3 - Le pastoralisme transfrontalier et le droit à la nationalité : quelles perspectives en Afrique de l'Ouest ?
Corresponding Author(s) : Abdou Khadre Diop
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022): African Sociological Review
The issue of the right to nationality, described by Hannah Arendt as “the right to have rights”, and the eradication of statelessness remains of international concern. Conventions have been adopted and signed in this regard. However, a specific issue is at stake in Africa and requires “an African gaze”: cross-border pastoralism related to the right to nationality. Nomadic pastoralism and migratory stock farming are a production system of livelihood and a way of life for millions of people in West Africa. This mobility with livestock herds in search of water and pasture may take place within national territories or cross borders. It gathers several ethnic groups historically associated with pastoralism, in particular the Tuareg (Berber/Amazigh) and the Fulani, including Fulani subgroups such as the Mborobo. The arbitrary drawing of West African borders has imposed a legal barrier to pastoralist groups, and the postcolonial state has accentuated this disruption. Attempts to encourage nomadic or transhumant pastoralists to settle or acknowledge a centralized political authority has created tensions during colonial and postcolonial eras. This paper seeks to demonstrate that our legal framework and public policy are irrelevant: we should rebuild basic paradigms and reverse the Eurocentric vision of law to adapt legal framework and public policies to the needs of pastoralist communities, to empower them, to reduce their vulnerability and to facilitate their permanent mobility.
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- Ayarza Victor, 1996, “Pastoralism and the State in Africa: marginalization or incorporation?”, Nomadic Peoples, vol. 38, p.11-36.
- Bouquet Christian, 2003, « L’artificialité des frontières en Afrique subsaharienne : turbulences et fermentation sur les marges », Frontières-sud, avril-juin, p. 181.
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- Herault Bertrand, Bonnet Dominique T. 2011, “Gouvernance du foncier pastoral et changement climatique au Sahel’, Land Tenure Journal, FAO, n°2, p. 157 et ss.
- Herbst Jeffrey, 1992, “Challenges to Africa’s Boundaries in the New World Order”, Journal of International Affair, n°46, p. 17.
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- Niamir-Fuller M., 2000,“Managing mobility in African rangelands: the legitimization of transhumance”, in Brent Swallow, Nancy McCarthy, Michael Kirk, Peter Hazell, Property Rights, Risk and livestock development in Africa, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington.
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- Salzman P.C., 1994, “Afterword: reflection on the pastoral land crisis”, Nomadic Peoples, vol. 34-35, p. 159-163
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- Schashar Ayelet, Hirschl Ran, 2007, “Citizenship as Inherited Property”, Political Theory, vol. 35, n°3, p. 253-287.
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- Sorel Jean Marc, Mehdi Rostane, 1994, « L’uti possidetis entre la consécration juridique et la pratique : essai de réactualisation », Annuaire français de droit international, p. 11-40.
- Swallow Brent, Mc Carthy Nancy, Kirk Michael, Hazell Peter, 2000, Property rights, risks and livestock development in Africa, IFRI, Washington.
- Tavernier Paul, 2001, « Les différends frontaliers terrestres dans la jurisprudence de la CIJ », AFDI, vol. 47, p.146.
- Tonah Steve, 2002, “The Politics of Exclusion: The expulsion of Fulbe pastoralists from Ghana in 1999/2000”, Working Paper N°44, Max Planck Institute.
- Traoré Halle, “Problems in pastoral land management related to tenure: policies versus basic practice, managing land tenure and resource access” in Gret and Lled (ed.), West Africa, proceedings of a workshop held in Goree, Senegal.
- Willame Jean-Claude, 1997, Violences ethniques et gestion de l’identitaire au Kivu, Bruxelles, Institut africain, Cahiers africains, n°25, Paris : L’Harmattan
Adepoju Aderanti, 1995, “The politics of international migration in post-colonial Africa”, in Robin Cohen (ed.), The Cambridge Survey of World Migration, Cambridge University Press.
Achiume E. Tendayi, 2019, « Migration as decolonization », Standford Law Review, vol. 71 Arendt Hannah, 2010, L’impérialisme, Les origines du totalitarisme, Paris, Éditions Points Austen Ralph, 2011, Trans-Saharan Africa in World History, OUP, p. 49-77
Ayarza Victor, 1996, “Pastoralism and the State in Africa: marginalization or incorporation?”, Nomadic Peoples, vol. 38, p.11-36.
Bouquet Christian, 2003, « L’artificialité des frontières en Afrique subsaharienne : turbulences et fermentation sur les marges », Frontières-sud, avril-juin, p. 181.
Brent Swallow, 1993, “The role of mobility within the risk management strategies of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists”, Gatekeeper Series nº SA47
Caflisch Lucius, 2013, « Des frontières européennes pour l’Afrique ? », L’Afrique et le droit international : variations dur l’organisation internationale, Liber amicorum en l’honneur de Raymond Ranjeva, Paris, Pedone, p. 59.
Chauveau Jean-Pierre, 2000, « Question foncière et construction nationale en Côte d’Ivoire », Politique africaine, n° 78, p. 94-126
De Schutter Olivier, 2010, “The emerging human right to land”, International community law review, 2010, vol. 12, p. 303-334
Dafinger A., Pelican M. 2002, Land rights and the politics of integration: pastoralists strategies in a comparative view, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Working Paper nº 48
Descaux Emmanuel, 2017, “L’apatridie”, Revue Pouvoirs, n°1, p. 73-84. Diop Cheikh Anta, 1979, Nations nègres et culture, Paris, Présence Africaine.
Dumbrava Costica, 2012, “Bloodlines and belonging: time to abandon Ius sanguinis?”, in Rainer Baubock (ed.), Debating transformations of national citizenship, Springer Open, p. 73 et ss.
Fawole W. Alade, Ukeje Charles, 2005, The Crisis of the State and Regionalism in West Africa: Identity, Citizenship and Conflict, Dakar: Codesria
Flintan Fiona, 2011, “The political economy of land reform in pastoral areas: lessons from Africa, implications for Ethiopia”, Paper presented at the international conference on the future of pastoralism, 21-23 March, University University of Sussex
Frantz Charles, 1990, “West African Pastoralism: Transformation and Resilience”, in Carl Salzman and J. G. Galaty (eds). Nomads in a Changing World. Naples, Instituto Universitario Orientale
Grossman David, 1992, Rural process-pattern relationships: nomadization, sedentarization, and settlement fixation, Portsmouth, Greenwood press.
Gathii James Tuo, 2012, “Chapter 3 Africa”, in Bardo Fassenberg and Anne Peters (eds) The Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law, Oxford Handbooks in law.
Gasiokwu Martin Uzochukwu, 1988, ECOWAS: Problems of citizenship and free movement, Jos, Nigeria: Mono Expressions, p.47-54
Gilbert J., 2014, Nomadic Peoples and Human rights, London, Routldege
Gilbert J., 2007, “Nomadic territories; a human right based approach to nomadic peoples”, Human Rights Law Review, vol. 7, n°4, p.681-716
Herault Bertrand, Bonnet Dominique T. 2011, “Gouvernance du foncier pastoral et changement climatique au Sahel’, Land Tenure Journal, FAO, n°2, p. 157 et ss.
Herbst Jeffrey, 1992, “Challenges to Africa’s Boundaries in the New World Order”, Journal of International Affair, n°46, p. 17.
Igué John. O., 1995, Le territoire et l’Etat en Afrique, Karthala.
Lopez M. A.M., 2016, “The rights of pastoralist peoples. A framework for recognition in international law”, The Age of Human Rights Journal, p. 83-107.
Manby Bronwen, 2015, “Nationalité, migration et apatridie : une étude pour le compte du HCR et de l’OIM », (https://www.unhcr.org/ecowas2015/Nationalite-Migration-Apatridie-en-Afrique-Ouest.pdf, consulté le 27 juillet 2020).
Mehdi Rostane, 1998, « L’application par le juge du principe de l’uti possidetis », in Philippe Weckel (dir.), Le juge international et l’aménagement de l’espace : la spécificité du contentieux territorial, Paris, Pedone, p. 57-89
Mutua Makau Wa, 1995,“Why to redraw the map of Africa: a moral and legal inquiry”, Michigan Journal of International Law, n°16.
Niane Djibril Tamsir, 1985, « Introduction », Histoire générale de l’Afrique, IV, L’Afrique du XIIe au XVIe siècle, UNESCO/NEA, page 33.
Niamir-Fuller M., 2000,“Managing mobility in African rangelands: the legitimization of transhumance”, in Brent Swallow, Nancy McCarthy, Michael Kirk, Peter Hazell, Property Rights, Risk and livestock development in Africa, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington.
Obenga Théophile, 2001, Le sens de la lutte contre l’africanisme eurocentriste, Khepera, L’Harmattan
Obenga Théophile, 2012, L’Etat fédéral d’Afrique noire ; la seule issue, Paris, L’Harmattan.
Sah Tansah, 2020, « An inclusive reconceptualization of customary international law: a third world approach”, Public International Law, Cambridge International Law Journal, 7 juillet, http://cilj.co.uk/2020/07/07/an-inclusive-reconceptualisation-of-customary-international-law-a-third-world-approach/)
Salzman P.C., 1994, “Afterword: reflection on the pastoral land crisis”, Nomadic Peoples, vol. 34-35, p. 159-163
Schashar Ayelet, 2009, The birthright lottery: Citizenship and global inequality, Harvard University Press.
Schashar Ayelet, Hirschl Ran, 2007, “Citizenship as Inherited Property”, Political Theory, vol. 35, n°3, p. 253-287.
Sanon Y., 2003, Politiques publiques et développements de l’élevage au Burkina Faso : politique de sédentarisation et évolution de l’organisation sociale et productive des fulbé burkinable, Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-Nanterre.
Sorel Jean Marc, Mehdi Rostane, 1994, « L’uti possidetis entre la consécration juridique et la pratique : essai de réactualisation », Annuaire français de droit international, p. 11-40.
Swallow Brent, Mc Carthy Nancy, Kirk Michael, Hazell Peter, 2000, Property rights, risks and livestock development in Africa, IFRI, Washington.
Tavernier Paul, 2001, « Les différends frontaliers terrestres dans la jurisprudence de la CIJ », AFDI, vol. 47, p.146.
Tonah Steve, 2002, “The Politics of Exclusion: The expulsion of Fulbe pastoralists from Ghana in 1999/2000”, Working Paper N°44, Max Planck Institute.
Traoré Halle, “Problems in pastoral land management related to tenure: policies versus basic practice, managing land tenure and resource access” in Gret and Lled (ed.), West Africa, proceedings of a workshop held in Goree, Senegal.
Willame Jean-Claude, 1997, Violences ethniques et gestion de l’identitaire au Kivu, Bruxelles, Institut africain, Cahiers africains, n°25, Paris : L’Harmattan