoint on reproductive health and contraceptive practice among sexually active adolescents in the Port Harcourt local government area of rivers state, Nigeria’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27: 261-266.
Burgard, S., 2004, ‘Factors associated with contraceptive use in late and post-apartheid South Africa’, Studies in family planning 35 (2) 91-104.
Buvinic, M., 1998, Women in Poverty: A new global underclass. Washington, DC, Central Bureau of Statistics, 2003, 2001, Population and Housing Census National report: Basic analysis with highlights. Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
Chen, S. and Guilkey, D. K., 2003, ‘Determinants of contraceptive method choice in rural Tanzania between 1991 and 1999’, Studies in family planning 34(4): 263-276.
Cochrane, S. 1979, Fertility and education: what do we really know. New York, World Bank.
Creel, L. C. and Perry, R. J., 2003, Improving the quality of Reproductive Health Care for young people. Population Reference Bureau, Washington DC.
Grunseit, A. and Kippax, S., 1993, Effects of sex education on young people’s sexual behaviour, Geneva: WHO.
Indongo, N., 2007, Contraceptive use among young women in Namibia: determinants and policy implications (Unpublished PhD thesis). Pretoria: University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Karim, A. M., Magnani, R. J, Morgan, T. G. and Bond, K.C., 2003, ‘Reproductive health risk and protective factors among unmarried youth in Ghana’, International family planning perspectives 29 (1): 14-24.
Kaufman, C. E., 1998, ‘Contraceptive use in South Africa under apartheid’, Demography 35(4): 421-434.
Magadi, M. A. and Curtis, S. L., 2003, ‘Trends and determinants of contraceptive method choice in Kenya’, Studies in family planning 34 (3): 149-159.
Maharaj, P., 2006, ‘Reasons for condom use among young people in KwaZulu-Natal: Prevention of HIV, pregnancy or both’, International Family Planning Perspectives 32 (1):28-34.
Meekers, D. and Ahmed, G., 1997, Adolescent sexuality in Southern Africa: Cultural Norms and Contemporary Behaviour, PSI Research division: Adolescent Reproductive Health Working Paper No.2: Washington, D.C. 28pp.
Meekers, D. and Klein, M., 2002, ‘Determinants of condom use among young people in urban Cameroon’, Studies in family planning 33 (4): 335-346.
Mfono, Z., 1998, ‘Teenage contraceptive needs in urban South Africa: A case study’,International family planning perspectives 24 (4):180-183.
MOHSS (Ministry of Health and Social Services), 1995, Family planning policy. Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
MOHSS (Ministry of Health and Social Services), 2003, Namibia demographic and health survey, 2000.
Macro International Inc., Columbia, Maryland.
Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation (MHETEC), 2003, ‘National Policy on HIV and AIDS for the education sector’, Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
Muhwava, W. C., 1998, ‘Patterns of contraceptive use at the edge of fertility transition in Zimbabwe’, African population studies 18 (1): 19-34.
Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation (MHETEC), 2003, ‘National Policy on HIV and AIDS for the education sector’, Windhoek, Republic of Namibia.
Muhwava, W. C., 1998, ‘Patterns of contraceptive use at the edge of fertility transition in Zimbabwe’, African population studies 18 (1): 19-34
Naidoo, K., 2007, ‘Researching Reproduction: Reflections on Qualitative Methodology in a Transforming Society’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9 (1), Art. 12, http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/1-08/08-1-12-e.htm.
Nare, C., Katz, K., and Tolley, E., 1997, ‘Adolescents’ access to reproductive health and family planning services in Dakar
(Senegal)’,African Journal of Reproductive Health: 9 (2): 15-25.
NPC (National Planning Commission), 2000, Second national development plan (NDP II). Macro economics sectoral and cross sectoral policies. Government of the Republic of Namibia, Volume 1.
NPC (National Planning Commission), 2006, Income and expenditure survey report. Republic of Namibia.
Oxaal, Z. and Cook, S., 1998, Health and Poverty Gender Analysis. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Population Report, 2003, New survey findings: The reproductive revolution continues. Volume XXXI number 2. John Hopkins University, Maryland, USA.
Prata, N., Vahidnia, F. and Fraser, A., 2005, ‘Gender and relationship differences in condom use among 15-24 year olds in Angola’, International family planning perspectives 31 (4): 192-199.
Rani, M. and Lule, E., 2004, ‘Exploring the socioeconomic dimension of adolescent reproductive health: a multicountry analysis’, International family planning perspectives 30(3): 110-117.
Richardson, D., 1990, ‘AIDS education and women: sexual and reproductive issues’, in Individual, cultural and policy dimensions, edited by P. Aggleton, P. Davies, and G. Hart. London: Falmer Press.
Ross, J., Hardee, K., Mumford, E. and Eid, S., 2001, ‘Contraceptive method choice in developing countries’, International family planning perspectives 28 (1): 32-40.
Shapiro, D. and Oleko, T. B., 1997, ‘The impact of women’s employment and education on contraceptive use and abortion in Kinshasa, Zaire’, Studies in family planning 25 (2): 96- 110.
UNFPA (United Nations Family Planning Association), 2004, State of World Population 2004. The Cairo consensus at Ten: Population, Reproductive Health and the Global effort to end poverty. New York: UNFPA.
Whitaker, D. J., Miller, K. S., May, D. C. and Levin, M. L., 1999, ‘Teenage partners’ communication about sexual risk and condom use: The importance of parent-teenage discussions’, Family planning perspectives 31 (3):117-121.
World Youth Report, 2003, Global situation of young people. New York: United Nations. World Population Data Sheet, 2006, Population Reference Bureau. New York: United Nations.