2 - Reality Checks: The state of civil society organizations in Ethiopia
Corresponding Author(s) : Yntiso Gebre
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2016): African Sociological Review
The general literature on the state of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Ethiopia gives the
impression that CSOs have been rendered dysfunctional by the restrictive law passed in 2009.
While considerable attention has been given to the devastating effects of the CSO law on human
rights groups, the successful stories of the overwhelming majority of organisations engaged in
development and service delivery have been overlooked. The law does limit the space for CSOs
working on human rights and governance and it is legitimate and ethical to challenge the
restrictive provisions on constitutional, legal, moral and/or practical grounds. However, it is
equally important to recognize the continued operations of numerous CSOs, their contributions
to national development priorities, their innovativeness in dealing with sensitive rights issues,
the role of donors in supporting CSOs and the responses of the government to the request for a
more enabling environment. This paper contains contextualized arguments based on empirical
data as reality check on the current state of CSOs in Ethiopia.
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- Abebe Chekol, Bereket Luol, Teketel Abebe, Christopher Clapham, Gil Long and Mark Sinclair. 2004.
- Mapping Non-State Actors in Ethiopia. A research study commissioned by the European Union and the Ministry of Capacity Development, Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.
- Almond, Gabriel, and Sidney Verba.1963. The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Princeton: Princeton University Press, Ayalew Gebre and Ezana Amdework 2011.
- Mass-Based Societies in Ethiopia: Prospects and challenges. A study conducted by Atos Consulting and Forum for Social Studies through TECS Project. Addis Ababa.
- Cerritelli, William Emilio, Akalewold Bantirgu, and Reya Abagodu. 2008. Update Mapping Study of Non-Sate Actors in Ethiopia. A study financed by the European Commission Civil Society Fund in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.
- Cerritelli, William Emilio, Akalewold Bantirgu, and Reya Abagodu. 2008. Updated Mapping Study on Non-State Actors Sector in Ethiopia: Desk review report. A study financed by the European Commission. Addis Ababa.
- CIVICUS. 2015. State of Civil Society Report. World Alliance for Citizen Participation. Clark, Jeffrey. 2000. Civil Society, NGOs, and Development in Ethiopia: A Snapshot View. A document prepared by the NGO and Civil Society Unit of the World Bank’s Social Development Department.
- Washington, DC: The World Bank.
- Clayton, Andrew, Peter Oakley, Jon Taylor. 2000. Civil Society Organizations and Service Provision.
- Geneva: UNRISD publication. http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/search/19AB2640214382A380256B5E004C94C5?OpenDocument.
- Debebe Hailegebriel. 2011. Harmonization of CSO Networks and Formation of Network of Networks in Ethiopia. A study conducted by Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA). Addis Ababa.
- Debebe Hailegebriel. 2010. Restrictions on Foreign Funding of Civil Society: Ethiopia. International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, 12(3): 18-27.
- Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron & Aseem Prakash. 2015. Who survived? Ethiopia’s regulatory crackdown on foreign-funded NGOs. Review of International Political Economy, 22(2):419–456.
- Fekadu Terefe. 2014. Cvic Engagement for Effective Service Delivery in Ethiopia: Tools, Opportunities and Challenges. Working Paper No. 2.
- Fisher, William. 1997. Doing Good? The Politics and Anti-politics of NGO Practices. Annual Review of Anthropology, 26:439–64 Foley, Michael and Bob Edwards. 1996. The Paradox of Civil Society. Journal of Democracy, 7(3): 38-52. a, Francis. 1995. The Pr Fukuya imacy of Culture. Journal of Democracy, 6(1):7-14.
- Gebre Yntiso. 2015. The Self-Help Groups Approach in Ethiopia: Promising achievements and formidable challenges. Journal of Ethiopian Studies, Volume 48, pp. 33-60.
- Gebre Yntiso, Merhatsidk Mekonnen, and Abebe Gebre-Medhin. 2013. CSO Support to People Living with Disabilities and the Elderly. A study conducted for DAG by Atos Consulting and Forum for Social Studies through TECS project. Addis Ababa Gebre Yntiso. 2011. Civil Society Organizations and Income Generation Activities in Ethiopia. A study conducted for DAG by Atos Consulting through TECS Project. Addis Ababa.
- Harbeson, John. 1994. “Civil Society and Political Renaissance in Africa. In Civil Society and the State in Africa, Jon Harbenson, Donald Rothchild and Naomi Chazan (ed.), pp. 1-32. Boulder. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- ICOS Consulting. 2011. Rapid Research on GO-NGO Partnership and Alliance for Development. A study commissioned by Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association. Addis Ababa.
- Inglehart, Ronald. 1997. Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, economic, and political change in 43 societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Kassahun Berhanu. 2013. Assessment on the Impact of Guideline No 2/2003 to Regulate the Administrative and Operational Costs of Charities and Societies in Ethiopia. A study conducted by CCRDA, Addis Ababa.
- Kassahun Berhanu. 2012. Rapid Assessment of the Impact of the New Ethiopian CSO Legislation on the Operation of CCRDA’s Member Organizations. A study conducted by CCRDA. Addis Ababa
- Kidist Gebreselassie, Bamlaku Alamirew, and Aragaw Yimer. 2012. CSOs Supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia: Mapping and case studies. A study conducted by Atos Consulting and Forum for Social Studies. Addis Ababa Long, Gil and Regassa Aboma. 2013. The Impact of the Proclamation on Charities and Societies’ Networks. A study conducted by Atos Consulting through TECS Project, Addis Ababa.
- Nie, Norman, Bingham Powell, and Kenneth Prewitt. 1969. Social Structure and Political Participation: Developmental Relationships, II. The American Political Science Review, 63(3):808-832.
- O’Donnell, Guillermo and Schmitter, Philippe. 1986. Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies. In G. O’Donnell, & P. C. Schmitter, Transitions from Authoritarian Rule (Vol. 4, pp.1-72). Baltimore: Baltimore.
- Proclamation No. 165/1960. Civil Code of the Empire of Ethiopia, Negarit Gazeta 19th nary Issue No.2, 5th May 1960, Addis Ababa
- Proclamation No. 621/2009. A Proclamation to Provide for the Regulation and Registration of Charities and Societies, Federal Negarit Gazeta 15th Year No. 25, 13th February 2009, Addis Ababa
- Proclamation No. 133/2010. The Southern Nations, Nationalities Peoples Regional State executive organs re-establishment and determination of powers and duties proclamation.
- Proclamation No. 163/2011. A proclamation to amend Proclamation numbers 105/25, 132/207, 160/2010 and for the reorganization and redefinition of the powers and duties of the executive organs of the Oromia Region.
- Proclamation No. 176/2010. The Amhara National Regional State executive organs reestablishment and determination of powers and duties proclamation.
- Putnam, Robert. 1993. Making Democracy Work. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Salamon, Lester and Helmut Anheier. 1997. Defining the Nonprofit Sector: A Cross-national Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Scholte, Jan Aart. 2001. Civil Society and Democracy in Global Governance. CSGR Working Paper No.65/01. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/2060/1/WRAP_ Scholte_wp6501.pdf
- Yeshanew, Sisay Alemahu. 2012. CSO Law in Ethiopia: Considering Its Constraints and Consequences.
- Journal of Civil Society 8(4):369-384.
- TECS (Tracking Trends in Ethiopian Civil Society). 2014. Intermediary INGOs and the Operation of the 70/30 Guideline. Policy Brief 12. http://www.dagethiopia.org/new/images/DAG_DOCS/Policy_Brief_12_Intermediaries_June_2014.pdf
- TECS. 2013. Trends in Donor Funding to the Civil Society Sector. Information Bulletin No. 7.
- http://www.dagethiopia.org/new/images/DAG_DOCS/Info_Bulletin_7_Trends_in_
- funding_September_2013_.pdf
- TECS. 2012. CSO in Ethiopia: Case Studies of the Impact on Beneficiaries. Desk review report conducted in collaboration with the Forum for Social Studies.
- http://www.dagethiopia.org/new/images/DAG_DOCS/Report_Impact_of_CSOs_desk_review.pdf
- Unmuessig, Barbara. 2015. Civil Society Under Pressure – Shrinking – Closing – No space, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Link: https://www.boell.de/en/2015/12/02/ civil-society-under-pressure.
- Yalemzewd Bekele Mulat, Cherice Hopkins, and Liane Ngin Noble, Sandra Babcock, and Nicolas Martinez. 2009. Sounding the Horn: Ethiopia’s civil society law threatens human rights defenders. A report of the Center for International, Northwestern University School of Law.
Abebe Chekol, Bereket Luol, Teketel Abebe, Christopher Clapham, Gil Long and Mark Sinclair. 2004.
Mapping Non-State Actors in Ethiopia. A research study commissioned by the European Union and the Ministry of Capacity Development, Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.
Almond, Gabriel, and Sidney Verba.1963. The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Princeton: Princeton University Press, Ayalew Gebre and Ezana Amdework 2011.
Mass-Based Societies in Ethiopia: Prospects and challenges. A study conducted by Atos Consulting and Forum for Social Studies through TECS Project. Addis Ababa.
Cerritelli, William Emilio, Akalewold Bantirgu, and Reya Abagodu. 2008. Update Mapping Study of Non-Sate Actors in Ethiopia. A study financed by the European Commission Civil Society Fund in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.
Cerritelli, William Emilio, Akalewold Bantirgu, and Reya Abagodu. 2008. Updated Mapping Study on Non-State Actors Sector in Ethiopia: Desk review report. A study financed by the European Commission. Addis Ababa.
CIVICUS. 2015. State of Civil Society Report. World Alliance for Citizen Participation. Clark, Jeffrey. 2000. Civil Society, NGOs, and Development in Ethiopia: A Snapshot View. A document prepared by the NGO and Civil Society Unit of the World Bank’s Social Development Department.
Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Clayton, Andrew, Peter Oakley, Jon Taylor. 2000. Civil Society Organizations and Service Provision.
Geneva: UNRISD publication. http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/search/19AB2640214382A380256B5E004C94C5?OpenDocument.
Debebe Hailegebriel. 2011. Harmonization of CSO Networks and Formation of Network of Networks in Ethiopia. A study conducted by Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA). Addis Ababa.
Debebe Hailegebriel. 2010. Restrictions on Foreign Funding of Civil Society: Ethiopia. International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, 12(3): 18-27.
Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron & Aseem Prakash. 2015. Who survived? Ethiopia’s regulatory crackdown on foreign-funded NGOs. Review of International Political Economy, 22(2):419–456.
Fekadu Terefe. 2014. Cvic Engagement for Effective Service Delivery in Ethiopia: Tools, Opportunities and Challenges. Working Paper No. 2.
Fisher, William. 1997. Doing Good? The Politics and Anti-politics of NGO Practices. Annual Review of Anthropology, 26:439–64 Foley, Michael and Bob Edwards. 1996. The Paradox of Civil Society. Journal of Democracy, 7(3): 38-52. a, Francis. 1995. The Pr Fukuya imacy of Culture. Journal of Democracy, 6(1):7-14.
Gebre Yntiso. 2015. The Self-Help Groups Approach in Ethiopia: Promising achievements and formidable challenges. Journal of Ethiopian Studies, Volume 48, pp. 33-60.
Gebre Yntiso, Merhatsidk Mekonnen, and Abebe Gebre-Medhin. 2013. CSO Support to People Living with Disabilities and the Elderly. A study conducted for DAG by Atos Consulting and Forum for Social Studies through TECS project. Addis Ababa Gebre Yntiso. 2011. Civil Society Organizations and Income Generation Activities in Ethiopia. A study conducted for DAG by Atos Consulting through TECS Project. Addis Ababa.
Harbeson, John. 1994. “Civil Society and Political Renaissance in Africa. In Civil Society and the State in Africa, Jon Harbenson, Donald Rothchild and Naomi Chazan (ed.), pp. 1-32. Boulder. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
ICOS Consulting. 2011. Rapid Research on GO-NGO Partnership and Alliance for Development. A study commissioned by Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association. Addis Ababa.
Inglehart, Ronald. 1997. Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, economic, and political change in 43 societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Kassahun Berhanu. 2013. Assessment on the Impact of Guideline No 2/2003 to Regulate the Administrative and Operational Costs of Charities and Societies in Ethiopia. A study conducted by CCRDA, Addis Ababa.
Kassahun Berhanu. 2012. Rapid Assessment of the Impact of the New Ethiopian CSO Legislation on the Operation of CCRDA’s Member Organizations. A study conducted by CCRDA. Addis Ababa
Kidist Gebreselassie, Bamlaku Alamirew, and Aragaw Yimer. 2012. CSOs Supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia: Mapping and case studies. A study conducted by Atos Consulting and Forum for Social Studies. Addis Ababa Long, Gil and Regassa Aboma. 2013. The Impact of the Proclamation on Charities and Societies’ Networks. A study conducted by Atos Consulting through TECS Project, Addis Ababa.
Nie, Norman, Bingham Powell, and Kenneth Prewitt. 1969. Social Structure and Political Participation: Developmental Relationships, II. The American Political Science Review, 63(3):808-832.
O’Donnell, Guillermo and Schmitter, Philippe. 1986. Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies. In G. O’Donnell, & P. C. Schmitter, Transitions from Authoritarian Rule (Vol. 4, pp.1-72). Baltimore: Baltimore.
Proclamation No. 165/1960. Civil Code of the Empire of Ethiopia, Negarit Gazeta 19th nary Issue No.2, 5th May 1960, Addis Ababa
Proclamation No. 621/2009. A Proclamation to Provide for the Regulation and Registration of Charities and Societies, Federal Negarit Gazeta 15th Year No. 25, 13th February 2009, Addis Ababa
Proclamation No. 133/2010. The Southern Nations, Nationalities Peoples Regional State executive organs re-establishment and determination of powers and duties proclamation.
Proclamation No. 163/2011. A proclamation to amend Proclamation numbers 105/25, 132/207, 160/2010 and for the reorganization and redefinition of the powers and duties of the executive organs of the Oromia Region.
Proclamation No. 176/2010. The Amhara National Regional State executive organs reestablishment and determination of powers and duties proclamation.
Putnam, Robert. 1993. Making Democracy Work. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Salamon, Lester and Helmut Anheier. 1997. Defining the Nonprofit Sector: A Cross-national Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Scholte, Jan Aart. 2001. Civil Society and Democracy in Global Governance. CSGR Working Paper No.65/01. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/2060/1/WRAP_ Scholte_wp6501.pdf
Yeshanew, Sisay Alemahu. 2012. CSO Law in Ethiopia: Considering Its Constraints and Consequences.
Journal of Civil Society 8(4):369-384.
TECS (Tracking Trends in Ethiopian Civil Society). 2014. Intermediary INGOs and the Operation of the 70/30 Guideline. Policy Brief 12. http://www.dagethiopia.org/new/images/DAG_DOCS/Policy_Brief_12_Intermediaries_June_2014.pdf
TECS. 2013. Trends in Donor Funding to the Civil Society Sector. Information Bulletin No. 7.
TECS. 2012. CSO in Ethiopia: Case Studies of the Impact on Beneficiaries. Desk review report conducted in collaboration with the Forum for Social Studies.
Unmuessig, Barbara. 2015. Civil Society Under Pressure – Shrinking – Closing – No space, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Link: https://www.boell.de/en/2015/12/02/ civil-society-under-pressure.
Yalemzewd Bekele Mulat, Cherice Hopkins, and Liane Ngin Noble, Sandra Babcock, and Nicolas Martinez. 2009. Sounding the Horn: Ethiopia’s civil society law threatens human rights defenders. A report of the Center for International, Northwestern University School of Law.