3 - Redefining the Production and Reproduction of Culture in Zimbabwe’s Urban Space: The Case of Urban Grooves
Corresponding Author(s) : Guguleti Siziba
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 03-04 (2009): CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 3 & 4, 2009
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- Abbink, J. and van Kessel, I., 2005, Youth, Politics and Conflict in Africa, Leidec Bill.
- Adjibolosoo, S., 1998, ‘The Human Factor:Foundation for Development and Demo- cracy’, In The Human Factor Approach to Development in Africa. Edited by V. Chivaura and C.Mararike. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
- Amin, S., 1976, Unequal Development, New York, Monthly Press Review.
- Amit-Talai, V. and Wulff, H., Youth Identity 1995, New York and London: Routledge.
- Anthias, F., 1999 ‘Theorizing, Identity, dif- ference and social divisions’ in O’Brien, M. et al, Theorizing, Modernity: Reflexivity, Environment and Identity in Giddens Social Theory, London:Longman.
- Askew, K., 2002, Performing the Nation: Swahili Music and cultural Politics in Tanzania, Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
- Barth, F., (ed) 1969, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social Organization of Culture Differences, Boston: Little Brown.
- Baurdrillard, J., 1989, From Marxism to Post- modernism and Beyond, Stanford California: Stanford University Press.
- Bourdieu, P., 1993, Sociology in Questions, London: Sage.
- Brown, R, H., 1994, Social Science as Civil Discourse: Essays on the Invention, Legitimation and Uses of Social Theory, University of Chicago.
- Burgess, R,, B., 1993, Research Methods, Edinburg: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
- Chambers, R., 1994, ‘The Origins and Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal’, World Development, 22 (7), 953-969.
- Christiansen, C., Utas, M. and Vigh, H. E., 2006, ‘Introduction: Navigating Youth, Generating
- Adulthood’, in Christiansen, Catrine, Mats Utas and Henrik. E. Vigh, eds., 2006, Navigating Youth, Generating Adulthood: Social Becoming in an African Context, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet,9-28.
- Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S., (eds), 2000, Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks, Sage.
- Dlamini, S. N., 1994, Youth and Identity Politics in South Africa, Anthropological Horizon Series,Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Durkheim, E., 1982, Rules of the Sociological Method, and Selected Texts on Society and its Method,(ed) S. Lukes, Macmillan, London.
- Durkheim, E., 1995, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Free Press.
- Elliot, A., 2007, Concepts of the Self, Cambridge: Polity Press
- Flick, U., 1998, Introduction to qualitative research, London: Sage Publications.
- Foucalt, M., 2003, Abnormal: lectures at the College de France 1974-1975; edited by Valerio Marchetti and Antonnella Salomomi; translated by Graham Burchell, London: Verso.
- Fuss, D., 1991, Inside/Outside: Gay Theories, Lesbian Theories. New York: Routledge.
- Gaidzanwa, R., (ed), 2001, Policy Making Issues in Southern Africa, Harare: SAPES Books.
- Geertz, C., 1973, Interpretation of Cultures, New York: Basic Books.
- Giddens, A., 1981, Central Problems in Social Theory, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.
- Giddens, A., 1991, Modernity and Self Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Gilchrist, V. J., ‘Key Informant Interviews’ in B. F, Crabtree, W. L., Miller (eds), 1992, Doing Qualitative Research, Volume 3, Research Methods for Primary Care, Newbury Park, Sage.
- Grablik, S., 1998, ‘Dancing with Baudrillard’ Art in America, 76 (6), 27-29.
- Haupt, A., 2001, ‘Black Thing, Hip-Hop Nationalism, “Race and Gender”, in Prophets of da City and Brasse vannie Kaap,’ in Erasmus, Zimitri ed., Coloured by History shaped by Place: New Perspectives on Coloured Identities in Cape Town, Cape Town: Kwela Books.
- Holton, R., 1998, Globalization and the Nation State, London: McMillan.
- Kuczynski, J., (ed), 2002, Perspectives on Contemporary Youth, Tokyo: United Nations University.
- Little, K. and Price, A., 1973, ‘Some Trends in Modern Marriage Among West Africans’ in Turnbull C., (ed), Africa and Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Long, N., 1992, Encounters at the Interface: a Perspective on Social Discontinuities in Rural Development, London: Cambridge University Press.
- Long, N., 2002, Development Sociology: Actor Perspectives, London: Routledge.
- Maticka-Tyndale, Eleanor et al., eds., 2007, Human Sexuality in Africa: Beyond Reproduction, Auckland Park: Fanele.
- Mate, R., 2002, Wombs as God’s laboratories: Pentecostal Discourses of Femininity in Zimbabwe, Africa Journal of the Internatio- nal African Institute, vol 72, no 4, p.549-568.
- Maxwell, D., 1998, Delivered from the Spirit of Poverty? Pentecostalism, prosperity and modernity in Zimbabwe, Journal of Religion Africa 28 (3), 350-73.
- Merton, R., 1957, Social Theory and Social Structure, Free Press, Glencoe, New York.
- Ngugi, W. T., 1981, Decolonizing the Mind: The politics of Language in African Literature, Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House.
Abbink, J. and van Kessel, I., 2005, Youth, Politics and Conflict in Africa, Leidec Bill.
Adjibolosoo, S., 1998, ‘The Human Factor:Foundation for Development and Demo- cracy’, In The Human Factor Approach to Development in Africa. Edited by V. Chivaura and C.Mararike. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
Amin, S., 1976, Unequal Development, New York, Monthly Press Review.
Amit-Talai, V. and Wulff, H., Youth Identity 1995, New York and London: Routledge.
Anthias, F., 1999 ‘Theorizing, Identity, dif- ference and social divisions’ in O’Brien, M. et al, Theorizing, Modernity: Reflexivity, Environment and Identity in Giddens Social Theory, London:Longman.
Askew, K., 2002, Performing the Nation: Swahili Music and cultural Politics in Tanzania, Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
Barth, F., (ed) 1969, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social Organization of Culture Differences, Boston: Little Brown.
Baurdrillard, J., 1989, From Marxism to Post- modernism and Beyond, Stanford California: Stanford University Press.
Bourdieu, P., 1993, Sociology in Questions, London: Sage.
Brown, R, H., 1994, Social Science as Civil Discourse: Essays on the Invention, Legitimation and Uses of Social Theory, University of Chicago.
Burgess, R,, B., 1993, Research Methods, Edinburg: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
Chambers, R., 1994, ‘The Origins and Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal’, World Development, 22 (7), 953-969.
Christiansen, C., Utas, M. and Vigh, H. E., 2006, ‘Introduction: Navigating Youth, Generating
Adulthood’, in Christiansen, Catrine, Mats Utas and Henrik. E. Vigh, eds., 2006, Navigating Youth, Generating Adulthood: Social Becoming in an African Context, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet,9-28.
Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S., (eds), 2000, Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousand Oaks, Sage.
Dlamini, S. N., 1994, Youth and Identity Politics in South Africa, Anthropological Horizon Series,Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Durkheim, E., 1982, Rules of the Sociological Method, and Selected Texts on Society and its Method,(ed) S. Lukes, Macmillan, London.
Durkheim, E., 1995, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Free Press.
Elliot, A., 2007, Concepts of the Self, Cambridge: Polity Press
Flick, U., 1998, Introduction to qualitative research, London: Sage Publications.
Foucalt, M., 2003, Abnormal: lectures at the College de France 1974-1975; edited by Valerio Marchetti and Antonnella Salomomi; translated by Graham Burchell, London: Verso.
Fuss, D., 1991, Inside/Outside: Gay Theories, Lesbian Theories. New York: Routledge.
Gaidzanwa, R., (ed), 2001, Policy Making Issues in Southern Africa, Harare: SAPES Books.
Geertz, C., 1973, Interpretation of Cultures, New York: Basic Books.
Giddens, A., 1981, Central Problems in Social Theory, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.
Giddens, A., 1991, Modernity and Self Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Cambridge: Polity Press.
Gilchrist, V. J., ‘Key Informant Interviews’ in B. F, Crabtree, W. L., Miller (eds), 1992, Doing Qualitative Research, Volume 3, Research Methods for Primary Care, Newbury Park, Sage.
Grablik, S., 1998, ‘Dancing with Baudrillard’ Art in America, 76 (6), 27-29.
Haupt, A., 2001, ‘Black Thing, Hip-Hop Nationalism, “Race and Gender”, in Prophets of da City and Brasse vannie Kaap,’ in Erasmus, Zimitri ed., Coloured by History shaped by Place: New Perspectives on Coloured Identities in Cape Town, Cape Town: Kwela Books.
Holton, R., 1998, Globalization and the Nation State, London: McMillan.
Kuczynski, J., (ed), 2002, Perspectives on Contemporary Youth, Tokyo: United Nations University.
Little, K. and Price, A., 1973, ‘Some Trends in Modern Marriage Among West Africans’ in Turnbull C., (ed), Africa and Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Long, N., 1992, Encounters at the Interface: a Perspective on Social Discontinuities in Rural Development, London: Cambridge University Press.
Long, N., 2002, Development Sociology: Actor Perspectives, London: Routledge.
Maticka-Tyndale, Eleanor et al., eds., 2007, Human Sexuality in Africa: Beyond Reproduction, Auckland Park: Fanele.
Mate, R., 2002, Wombs as God’s laboratories: Pentecostal Discourses of Femininity in Zimbabwe, Africa Journal of the Internatio- nal African Institute, vol 72, no 4, p.549-568.
Maxwell, D., 1998, Delivered from the Spirit of Poverty? Pentecostalism, prosperity and modernity in Zimbabwe, Journal of Religion Africa 28 (3), 350-73.
Merton, R., 1957, Social Theory and Social Structure, Free Press, Glencoe, New York.
Ngugi, W. T., 1981, Decolonizing the Mind: The politics of Language in African Literature, Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House.