The aim of the CODESRIA Bulletin (ISSN 0850-8712) is to stimulate discussion, exchange information and encourage research cooperation among African researchers. Contributions on theoretical matters, reports on conferences and seminars are welcome. It is distributed free of charge to all social science research institutes and faculties in Africa. Interested individuals and institutions can also subscribe.
With a print run of over 5000 in circulation in Arabic, English and French, the CODESRIA quarterly Bulletin is the most widely read publication in the Council’s titles. It contains articles and debates that have grown in popularity and relevance over the years and which have been widely reproduced in numerous other publications in Africa and elsewhere.
Africa Development
Africa Development is a quarterly bilingual journal. It is a social science journal with a major focus on issues that are central to the development of society. Its principal objective is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among African scholars from a variety of intellectual persuasions and various disciplines. The journal also encourages the submission of articles by other contributors working on Africa or those undertaking a comparative analysis of the developing world issues.
African Sociological Review
The African Sociological Review is a biannual publication that exists in the first instance to promote the extension of sociological and anthropological thought among scholars working in Africa. Relevant work from elsewhere is also considered. Contributions may be in English or French.
African Journal of International Affairs
African Journal of International Affairs (ISSN 0850-7902) is a bi-annual publication of CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal. It offers a platform for analyses on contemporary issues in African International Affairs in relation to global developments as they affect Africa.
AJIA welcomes contributions in English and in French from both African scholars and scholars everywhere working on Africa.
Afrika Zamani
Afrika Zamani (ISSN 0850-3079), annual journal of African history, is a yearly journal published by CODESRIA for the Association of African Historians. Devoted to the history of Africa, the journal covers all periods.
It solicits articles that analyse historical processes, reflect critically on methodological approaches and historiography. Its languages of publication are English, Arabic, French and Portuguese.
Identity, Culture and Politics
Identity, Culture and Politics (ISSN 0851-2914) is a biannual publication of International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, Dakar, Senegal.
It aims at dissemination of knowledge and exchange of ideas and projections amongst African and Asian scholars and activists
Journal of Higher Education in Africa
The Journal of Higher Education in Africa (ISSN 0851-7762) publishes analysis, information, and critique on contemporary issues of higher education in the continent with special emphasis on research and policy matters.
The JHEA accepts contributions in English and French from researchers, practitioners and policymakers.
Africa Review of Books
The Africa Review of Books (ISSN 0851-7592) is published twice yearly in English and in French. The editorial production of the Africa Review of Books ( is piloted by the Forum for Social Studies (FSS), based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the active support of the Centre national de recherche en anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC), based in Oran, Algeria.
The initiative for the publication of the Africa Review of Books (ISSN 0851–7592) dates back to about a decade and it emerged out of a shared concern in the African social research community that considered it expedient to create a forum for a critical presentation of books produced on Africa within and outside the continent.
Such a Review was deemed central to the goal of projecting interesting original works of art and science produced in Africa that might otherwise be lost on account of poor visibility. It was also hoped that a publication of that nature could serve both as an important barometer of trends in the study of Africa and a pace-setter for an all-round improvement in standards and quality. The birth of the Africa Review of Books therefore marks the triumph of the collective will of the African social research community and a milestone in CODESRIA’s publication programme.
It is hereby asserted that the Africa Review of Books (ARB) is not associated with, and is by no means related to any other product or project bearing the hallmark of “African Review of Books”.
Journal of African Transformation
ISSN 2411-5002
Dakar, 11 June 2015 – The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) reaffirmed a history of shared ideals and collaboration with the launch of a bi-annual journal titled Journal of African Transformation in Dakar today, 11 June 2015.
The inter-disciplinary journal, a joint effort by Africa’s premier social science research organization, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and ECA, which aspires to become the leading think tank in Africa, will feature material by researchers and practitioners working in organizations and universities on the transformation of African societies.
Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Science Methodology
Méthod(e)s, African Review of Social Science Methodology, is an international journal published twice annually in French and English. It is another invaluable addition to the already substantial stable of CODESRIA journals.
CODESRIA’s mission includes the development of high quality scientific knowledge on Africa and the affirmation of its presence in international knowledge production circles. The new journal aims at consolidating the epistemological foundations of social science in Africa while also ensuring its continuous relations with the general history of social science in which Africa contributes new knowledge with a high level in originality of approach, in line with the singularity of its social history. Although an African initiative, Méthod(e)s covers all methodology issues, regardless of their location and historical trajectory. In this regard, the new journal is multidisciplinary and international in perspective.
The African Anthropologist
The African Anthropologist (ISSN 1024-0969) is a biannual journal of the Pan African Anthropological Association. It provides a forum for African and Africanist anthropologists to publish articles, research reports, review articles, and book reviews.
The views expressed in any published material are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Association or its Executive Committee. The journal aims at stimulating debate of ideas and the development of methods and theory. Articles with a strong theoretical and conceptual frame are most welcome. Research reviews, reports of applied research that highlight the central issues of anthropology are also welcome. All manuscripts will be anonymously refereed by at least two reviewers.
Afro-Arab Selections for Social Sciences
Afro-Arab Selections for Social Sciences, is an annual publication of Arab Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar, Senegal.
It contains a selection of articles published in CODESRIA journals during the year, and other publications in Arab World. The journal is published in Arabic.