6 - HIV/AIDS in Kenya: Moving beyond policy and rhetoric
Corresponding Author(s) : Mary Amuyunzu-Nyamongo
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2001): African Sociological Review
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- African Consensus and Plan of Action: Leadership to overcome HIV/Aids. Addis Ababa, December 2000.
- Amuyunzu, M. 1997. 'Community Perceptions Regarding Critical Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health'. International Journal of Health Promotion and Educa tion, pp 16-19. Vol. IV/4.
- Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M.,Tendo-Wambua, L., Babishangire, et al. 1999. 'Barriers to Behaviour Change as a Response to STD including HIV/Aids: The East African Experience' in Resistances to Bhaviour Change to Reduce HIV/Aids Infection In Predominantly Heterosexual Epidemics in Third World Countries. Edited by Caldwell et al. Health Transition Centre, The Australian National University.
- AuvertB, Buve A, Ferry B et al. 2001. 'Ecological and individual level analysis ofrisk factors for HIV infection in four urban populations in Sub-Saharan Africa with dif ferent levels of HIV infection'. Aids vol. 15 Sup. 4:15-30, August 2001.
- Auvert B, Buve E, Lagarde E, et al. 2001. 'Male circumcision and HIV infection in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa'. Aids vol. 15, Sup.4:31-40, August 2001.
- Carael, M and Holmes, K (eds). 2001. 'Aids: The Multi-centre Study ofFactors Deter mining the Different Prevalence ofHIV in Sub-Saharan Africa' ,Aids Vol. 15 Sup.4 August 2001.
- Ferry B, Carael M, Buve A et al.2001. 'Comparison ofkey parameters of sexual behaviour in four African urban population with different levels of HIV infection'. Aids vol. 15 Sup 4:41-50. August 2001.
- Foote, M. and Akukwe, C. December 2000. HIV/Aids in Africa: Ten Outstanding Issues (ADF 2000).
- Fugelsan, M. 1997. 'Lessons for Life - Past and Present Modes of Sexuality Education in Tanzanian Society'. Soc. Sei. Med. Vol. 44 NO.8, ppl245 - 54.
- Gilson L, Mkanje R, Grosskurth H, et al. 1997. 'Cost-effectiveness ofimproved treatment services
- for sexually transmitted diseases in preventing HIV-1 infection in Mwanza Region, Tanzania' Lancet. 1997;1805-1809.
- Grosskurth H, Mosha F, Todd J, et al. 1995. 'Impact of improved treatment of sexually transmitted diseases on HIV infection in rural Tanzania: Randomised controlled trial' Lancet. 1995; 346:530-536.
- Gupta, G.R. 1999. 'Keynote Address' during an International Conference: Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to their Children. Montreal, Canada.
- International Labour Office. 2000. HIV/Aids in Africa: the Impact on the World of Work.
- International Labour Office, POPILO, Population and Labour Force Projection, 2000 UN.
- Johnston T. 2000. Adolescent drug abuse in Kenya: Impact on reproductive health Population Communication Africa and Pathfinder International 8. New World Printers, 2000.
- Kaleeba, N., Kadowe, J.N., Kalinake, D., and Williams, G. 2000. Open Secret People Facing ta HIV and Aids in Uganda. Strategies for Hope, Series, No. 15. ACTIONAID.
- Kenya National HIV/Aids Strategic Plan: National Aids Control Council 2000-2005. Kwesi Botchwey and Yaa Oppong. 2000. 'HIV/Aids and Economie Development in Sub-saharan Africa'. Theme Paper at the ADF.
- Lurie, P., Lowe, R.A., Hintzen, P. 1994. 'The Impact oflnternational Monetary Fund and World Bank Policies on HIV Transmission in Developing Countries'. International Conference on Aids. Abstract No. PDO 380.
- Magadi M, Zulu E, and Brockerhoff, M. 2001. 'The Inequality of Reproductive Health in Urban Africa'. Paper presented at the Population Association of AmericaAnnual Meeting, Washington DC 2001 March 29 - 31 (Session: Urbanization, Fertility and Reproductive Health).
- Nyagero, J., Obiero, C., Mwikali, M., Wambua, L., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M. and Omurwa, T.2000. 'Young People's Knowledge and Use of Contraceptives in Nyamira District, Kenya'. East African Medical Journal. 2000, Vol. 77 No. 6 (sup plement): S7-10.
- Obiero, C., Nyagero, J., Mwikali, M., Wambua, L., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M. and Omurwa, T.2000. 'Young People's Knowledge and Experience with STDs/HIV/Aids in Nyamira District, Kenya'. East African Medical Journal. 2000 Vol. 77 No. 6 (supplement): S11-14.
- Piot, P. 2000. 'Keynote speech' during the 'Setting the scene' plenary session. ADF 2000 Sessional Paper No. 4 of 1997 on Aids in Kenya.
- Topouzis, D. 1998. 'The Implications ofHIV/Aids for Rural Development Policy and Programming: Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa', Study Paper No. 6. UNDP.
- Uganda People's Defence Forces Post-Test Club: Strategic Plan: 2000-2003.
- UNAids. 1999. Summary Booklet ofBest Practices. Issue 1.
- UNAids. June 2000. Report on the Global HIV/Aids Epidemic. UNAids/00.13E. Geneva.
- UNAids, 2000. Report on the Global HIV/Aids epidemic. Geneva Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids, 1997: 1-13 and Anderson, Aids and the Next Generation.
- UNECA. 2000. 'Lessons Africa has Leamt in 15 Years ofResponding to HIV/Aids' Theme Paper of the ADF.
- Wambua, L., Omurwa, T., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M. and Obara, S. 2000. 'Sexual Behaviour among Church Going Youths in Mwala Division, Kenya'. East African Medical Journal. 2000 Vol. 77 No. 6 (supplement): S15-22.
- Zulu E, Ezeh, A., and Dodoo, F. 2000. 'Slum residence and sexual outcomes: Barly findings of causal linkages in Nairobi, Kenya'. African Population and Health Research Centre Working Papers. 2000,No. 17.
African Consensus and Plan of Action: Leadership to overcome HIV/Aids. Addis Ababa, December 2000.
Amuyunzu, M. 1997. 'Community Perceptions Regarding Critical Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health'. International Journal of Health Promotion and Educa tion, pp 16-19. Vol. IV/4.
Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M.,Tendo-Wambua, L., Babishangire, et al. 1999. 'Barriers to Behaviour Change as a Response to STD including HIV/Aids: The East African Experience' in Resistances to Bhaviour Change to Reduce HIV/Aids Infection In Predominantly Heterosexual Epidemics in Third World Countries. Edited by Caldwell et al. Health Transition Centre, The Australian National University.
AuvertB, Buve A, Ferry B et al. 2001. 'Ecological and individual level analysis ofrisk factors for HIV infection in four urban populations in Sub-Saharan Africa with dif ferent levels of HIV infection'. Aids vol. 15 Sup. 4:15-30, August 2001.
Auvert B, Buve E, Lagarde E, et al. 2001. 'Male circumcision and HIV infection in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa'. Aids vol. 15, Sup.4:31-40, August 2001.
Carael, M and Holmes, K (eds). 2001. 'Aids: The Multi-centre Study ofFactors Deter mining the Different Prevalence ofHIV in Sub-Saharan Africa' ,Aids Vol. 15 Sup.4 August 2001.
Ferry B, Carael M, Buve A et al.2001. 'Comparison ofkey parameters of sexual behaviour in four African urban population with different levels of HIV infection'. Aids vol. 15 Sup 4:41-50. August 2001.
Foote, M. and Akukwe, C. December 2000. HIV/Aids in Africa: Ten Outstanding Issues (ADF 2000).
Fugelsan, M. 1997. 'Lessons for Life - Past and Present Modes of Sexuality Education in Tanzanian Society'. Soc. Sei. Med. Vol. 44 NO.8, ppl245 - 54.
Gilson L, Mkanje R, Grosskurth H, et al. 1997. 'Cost-effectiveness ofimproved treatment services
for sexually transmitted diseases in preventing HIV-1 infection in Mwanza Region, Tanzania' Lancet. 1997;1805-1809.
Grosskurth H, Mosha F, Todd J, et al. 1995. 'Impact of improved treatment of sexually transmitted diseases on HIV infection in rural Tanzania: Randomised controlled trial' Lancet. 1995; 346:530-536.
Gupta, G.R. 1999. 'Keynote Address' during an International Conference: Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to their Children. Montreal, Canada.
International Labour Office. 2000. HIV/Aids in Africa: the Impact on the World of Work.
International Labour Office, POPILO, Population and Labour Force Projection, 2000 UN.
Johnston T. 2000. Adolescent drug abuse in Kenya: Impact on reproductive health Population Communication Africa and Pathfinder International 8. New World Printers, 2000.
Kaleeba, N., Kadowe, J.N., Kalinake, D., and Williams, G. 2000. Open Secret People Facing ta HIV and Aids in Uganda. Strategies for Hope, Series, No. 15. ACTIONAID.
Kenya National HIV/Aids Strategic Plan: National Aids Control Council 2000-2005. Kwesi Botchwey and Yaa Oppong. 2000. 'HIV/Aids and Economie Development in Sub-saharan Africa'. Theme Paper at the ADF.
Lurie, P., Lowe, R.A., Hintzen, P. 1994. 'The Impact oflnternational Monetary Fund and World Bank Policies on HIV Transmission in Developing Countries'. International Conference on Aids. Abstract No. PDO 380.
Magadi M, Zulu E, and Brockerhoff, M. 2001. 'The Inequality of Reproductive Health in Urban Africa'. Paper presented at the Population Association of AmericaAnnual Meeting, Washington DC 2001 March 29 - 31 (Session: Urbanization, Fertility and Reproductive Health).
Nyagero, J., Obiero, C., Mwikali, M., Wambua, L., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M. and Omurwa, T.2000. 'Young People's Knowledge and Use of Contraceptives in Nyamira District, Kenya'. East African Medical Journal. 2000, Vol. 77 No. 6 (sup plement): S7-10.
Obiero, C., Nyagero, J., Mwikali, M., Wambua, L., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M. and Omurwa, T.2000. 'Young People's Knowledge and Experience with STDs/HIV/Aids in Nyamira District, Kenya'. East African Medical Journal. 2000 Vol. 77 No. 6 (supplement): S11-14.
Piot, P. 2000. 'Keynote speech' during the 'Setting the scene' plenary session. ADF 2000 Sessional Paper No. 4 of 1997 on Aids in Kenya.
Topouzis, D. 1998. 'The Implications ofHIV/Aids for Rural Development Policy and Programming: Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa', Study Paper No. 6. UNDP.
Uganda People's Defence Forces Post-Test Club: Strategic Plan: 2000-2003.
UNAids. 1999. Summary Booklet ofBest Practices. Issue 1.
UNAids. June 2000. Report on the Global HIV/Aids Epidemic. UNAids/00.13E. Geneva.
UNAids, 2000. Report on the Global HIV/Aids epidemic. Geneva Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids, 1997: 1-13 and Anderson, Aids and the Next Generation.
UNECA. 2000. 'Lessons Africa has Leamt in 15 Years ofResponding to HIV/Aids' Theme Paper of the ADF.
Wambua, L., Omurwa, T., Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, M. and Obara, S. 2000. 'Sexual Behaviour among Church Going Youths in Mwala Division, Kenya'. East African Medical Journal. 2000 Vol. 77 No. 6 (supplement): S15-22.
Zulu E, Ezeh, A., and Dodoo, F. 2000. 'Slum residence and sexual outcomes: Barly findings of causal linkages in Nairobi, Kenya'. African Population and Health Research Centre Working Papers. 2000,No. 17.