AD, Volume 36, n° 2, 2011 - Full Issue
Africa Development,
Vol. 36 No. 2 (2011): Africa Development
Selected papers from the 12th CODESRIA General Assembly, except the ones written by Thandika Mkandawire and Tabona Shoko
Running While Others Walk: Knowledge and the Challenge of Africa’s Development
Thandika Mkandawire ..................... 1
Gestion des espaces publics au Congo-Brazzaville : le cas des parkings
Etanislas Ngodi .................................... 37
The National Project as a Public Administration Concept: The Problematic of State Building in the Search for New Development Paradigms in Africa
Tukumbi Lumumba-Kasongo...................... 63
Médias et publicisation de la sphère privée au Cameroun
Christian Bios Nelem ........................ 97
Commodifying the Female Body: Xenophobic Violence in South Africa
Naomi Nkealah........................ 123
L’espace public au ras du sol en postcolonie : travail de l’imagination et interpellation du politique au Cameroun
Claude Abé................................. 137
Higher Education as an African Public Sphere and the University as a Site of Resistance and Claim of Ownership for the National Project
N’Dri T. Assié-Lumumba ................... 175
Le paradoxe de l’espace public dans la ville algérienne
Djounid Hadjidj ....................... 207
(Re)Venturing into the Public Sphere: Historical Sociology of ‘August Meeting’ among Igbo Women in Nigeria
Akachi Odoemene ............................ 219
Ethnicisation du domaine public et construction de l’État : pistes pour transcender une antinomie
Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo ................. 249
Shona Traditional Religion and Medical Practices: Methodological Approaches to Religious Phenomena
Tabona Shoko ..................... 277
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