ICP: Volmume 10, n° 2, 2009 - Full Issue
Corresponding Author(s) : journal system
Identity, Culture and Politics,
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2009): Identity, Culture and Politics: An Afro - Asian dialogue
L’intercontinentale de la fin de la fin de l’Histoire et les contours d’un nouvel humanisme antilibéral : Naxal, Cabral, San Cristobal et Népal
Jean-Jacques Ngor Sène ............................................... 1
Democracy and Election After Democratization in South Korea
Jung, Young-Tae ....................................... 32
Developing Sustainable Communities in Africa : Components for a Framework
Olajide Oloyede ................................................... 56
Sri Lanka on the Verge on Non-Violence : Can Violence lead to a Stable Peace ?
Rumana Monzur ................................................... 65
Freedom, Race, and Francophonie : Gandhi and The Construction of Peoplehood
Anil Nauriya, Advocate Supreme court of India................... 78
Book Review
Darwis Khudori (Ed.), Rethinking solidarity in global society. The challenge of globalisation for social and solidarity movements. 50 years after Bandung Asian-African Conference 1955, Ed. SIRD, Malaysia, 2007, 202
Par Lazare Ki-Zerbo ...................................... 96
Charles Renel, (1866-1925), L’oncle d’Afrique ou La Métisse, annoté et commenté par Claude Bavoux; Avant-propos de Jean François Reverzy. Coédition ORPHIE, Grand Océan, 218 p. 2005.
Par Dominique Bois ....................................... 98
Deepak K. Singh, Stateless in South Asia ; The Chakmas between Bangladesh and India, Sage Publication, India, 2010, Page; 289,
By Chunnu Prasad ................................... 103
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