Publiée: janvier 18, 2015

Bulletin du CODESRIA, N° 3 & 4, 2015

avril 2, 2015
journal system

0 - Éditorial: Professor Sam Moyo, a Great Intellectual, and a Great Leader

juin 5, 2015
Ebrima Sall, Alex Bangirana

2 - New Executive Committee Members

juin 7, 2015
journal system

2 - Tributes to Professor Sam Moyo: CODESRIA President 2008-2011

juin 9, 2015
Dzodzi Tsikata, Ebrima Sall

3 - Sam Moyo: Speeches from the Archives - We are proud that CODERIA has Sustained itself over the Decades

juin 28, 2015
journal system

4 - The Political Economy of Transformation in Zimbabwe: Radicalisation, Structural Change and Resistance

juillet 3, 2015
journal system

5 - CODESRIA 14th General Assembly: Rethinking CODESRIA’s Future: Priorities to Consider

juillet 2, 2015
Fatima Harrak

6 - Summary Report of CODESRIA 14th General Assembly: Creating African Futures in an Era of Global Transformations

juillet 6, 2018
Ibrahim Oanda

7 - Imagining and Creating the CODESRIA of Tomorrow is a Preoccupation for each one of us

juillet 12, 2015
Fatima Harrak

8 - To Talk or not to Talk to Terrorists: That is the Question of these Unhappy Times

juillet 5, 2015
Ken Walibora

9 - Bandung+60 Conference Report

juillet 9, 2015
Ebrima Sall

10 - World Social Science Forum 2015: Transforming Global Relations for a Just World

juillet 10, 2015
Dzodzi Tsikata

11 - Declaration of the 3rd World Social Science Forum

juillet 15, 2015
journal system

12 - Sussex University Confers Honorary Degree on Professor Takyiwaa Manuh, Former President of CODESRIA’ Scientific Committee

juillet 19, 2015
journal system

13 - Academic Freedom Still Matters! The Case of Maati Monjib and Nuno Castel-Branco

juillet 26, 2015
Carlos Cardoso

14 - Débat: Trends and Issues in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Africa

juillet 29, 2015
Ebrima Sall

15 - Black Pain Matters: Down with Rhodes

août 18, 2017
Francis B. Nyamnjoh

16 - Scars of Memory and Scales of Justice: Rethinking Political Assassinations in Post-colonial Africa

juillet 25, 2015
Babere Kerata Chacha

17 - The Human Project and the Temptations of Religion

juillet 30, 2015
Lansana Keita