CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos 1 & 2, 2008
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CODESRIA Bulletin,
No. 01-02 (2008): CODESRIA Bulletin
Editorial ................................................................ 1
Lecture................................................................... 5
What is an Anthropologist?
René Devisch ......................................................... 5
Reactions to René Devisch ................................... 12
1. Towards an Ethic of the Intercultural Polylogue
The Path of an Anthropologist
Déogratias Mbonyinkebe Sebahire ........................ 12
A Word About René Devisch
Fabien Eboussi Boulaga .......................................... 14
Existential Dilemmas of a North Atlantic Anthropologist in the Production of Relevant Africanist Knowledge
Wim van Binsbergen ................................................ 15
A Tribute to René Devisch
Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja....................................... 20
The Anthropologist in Four Phases
Noël Obotela Rashidi, ...........................................21
2. Towards a Reappropriation of Local Knowledge and Practices
Anthropology Without Borders
André Yoka Lye,.................................................. 23
An Africanist in Search of a New Epistemological Framework
Dimomfu Lapika ............................................. 24
3. Towards an Intercultural Emancipation
What does it Mean to be Human in an Increasingly Dehumanised World?
Jacques Depelchin .......................................... 27
What is an Anthropologist?
Lansana Keita ....................................... 30
Letter to René Devisch: Kata Nomon
Valentin Y. Mudimbe.......................................... 31
Response .......................................................... 50
‘The Shared Borderspace’, a Rejoinder
René Devisch ................................................ 50
Also in this Issue
French Policy on Immigration and Co-Development in Light of the Dakar Speech
Ange Bergson and Lendja Ngnemzué, .................. 62
Négritude and Postcolonialism: The Dakar Satire, or the Ideological Revenge of the West
Nkolo Foé ........................................................ 68
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