AD, Volume 21, n° 2 & 3, 1996 - Full Issue
Africa Development,
Vol. 21 No. 2-3 (1996): Africa Development: The African and Middle East Crisis: An Alternative
Africa Confronted with the Ravages of Neo-liberalism
Bernard Founou-Tchuigoila ........................ 5
Ghana Beyond Crisis and Adjustment
Kwame Ninsin.................................. 25
Le Sénégal au-delà de l'ajustement structurel: pour une stratégie de développement fondée sur des forces populaires
Amady Aly Dieng ............................. 43
La crise économique continue
Martin Ezo'o Bizeme & Jean-Paul Komon ..................... 67
Autonomous Economic and Social Development in Democracy: An Appreciation of the Mauritian 'Miracle'
Amedée Darga ................................ 79
Botswana Economy still an Enclave
Guy Mhone ................................ 89
Démocratisation de l'ajustement ou socialisation du développement au Zaïre
Kankvvenda Mbaya ............................ 101
Nigeria Beyond Structural Adjustment: Towards a National Popular Alternative Development Strategy
Tunde Babawale, Akin Fadahunsi, Abubakar Momoh & Adebayo Olukoshi ........ 119
La crise de la société malienne: une alternative
Magassa Hamidou ......................... 141
Le Burkina Faso au-delà de l'ajustement structurel
Basile L. Guissou...............................159
Reflections on Social Change in Mozambique (State Cvil Society and Social Progress in Mozambique)
Eugenio Macamo ...............................185
South Africa: The Popular Movement in the Flux and the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP)
Hein Marais ..................................... 211
The Arab World: Re-compradorization
Samir Amin ..................................... 235
Maghreb, from one Myth to Another
Ali El Kenz ...............................245
The Socio-economic Crisis in Southern Africa (Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
Guy Mhone ........................... 267
Afrique de l'Ouest: les conditions de la relance de la coopération
Bernard Founou-Tchuigoua .................... 279
Book Review
Gallais Jean - Les tropiques, terres de risques et de violences, Armand Colin, 1994, 271p.
Mouhamadou Abdou ................................ 301
Publications Received and Acquired ................... 305
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