AD, Volume 18, n° 2, 1993 - Full Issue
Africa Development,
Vol. 18 No. 2 (1993): Africa Development
Some Problems in Ghana's Transition to Democratic Governance
Kwame A Ninsin ............................. 5
Angolan Woman and the Electoral Process in Angola, 1992
Horace Campbel .......................... 23
Safeguarding Human Rights: A Critique of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights
Kofi Oteng Kufuor ........................... 65
Entreprises étrangères et activités industrielles en Afrique de l'Ouest
Amadou Kaka .............................. 79
Sustainable Development in the African Context: Revisiting Some Theoretical and Methodological Issues
George J S Dei .............................. 97
Contribution à l'analyse essentielle de la tontine africaine
Jean-Roger Essombe-Edimo ...................... 111
Book Reviews
Samir Amin, Le tiers monde entre les impératifs de la mondialisation et les nécessités de l'autonomie - Quelques remarques autour de l'empire du chaos
Hamid Ait Amara & Hakim Ben Hammouda ............... 123
Gabon: Beyond the Colonial Legacy
Jerry Komia Domatob ................... 128
Publication received ......................... 133
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