Publiée: juin 17, 2011

Bulletin du CODESRIA, No 1 & 2, 2011

janvier 2, 2011
journal system

0 - Éditorial: Africa and the Challenges of the Second Decade of the 21st Century: Constraints and Opportunities

février 5, 2011
Ebrima Sall, Alex Bangirana

1 - 13th Codesria General Assembly Announcement: Africa and The Challenges of The Twenty First Century

février 15, 2011
Murindwa Rutanga

2 - Debates & Think Pieces: Some Questions Regarding the Independence of South Sudan

mars 9, 2011
Mahmood Mamdani

3 - Grappling with the Reality of a New State in Southern Sudan

mars 25, 2011
Peter Adwok Nyaba

4 - An Arab Springtime?

avril 2, 2011
Samir Amin

5 - The Political Economy of the Jasmine Revolution: On the Collapse of a Model and the Challenges of the Revolution

avril 15, 2011
Hakim Ben Hammouda

6 - Will the West Ever Learn?

mai 5, 2011
Boaventura de Sousa Santos

7 - The Market Colonization of Intellectuals

mai 9, 2011
Lewis R. Gordon

8 - Reconfiguring Eurocentric Discourse and African Knowledge

mai 29, 2011
Lansana Keita

9 - The Struggle to Convert Nationalism to Pan-Africanism: Taking Stock of 50 years of African Independence

juin 15, 2011
Issa Shivji

10 - Speaking Truth to Power Academic Freedom in Uganda: Uganda - What Needs Undoing: No Democracy Relies so Much on the Military

juin 19, 2011
Joe Oloka-Onyango

11 - Angry Museveni Tells Off His Critics

juillet 5, 2011
Observer Media Limited

12 - Mr President, Here is Why Brown Envelopes are Dirty

juillet 3, 2011
J. Oloka-Onyango

13 - Report on an International Conference on South Sudan: Consequences of the Birth of Africa’s Newest State for the East and Horn of Africa Regions

mai 27, 2011
Tesfaye Tafesse, Christopher Zambakari

14 - Africa must Make its own Images The Third CODESRIA-FESPACO Workshop on African Cinema

octobre 25, 2011
Abdon Kouassivi Sofonnou