3- The Interpretation of the 1929 Treaty and its Legal Relevance and Implications for the Stability of the Region
Corresponding Author(s) : Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba
Revue africaine de sociologie,
Vol. 11 No 1 (2007): Revue africaine de sociologie
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- Adler, P. S., 1993, ‘Time and Motion Regained’, Harvard Business Review. Jan-Feb:97-108.
- Anstey, M., 2006, ‘Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing: The Transformation of Labour Relations in South Africa’s Automobile Manufacturing Industry’, South African Journal of Labour Relations. 30, 1: (in press).
- Anstey, M., 2004, ‘African Renaissance: Implications for Labour Relations’, South African Journal of Labour Relations. 28, 1: 34-82.
- Anstey, M., 2001, ‘Labor Disputes: Making Use of Regimes’, in Zartman, W., ed., Preventive Negotiation: Avoiding Conflict Escalation. New York, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Anstey, M., 1997, Employee Participation and Workplace Forums. Cape Town, Juta. Appelbaum, E., and
- Batt, R., 1994, The New American Workplace. New York: ILR Press.
- Berggren, C., 1993, Alternatives to Lean Production. New York, ILR.
- Bluestone, B. and Bluestone, I., 1992, Negotiating the Future: A Labor Perspective on American Business. New York, Basic Books.
- Brecher, J., 1997, Strike!, Boston, South End Press.
- Brewster, C., Carey, L., Dowling, P., Grobler, P., Holland, P., Warnich, S., 2003, Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management, (2ⁿᵈ ed). Cape Town, Oxford University Press.
- Carson, I., 2004, ‘Perpetual Motion: A Survey of the Car Industry’, The Economist Sept 4: 3-15.
- Chen, J., 2002, ‘China and the ILO: Formal Cooperation Masks Rejection of Key Labour Rights’, Asian Labour Update . 44. July-Sept. (www.amrc.org.hk/4401.htm).
- Chang, C. and Bain, T., 2006, ‘Employment Relations Across the Taiwan Strait: Globalisation and State Corporatism’, Journal of Industrial Relations. 48, 1: 99-115.
- China Labor Watch,2004a, ‘Guangdon Raises Minimum Wage Level’, China Labor Watch. www.chinalaborwatch.org/en/web/article.php?article.
- China Labor Watch. 2004b. ‘China Threatens Action Against Multinationals’, China Labor Watch. www.chinalaborwatch.org/en/web/article.php?article.
- Cooke, W., ‘The Influence of Industrial Relations on US Foreign Direct Investment Abroad’, Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 51, 1: 3-17.
- Cusumano, M. A., 1994, ‘The Limits of ‘Lean’. Sloan Management Review. Summer: 27-32.
- Dale, B. G., and Boaden R. J., 1990, ‘The Use of Teams in Quality Improvement’, in Dale, B. G.,ed., Managing Quality (2ⁿᵈ ed). Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall.
- Dicken, P., 2003, Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21ˢᵗ Century. London: Sage Publications. Ch 11.
- Drucker, P., 1993, Post-Capitalist Society. New York: Harper Collins. Drucker, P., 1946, The Concept of The Organisation. New York, John Day.
- Dulles, F. R. and Dubofsky, M., 1984, Labor in America: A History (4ᵗʰ ed). Arlington Heights: Harlan Davidson.
- Economist, 2005, Pocket World in Figures 2006. London, Profile Books. Economist, 2005a, June 11. ‘General Motors: The Lost Years’, Economist 375,8430:60.
- Economist, 2005b, June 4. ‘Dream machines’, Economist, 375, 8429:23-25. Economist, 2005b, Apr 23. ‘How Much Worse Can it Get?’ Economist, 375, 8423: 60. Economist, 2005c, Apr 23. ‘Shanghaied’, Economist, 375, 8423: 61.
- Economist, 2004, ‘Perpetual Motion: A Survey of the Car Industry’, Economist Sept 4. Economist, 2003, Pocket World in Figures 2004. London, Profile Books.
- Estey, M., 1981, The Unions: Structure, Development and Organisation (3ʳᵈ ed) New York: Harcourt Brace: Jovanovich.
- Forbes, D., 1987, ‘The Lessons of NUMMI’, Business Month. June: 34-37.
- Friedman, E., ed., 1994, The Politics of Democratisation: Generalising East Asian Experiences. Boulder, Westview Press.
- Graham, I. and Bibby, A., 2002, ‘Labour Agreements: A Framework for Rights’,World of Work. 45. December: 4-7.
- Greenwald, J., 1992, ‘General Motors: What Went Wrong?’, Time. November. Grieder, W., 1997, One World, Ready Or Not. New York, Touchstone.
- Heckscher, C., 1988, The New Unionism. New York: Basic Books.
- Hertz, N., 2001, The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy.London, William Heinemann.
- ILO., 2005, ‘Jobs and The Millenium Generation: Working Out of Poverty’, The World Of Work. 55, Dec: 4-7.
- Imai, M., 1991, Kaizen: The Way to Japan’s Competitive Success. Singapore: McGraw Hill.
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2004, Labour Situation in Japan and Analysis 2004/5. Tokyo, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training.
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2004, Japanese Working Life Profile 2004/5. Tokyo, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training.
- Johnson, T., 2005, ‘Global Competitors: China Evolves Into a Fierce Market. Detroit Free Press’, Apr 26. Http://www.freep.com/money/autonews/ china26e.20050426.html.
- Katz, H. C. and Kochan, T. A., 2000, An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations (2ⁿᵈ ed) Boston, Irwin McGraw Hill.
- Kjellberg, A., 1992, Sweden: Can the Model Survive?, in Ferner, A. and Hyman, R., eds., Industrial Relations in the New Europe. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- Kochan, T., Katz, H. C., McKersie, R. B., 1986, The Transformation of American Industrial Relations. New York, Basic Books.
- Lawler, E., 1992, The Ultimate Advantage. New York: Jossey Bass. Lawler, E., 1991, High Involvement Management. New York: Jossey Bass.
- Marginson, P. and Sisson, K., 1993, ‘The Structure of Transnational Capital in Europe: the Emerging Euro-company and its implications for Industrial Relations’, in Hyman, R. and Ferner, A., eds., New Frontiers in European Industrial Relations. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Monden, Y., 1983, The Toyota Production System. Norcross Georgia, Industrial Engineering and Management Press.
- NAAMSA, National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa: Annual Report 2004. Pretoria, Naamsa.
- Nakamura, M., 1994, ‘Democratisation, Peace and Development in Occupied Japan 1945-1952’, in Friedman, E., ed., The Politics of Democratisation: Generalising East Asian Experiences. Boulder: Westview Press.
- Niland, P., 1989, ‘US-Japanese Joint Venture: New United Motor Manufacturing Inc(NUMMI)’, Planning Review. Jan-Feb: 41-45.
- Parker, M. and Slaughter, J., 1993, ‘Unions and Management by Stress’, Paper delivered to Lean Production Conference, Wayne State University, 20 May.
- Piore, M. J., and Sabel C. F., 1984, The Second Industrial Divide. New York: Basic Books.
- Price, R. M., 1991, The Apartheid State in Crisis: Political Transformation in South Africa 1975-1990. New York, Oxford University Press.
- Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), 2004, 2003 Global Automotive Financial Review.Price Waterhouse Coopers.
- Reich, R. B., 1992, The Work of Nations. New York, First Vintage Books. Robertson, D., Rinehart, J., Huxley C., 1992, ‘Team Concept and Kaizen: Japanese
- Production in a Unionised Auto Plant’, Studies in Political Economy. 39, Autumn:77-97.
- Sauls, J. R., 2005, The Collapse of Globalism. London: Atlantic Books. Sengenberger, W. and Campbell, D., 1994, Creating Economic Opportunities: The Role of Labour Standards in Industrial Restructuring. ILO, Geneva.
- Shadur, M., Labour Relations in a Developing Country: A Case Study on Zimbabwe. Aldershot: Avebury.
- Silver, B. J., 2003, Forces of Labour. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Stiglitz, J., Globalisation and Its Discontents. London, Penguin Books.
- Stonehouse, G., Hamill, J., Campbell, D., Purdie, T., 2000, Global and Transnational Business: Strategy and Management. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
- Trade Union Law of the People’s Republic of China. 62/2001.
- Vasilash, G. S., 1992, ‘NUMMI: Proving That Cars Can Be Built In California’,California Production. Feb: 36-41.
- VWAG, 2004, Collective Agreement for Sustainable Future development and Employment Trends. Hanover, VWAG / IG Metall, November.
- Weiss, M., 1989, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic Of Germany. Deventer: Kluwer.
- Wolf, M., 2004, Why Globalisation Works. New Haven, Yale University Press. Womack, J. P., Jones, D. T., Roos, D., 1990, The Machine that Changed the World.New York, Rawson Associates.
Les références
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Anstey, M., 2004, ‘African Renaissance: Implications for Labour Relations’, South African Journal of Labour Relations. 28, 1: 34-82.
Anstey, M., 2001, ‘Labor Disputes: Making Use of Regimes’, in Zartman, W., ed., Preventive Negotiation: Avoiding Conflict Escalation. New York, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Anstey, M., 1997, Employee Participation and Workplace Forums. Cape Town, Juta. Appelbaum, E., and
Batt, R., 1994, The New American Workplace. New York: ILR Press.
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Kjellberg, A., 1992, Sweden: Can the Model Survive?, in Ferner, A. and Hyman, R., eds., Industrial Relations in the New Europe. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Kochan, T., Katz, H. C., McKersie, R. B., 1986, The Transformation of American Industrial Relations. New York, Basic Books.
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