7 - Supra-Ethnic Nationalism The Case of Eritrea
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2002): African Sociological Review
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- Adam, Heribert. 1994. 'Ethnie Versus Civic Nationalism; South Africa's Non-Racialism in Comparative Perspective', in South African Sociological Revew, 7 no.l October 1994.
- Allahar, Anton L. 1996. Primordialism and Ethnie Political Mobilisation in Modern Society.
- Anderson, Benedict. 1983. Imagined Communities: Rejlection on the origin and spread of nationalism. London/New York. Verso.
- Bereketeab, Redie. 2000. Eritrea: The Making of A Nation, 1890-1991. Department of Sociology, Uppala University Press, Uppsala.
- Bondestam, Lars. 1989. Eritrea med ratt till sjalvbestammand. Uddevalla. Clavis Forlag.
- Conner, Walker. 1990. 'When is a Nation?', in Nationalism, John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith,(eds.).
- Durheim, Emile. 1984. The Division of Labour in Society. London. Macmillan Press. ELF. 1971. 'The Eritrean Revolution: A programmatic declaration', approved by the First Nationational Congress, 14th October-12ᵗʰ November 1971, Damascus, ELF Damascus office.
- EPLF, 1977. 'National Democratic Programme of the Eritrea People's Liberation Front', adopted by the First Congress of the EPLF on January 31st 1977.
- Emerson, Rupert. 1960. From Empire ta Nation: The rise of self-assertion of Asian and African peoples. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press.
- Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 1993. Ethnicity and Nationalism: An Anthropological per spective. London. Pluto Press.
- Gellner, Ernest. 1983. Nations and Nationalism. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA. Blackwell Publishers.
- Giddens, Anthony. 1985. The Nation-state and Violence. Cambridge. Polity Press. Greenfeld, Liah.1992. Nationalism: Five Roads ta Modernity. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England. Harvard University Press.
- Geertz, Clifford.1973. The Jnterpretation of Culture, Selected Essays. London.Fontana Press.
- Hasama, Michael.l 986. History of Eritrea (zanta ertra, Tigrinya). Asmara. Frachescana School Press.
- Heater, Derek.1998. The Theory of Nationhood: A Platonic Symposium. UK, Macmillan Press and USA, St. Martin's Press.
- Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990. Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, myth, reality. New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney. Cambridge University Press.
- Hodgkin, Thomas. 1956. Nationalism in Colonial Africa. London. Frederick Muller Ltd.
- Houtart, Francois. 1980. 'The Social Revolution in Eritrea', in Behind the War in Eritrea.
- Hutchinson, John & Anthony D. Smith (eds). 1994. Nationalism. Oxford New York. Oxford University Press.
- Hutchinson, John. 1994. Modern Nationalism. London. Fontana Press.
- Krejci, J., and Vitezslav Velimsky. 1981. Ethnie and Political Nations in Europe. Lon don. Croom Helm.
- Leonard, R. 1982. 'European Colonization and the Socio-Economic lntegration of Eritrea', in The Eritrean Case.
- Okbazghi, Yohaness. 1991. Eritrea: A Pawn in World Politics. Gainesville. University of Florida Press.
- Pollera. Alberto. 1935. De Bat Hizbi Ertrea ('Native ofEritrea', originally written in ltalian, translated by aba Yisac Ghebre-Iyesus).
- Renan, Ernest. [1882]1991. 'What is a Nation?', in Nationalism. John Hutchinson and Anthony D.Smith, eds.
- Seton-Watson, Hugh. 1977. Nations and States: An enquiry into the origin of nations and the politics of nationafüm. London. Methuen.
- Sherman, Richard. 1980. Eritrea: The unfinished revolution. New York. Praeger. Smith, Anthony, D.1983. Theories of nationalism, 2ⁿᵈ ed. New York. Holmes & Meier Publishers.
- Smith, Anthony, D. 1986. The Ethnie Origin of Nations. Oxford. Basil Blackwell. Smith, Anthony, D., 1991. National ldentity. London. Penguin Books.
- Taylor, Charles. 1994. Multiculturalism: the politics of recognition. Princeton Univer sity Press.
- Tônnies, Ferdinand. 1957. Community and Association (Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft), Translated and supplemented by Charles P. Loomis. London. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
- Weber, Eugen, 1977. Peasants into French.
- Weber, Max, 1967. The Nation.
Adam, Heribert. 1994. 'Ethnie Versus Civic Nationalism; South Africa's Non-Racialism in Comparative Perspective', in South African Sociological Revew, 7 no.l October 1994.
Allahar, Anton L. 1996. Primordialism and Ethnie Political Mobilisation in Modern Society.
Anderson, Benedict. 1983. Imagined Communities: Rejlection on the origin and spread of nationalism. London/New York. Verso.
Bereketeab, Redie. 2000. Eritrea: The Making of A Nation, 1890-1991. Department of Sociology, Uppala University Press, Uppsala.
Bondestam, Lars. 1989. Eritrea med ratt till sjalvbestammand. Uddevalla. Clavis Forlag.
Conner, Walker. 1990. 'When is a Nation?', in Nationalism, John Hutchinson and Anthony D. Smith,(eds.).
Durheim, Emile. 1984. The Division of Labour in Society. London. Macmillan Press. ELF. 1971. 'The Eritrean Revolution: A programmatic declaration', approved by the First Nationational Congress, 14th October-12ᵗʰ November 1971, Damascus, ELF Damascus office.
EPLF, 1977. 'National Democratic Programme of the Eritrea People's Liberation Front', adopted by the First Congress of the EPLF on January 31st 1977.
Emerson, Rupert. 1960. From Empire ta Nation: The rise of self-assertion of Asian and African peoples. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 1993. Ethnicity and Nationalism: An Anthropological per spective. London. Pluto Press.
Gellner, Ernest. 1983. Nations and Nationalism. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA. Blackwell Publishers.
Giddens, Anthony. 1985. The Nation-state and Violence. Cambridge. Polity Press. Greenfeld, Liah.1992. Nationalism: Five Roads ta Modernity. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England. Harvard University Press.
Geertz, Clifford.1973. The Jnterpretation of Culture, Selected Essays. London.Fontana Press.
Hasama, Michael.l 986. History of Eritrea (zanta ertra, Tigrinya). Asmara. Frachescana School Press.
Heater, Derek.1998. The Theory of Nationhood: A Platonic Symposium. UK, Macmillan Press and USA, St. Martin's Press.
Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990. Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, myth, reality. New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney. Cambridge University Press.
Hodgkin, Thomas. 1956. Nationalism in Colonial Africa. London. Frederick Muller Ltd.
Houtart, Francois. 1980. 'The Social Revolution in Eritrea', in Behind the War in Eritrea.
Hutchinson, John & Anthony D. Smith (eds). 1994. Nationalism. Oxford New York. Oxford University Press.
Hutchinson, John. 1994. Modern Nationalism. London. Fontana Press.
Krejci, J., and Vitezslav Velimsky. 1981. Ethnie and Political Nations in Europe. Lon don. Croom Helm.
Leonard, R. 1982. 'European Colonization and the Socio-Economic lntegration of Eritrea', in The Eritrean Case.
Okbazghi, Yohaness. 1991. Eritrea: A Pawn in World Politics. Gainesville. University of Florida Press.
Pollera. Alberto. 1935. De Bat Hizbi Ertrea ('Native ofEritrea', originally written in ltalian, translated by aba Yisac Ghebre-Iyesus).
Renan, Ernest. [1882]1991. 'What is a Nation?', in Nationalism. John Hutchinson and Anthony D.Smith, eds.
Seton-Watson, Hugh. 1977. Nations and States: An enquiry into the origin of nations and the politics of nationafüm. London. Methuen.
Sherman, Richard. 1980. Eritrea: The unfinished revolution. New York. Praeger. Smith, Anthony, D.1983. Theories of nationalism, 2ⁿᵈ ed. New York. Holmes & Meier Publishers.
Smith, Anthony, D. 1986. The Ethnie Origin of Nations. Oxford. Basil Blackwell. Smith, Anthony, D., 1991. National ldentity. London. Penguin Books.
Taylor, Charles. 1994. Multiculturalism: the politics of recognition. Princeton Univer sity Press.
Tônnies, Ferdinand. 1957. Community and Association (Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft), Translated and supplemented by Charles P. Loomis. London. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Weber, Eugen, 1977. Peasants into French.
Weber, Max, 1967. The Nation.