6 - Post-continentalism: An appreciative response to René Odanga
Corresponding Author(s) : David Mills
CODESRIA Bulletin,
No 3 (2022): Bulletin du CODESRIA
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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- Benabdallah, L., 2020, Shaping the Fu- ture of Power: Knowledge Production and Network-Building in China- Africa Relations, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
- Diawara, M., 1998, In Search of Africa, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Harsh, M., Bal, R., Weryha, A., Whatley, J., Onu, C. C. and Negro, L. M., 2021, Mapping computer science research in Africa: using academic net- working sites for assessing research activity, Scientometrics, Vol. 126, pp. 305–34
- Kelley, R.D.G. 2000,. Introduction: A Poetics of Anticolonialism, in Césaire, ADiscourse on Colonialism New York: Monthly Review Press.
- Mazrui, A., 1994, “Global Africa: From Abolitionists To Reparationists”, African Studies Review 37 (3), pp.1–18 Mills, D., Branford, A., Chatio, S., Tindana, P., Inouye, K., Robinson, N. and Kingori, P., 2022, Who Counts? Ghanaian academic publishing and global science. Cape Town: African Minds.
- Nye, J., 1990, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Pow- er,. London, UK: Basic Books.
- Shahjahan, R. A. and Edwards. K. T., 2021, Whiteness as futurity and globalization of higher education, Higher Education, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 1–18.
- Soulé, F., 2020, ‘Africa+1’ summit diplo- macy and the ‘new scramble’ narrative: Recentering African agency, African Affairs, Vol. 119, pp. 633–646.
Les références
Benabdallah, L., 2020, Shaping the Fu- ture of Power: Knowledge Production and Network-Building in China- Africa Relations, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Diawara, M., 1998, In Search of Africa, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Harsh, M., Bal, R., Weryha, A., Whatley, J., Onu, C. C. and Negro, L. M., 2021, Mapping computer science research in Africa: using academic net- working sites for assessing research activity, Scientometrics, Vol. 126, pp. 305–34
Kelley, R.D.G. 2000,. Introduction: A Poetics of Anticolonialism, in Césaire, ADiscourse on Colonialism New York: Monthly Review Press.
Mazrui, A., 1994, “Global Africa: From Abolitionists To Reparationists”, African Studies Review 37 (3), pp.1–18 Mills, D., Branford, A., Chatio, S., Tindana, P., Inouye, K., Robinson, N. and Kingori, P., 2022, Who Counts? Ghanaian academic publishing and global science. Cape Town: African Minds.
Nye, J., 1990, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Pow- er,. London, UK: Basic Books.
Shahjahan, R. A. and Edwards. K. T., 2021, Whiteness as futurity and globalization of higher education, Higher Education, Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 1–18.
Soulé, F., 2020, ‘Africa+1’ summit diplo- macy and the ‘new scramble’ narrative: Recentering African agency, African Affairs, Vol. 119, pp. 633–646.