6 - Social Health Insurance in Nigeria: Rethinking the Approach for Effective Health Care Delivery
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No 6 (2021): Bulletin du CODESRIA, n° 6, 2021
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- Adesina, J. O., 2007a, ‘In search of Inclusive Development: Introduction’, in Adesina, J., ed., Social Policy in Sub-Saharan African Context: In Search of Inclusive Development, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Adesina, J. O., 2007b, ‘Social Policy in a Mineral-Rich Economy: The case of Nigeria’, in Hujo, K., ed., Mineral Rents and the Financing of Social Policy: Opportunities and Challenges, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Adesina, J. O., 2008, Transformative Social Policy in a Post-neoliberal African Context: Enhancing Social Citizenship, paper prepared for the RC19 Stockholm 2008 Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Social Citizenship: Politics, Institutions and Outcomes’.
- Barnighausen, T. and Sauerborn, R., 2002, ‘One hundred and eighteen years of the German health insurance system: are there any les- sons for middle-and-low-income countries?’, Journal of Social Science and Medicine 54: 59–87.
- Carrin, G. and James, C., 2004, ‘Reaching universal coverage via social health insurance: key design features in the transition period’, discussion paper.
- Dutta, A and Hongoro C., 2013, Scaling Up National Health Insurance in Nigeria: Learning from Case Studies of India, Colombia, and Thailand, Washington, DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project.
- Gustafsson-Wright, E and Schellekens, O., 2013, ‘Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria one state at a time: a public-private partnership community-based health insurance model’, Working Paper 2.
- Heidhues, F and Obare, G., 2011, ‘Lessons from Structural Adjustment Programmes and their effects in Africa’, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50: 1: 55–64.
- Hsiao, W. and Shaw R. P., 2007, So- cial Health Insurance for Developing Nations, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- McGregor, S., 2014, Welfare: Theoretical and Analytical Paradigms, Working Paper prepared for the UNRISRD project ‘Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies: Process, Institutions and Actors’.
- National Health Insurance Scheme, 2012, Operational Guidelines: Revised Version, available at: http://www.nhis.gov.ng/index.php?option=com_content&vie w=article&id=92&Itemid=77, accessed 1 September 2016.
- Nicholson, D, Yates, R. Warburton, W. and Fontana, G., 2015, Delivering Universal Health Coverage: A Guide for Policy Makers. Report of the World Innovation Summit for Health, available at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/...health-innovation/.../Universal-health- cover, accessed 10 November 15.
- Nyandekwe, M. Nzayirambaho, M. and Kakoma, J., 2014, ‘Universal Health Coverage in Rwanda: dream or reality’, Pan African Medical Journal 17: 232.
- Obono, O., 2007, ‘Social Policy in the Development Context: Water, Health and sanitation in Ghana and Nigeria’, in Adesina, J., ed., Social Policy in Sub- Saharan African Context: In Search of Inclusive Develop- ment, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Odeyemi, A. O. and Nixon, J., 2013, ‘Assessing equity in healthcare through the national health insurance schemes of Nigeria and Ghana: a review-based compara- tive analysis’, Journal for Equity in Health 12: 1–18. Rwanda Ministry of Health, 2010, Rwanda National Health Insurance Policy, Kigali.
- Save The Children, 2008, Freeing up Healthcare: A Guide to Removing User Fees, London: Page Bros (Norwich).
- Scott-Emuakpor, A., 2010, ‘The evo- lution of health care system in Ni- geria: which way forward in the twenty-first century’, Nigerian Medical Journal 51 (2): 53–65.
- Talampas, R. G., 2014, Review of Expe- rience of Social Health Insurance in Three Asian Countries: China, Thailand, and Vietnam, discussion paper series no. 2014: 1–46. United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Global Health and Foreign Policy, 2012, available at: www.un.org/press/en/2012/ga11326.doc.htm, accessed 19 December 2015.
- World Bank, 1980, World Development Report, available at: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/5963/WDR%201980%20-%20English.pdf;sequence=1, accessed 10 June 2019.
- World Bank, 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Bank, 1993, Investing in Health: The World Development Report, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- World Health Organization (WHO), 2000, The Word Health Report 2000: Health Systems Improving Performance, Geneva: WHO.
- World Health Organization (WHO), 2005, Sustainable Health Financing, Universal Coverage and Social Health Insurance, Geneva: WHO.
- World Health Organization (WHO), 2009, World Health Statistics, available at. http://www.who.int/gho/publications/world_health_ statistics/2015/en/, accessed 1 February 2016.
- World Health Organization (WHO), 2010, Health Systems Financing: The Path to Universal Coverage, Geneva: WHO.
Les références
Adesina, J. O., 2007a, ‘In search of Inclusive Development: Introduction’, in Adesina, J., ed., Social Policy in Sub-Saharan African Context: In Search of Inclusive Development, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Adesina, J. O., 2007b, ‘Social Policy in a Mineral-Rich Economy: The case of Nigeria’, in Hujo, K., ed., Mineral Rents and the Financing of Social Policy: Opportunities and Challenges, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Adesina, J. O., 2008, Transformative Social Policy in a Post-neoliberal African Context: Enhancing Social Citizenship, paper prepared for the RC19 Stockholm 2008 Annual Conference, ‘The Future of Social Citizenship: Politics, Institutions and Outcomes’.
Barnighausen, T. and Sauerborn, R., 2002, ‘One hundred and eighteen years of the German health insurance system: are there any les- sons for middle-and-low-income countries?’, Journal of Social Science and Medicine 54: 59–87.
Carrin, G. and James, C., 2004, ‘Reaching universal coverage via social health insurance: key design features in the transition period’, discussion paper.
Dutta, A and Hongoro C., 2013, Scaling Up National Health Insurance in Nigeria: Learning from Case Studies of India, Colombia, and Thailand, Washington, DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project.
Gustafsson-Wright, E and Schellekens, O., 2013, ‘Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria one state at a time: a public-private partnership community-based health insurance model’, Working Paper 2.
Heidhues, F and Obare, G., 2011, ‘Lessons from Structural Adjustment Programmes and their effects in Africa’, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50: 1: 55–64.
Hsiao, W. and Shaw R. P., 2007, So- cial Health Insurance for Developing Nations, Washington, DC: World Bank.
McGregor, S., 2014, Welfare: Theoretical and Analytical Paradigms, Working Paper prepared for the UNRISRD project ‘Towards Universal Social Security in Emerging Economies: Process, Institutions and Actors’.
National Health Insurance Scheme, 2012, Operational Guidelines: Revised Version, available at: http://www.nhis.gov.ng/index.php?option=com_content&vie w=article&id=92&Itemid=77, accessed 1 September 2016.
Nicholson, D, Yates, R. Warburton, W. and Fontana, G., 2015, Delivering Universal Health Coverage: A Guide for Policy Makers. Report of the World Innovation Summit for Health, available at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/...health-innovation/.../Universal-health- cover, accessed 10 November 15.
Nyandekwe, M. Nzayirambaho, M. and Kakoma, J., 2014, ‘Universal Health Coverage in Rwanda: dream or reality’, Pan African Medical Journal 17: 232.
Obono, O., 2007, ‘Social Policy in the Development Context: Water, Health and sanitation in Ghana and Nigeria’, in Adesina, J., ed., Social Policy in Sub- Saharan African Context: In Search of Inclusive Develop- ment, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Odeyemi, A. O. and Nixon, J., 2013, ‘Assessing equity in healthcare through the national health insurance schemes of Nigeria and Ghana: a review-based compara- tive analysis’, Journal for Equity in Health 12: 1–18. Rwanda Ministry of Health, 2010, Rwanda National Health Insurance Policy, Kigali.
Save The Children, 2008, Freeing up Healthcare: A Guide to Removing User Fees, London: Page Bros (Norwich).
Scott-Emuakpor, A., 2010, ‘The evo- lution of health care system in Ni- geria: which way forward in the twenty-first century’, Nigerian Medical Journal 51 (2): 53–65.
Talampas, R. G., 2014, Review of Expe- rience of Social Health Insurance in Three Asian Countries: China, Thailand, and Vietnam, discussion paper series no. 2014: 1–46. United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Global Health and Foreign Policy, 2012, available at: www.un.org/press/en/2012/ga11326.doc.htm, accessed 19 December 2015.
World Bank, 1980, World Development Report, available at: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/5963/WDR%201980%20-%20English.pdf;sequence=1, accessed 10 June 2019.
World Bank, 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Bank, 1993, Investing in Health: The World Development Report, Washington, DC: World Bank.
World Health Organization (WHO), 2000, The Word Health Report 2000: Health Systems Improving Performance, Geneva: WHO.
World Health Organization (WHO), 2005, Sustainable Health Financing, Universal Coverage and Social Health Insurance, Geneva: WHO.
World Health Organization (WHO), 2009, World Health Statistics, available at. http://www.who.int/gho/publications/world_health_ statistics/2015/en/, accessed 1 February 2016.
World Health Organization (WHO), 2010, Health Systems Financing: The Path to Universal Coverage, Geneva: WHO.