Current Issue
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2018): Africa Review of Books, volume 14, n° 2, 2018

About Journal
The idea of the African Book Review was born out of the need to create a multidisciplinary forum that could foster critical debate on African books and debates about Africa. Its objective is to introduce a wide audience to works published by young authors, as well as reference works by renowned academics and authors. This Review was created to make the voice of Africa better heard, which stands out in the context of debates about books on Africa; it also aims to dispel the wave of Afro-pessimism that has begun to prevail in some Western circles.
The main ambition of RAL is to present to a wide audience books published in Africa and which are not sufficiently distributed. The National Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Oran (Algeria), which publishes a certain number of publications (including the journal Insaniyat) is pleased, following the call for tenders launched by the Council for the development of social science research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar (Senegal), to participate in this collective African work alongside the Forum for Social Studies (FSS) in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)...