5 - Les facteurs historiques de la demande en tissus identitaires au Nigeria et en Inde,
Corresponding Author(s) : Jocelyne Boussari
Africa Development,
Vol. 47 No. 4 (2022): Africa Development
This article shows how despite a common anthropological feature – an attachment to non-Western modes of dress – India and Nigeria have evolved on divergent historical trajectories for their demand of identity fabrics. In India demand for identity fabrics is predominantly focused on fabrics produced in India, while in Nigeria this demand favours fabrics of foreign origin – wax prints, guinea brocade, and lace. Using a conceptual theoretical framework of the possible outcomes of a contact between peoples, this paper analyses the factors that determined fabric demand trajectories in the two countries. Fabrics imported during the transatlantic slave trade into Nigeria exerted strong fascination on Nigerian consumers. Initially reserved mainly for local kings and chiefs, these fabrics historically took on great prestige that lasted over time. In India, textile production was already well established, and it was Indian fabrics that fascinated European and African consumers. Furthermore, in its march to independence, India positioned textiles as a key issue with a nationalist discourse that had manifestations in dress and was linked to craft textile production.
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Castonguay, S., 2009, « L’histoire moderne des textiles nigérians en réserve de cire »,Magazine de l’OMPI, n° 4, p. 13-15.
Cassara, C., 1991, « Wax et Fancy, une histoire complexe », Tissus d’Afrique, Claude Fauque, Otto Wollenweber-Syros Alternatives-Paris, p. 63.
Cohn, C., 2013, “India and Nigeria: Similar Colonial Legacies, Vastly Different Trajectories: An Examination of the Differing Fates of Two Former British Colonies,” Cornell International Affairs Review, 7(1), retrieved from http:// www.inquiriesjournal.com/a?id=1483.
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Gbado, L. B., Ouassa, C., Agossou, M., Abigbe, V., Avissoudo, V., 2006a, Les messages du pagne, Éditions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Cotonou, Bénin, 78 pages.
Gbado, L. B., Ouassa, C., Agossou, M., Abigbe, V., Avissoudo, V., 2006b, La longue histoire du pagne, éditions Ruisseaux d’Afrique, Cotonou, Bénin, 79 pages.
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Grosfilley, A., 2006, Textiles d’Afrique, entre tradition et modernité, Édition Point de vue, Département de Seine-Maritime, France, 96 pages.
Grosfilley, A., 2018, Wax et Co. Anthologie des tissus imprimés d’Afrique, Éditions La Martinière, Espagne, 262 pages.
Grosfilley, A., 2019, 500 tissus, Édition Point de vue, Éditions La Martinière, Slovénie, 382 pages.
Guerraoui, Z., 2009, « De l’acculturation à l’interculturation : réflexions épistémologiques », L’Autre, n° 2, Vol. 10, p. 195-200. https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/français/fascination/32942 https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/français/emprunt/29014 https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/français/contact/18534 https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/français/acculturation/577 https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/français/aliénation/2256 https://www.jeuneafrique.com/433230/société/chronologie-des-dates-cles-de-lhistoire-de-lesclavage-france/ https://www.bisinessfrance.fr/les-industries-culturelles-et-creatives-au-nigeria https://www.lepetitjournal.com/chanai/comprendre-inde/cinema-indien-tout-savoir-sur-le bollywood-classique-272387.
Inikori, Joseph, 2009, “English versus Indian Cotton Textiles: The Impact of Imports on Cotton Textile Production in West Africa,” in How India Clothed the World, Leiden: Brill, pp. 85–114.
Kriger, C. E., 2006, Cloth in West African History, Rowman Altamira, 214 pages. Kriger C. E., 2018, Mapping the History of Cotton Textile Production in Precolonial West Africa, http://www.jstor.org/stable/4617606.
Machado, P., 2009, “Cloths of a New Fashion: Indian Ocean Networks of Exchange and Cloth Zones of Contact in African and India in 18th and 19th centuries”, in Riello and Roy How India Clothed the World, Leiden: Brill, p. 53–84.
Maiwada, S. 2020. “Declining Supply and Continued Demand for Handwoven Textiles, Kano State,” in Textile Ascendancies: Aesthetics, production and Trade in Northern Nigeria, E. Renne & S.Maiwada (Eds), Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Maiwada, S., Dutsenwai, S., Waziri, M., 2012, “Cultural Industries and Wealth Creation: The Case of Traditional Textile Industry in Nigeria,” American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2(5), p. 159–165.
Mehra, N., Yaruingam, A. S., 2015, “India-Nigeria relations (from historical friends to strategic partners)”, Academic Research Journals, vol. 3(5), p. 232–239. Disponible sur : http://www.academicresearchjournals.org/lJPSD/Index.html.
Mercier, P., « Royaume du Bénin. La côte des esclaves », https://www.universlis.fr/encyclopedie/royaume-du-benin.
Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères (France), « Présentation du Nigeria », https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/nigeria/presentation-du-nigeria.
Monroe, C., « Les villes de la Côte des esclaves » (https://www.pourlascience.fr/sd/ physique/pour-la-science-416-618-.php), 25 avril 2012.
Nkechi, I., « Le Nigeria se mobilise pour relancer son industrie textile », Afrique (https://allianceforscience.cornell.edu/blog/2019/04/nigeria-moves-revive- textile-industry, 27 mai 2019.
Onyeiwu, Steve, 1997, “The Modern Textile Industry in Nigeria: History, Structural Change, and Recent Developments,” Textile History 28 (2), p. 234–249.
Redfield, R., Linton, R., Herskovits M. J., 1936, « Mémorandum pour l’étude de l’acculturation », www.minkowska.com/content/memorandum-pour-letude- de_lacculturation.
Renne, E., 2020, “The Social Context of Precolonial Northern Nigerian Handwoven Textiles”, in E. Renne & S. Maiwada (Eds), Textile Ascendancies: Aesthetics, production and Trade in Northern Nigeria, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Rey-Debove, J. (Dir.), 2004, Dictionnaire du français, Paris, France : CLE International, 1232 pages.
Riello, Giorgio et Tirthankar, Roy, 2009, How India Clothed the World: The World of South Asian Textiles, 1500–1850, Leiden: Brill, pp. 85–114.
Roy, T., 2020, The Crafts and Capitalism: Handloom Weaving Industry in Colonial India, London: Routledge India, 186 pages.
Shea, Philip. 2006. “Big Is Sometimes Best: The Sokoto Caliphate and Economic Advantages of Size in the Textile Industry,” African Economic History, n° 34, p. 5–21.
Singh, M. (dir), 2000, Tissus indiens, L’Aventurine, Paris, France, 149 pages.
Sylvanus, N., 2002, “From batik to wax: Origins and development of wax printed textile intended for the West African trade,” Temps Modernes 57 (620–21), p. 128–144 Tourev, P., 2006, «Acculturation », www.toupie.org/Dictionnaire /Acculturation.html.
Wikipédia, « Acculturation », https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acculturation. Wikipédia, « Économie du Nigeria », https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Économie_ du_Nigéria.
Wikipédia, « Histoire de la culture du coton en Inde », https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histoire_de_la_culture_du_coton_en_Inde.
Wikipédia, « Nollywood », https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nollywood.